1200 Calorie People..How do you do it and stick with it?



  • I've been eating 1200 a day for about 3 weeks and lately I find myself having to add things to come close to 1200. I am never hungry. I guess it's because I'm eating very low calorie foods. If you find you are hungry I would suggest trying to find lower calorie replacements for what you're eating throughout the day. I've stopped eating anything past 10 pm(9 would be ideal but I start my day a little later) which hasn't been a problem now that I'm used to it. So that means my meals are closer together and I hardly have time to get hungry before my next meal. I think also I've realised I'd been planning meals that were bigger portions than I really needed. It's nice to get a better sense of what you really need to satisfy yourself (from the girl who could never finish what she ordered at a restaurant).
    I'm not sure if everyone does this but I plan everything the night before as opposed to logging as I go. Then I won't get stuck with no calories to spare :)
  • And the days that I have oatmeal for breakfast I am STUFFED for hours!
  • mariahmilan
    mariahmilan Posts: 28 Member
    I guess it depends on what you're eating.

    If you eat a big leafy green salad with a nice piece of fish that's a pretty awesome meal and banking about 250 calories. But if you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich it can easily hit 500 calories.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I've been on a 1200 calorie diet for five months. I would never go any lower than that however. If I exercise I eat those calories back. Some days it is easy and others hard, but I have lost almost 60 pounds, so it is worth it. We are all different and what works for me may not work for the next person. I agree with other posters though, 1200 is way to low for a guy.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    1200 calories is so low! You guys should really check out the EM2WL group (Eat More 2 Weigh Less) and calculate your TDEE, BMR and take a 15% cut from there. Huge deficits can actually inhibit weight loss.

    1200 may be too low for you but it is right for others. Don't judge unless you want to be judged yourself.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    1200 calories is so low! You guys should really check out the EM2WL group (Eat More 2 Weigh Less) and calculate your TDEE, BMR and take a 15% cut from there. Huge deficits can actually inhibit weight loss.

    What if your EM2WL and TDEE% comes out into the 1200's?
  • kaylather
    kaylather Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,
    I am eating 1200 a day. Add me if you'd like to see my diary
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I average around 1300 a day as 1200 was just a little too low for me. My diary is open if you want to take a peek.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    1200 calories is so low! You guys should really check out the EM2WL group (Eat More 2 Weigh Less) and calculate your TDEE, BMR and take a 15% cut from there. Huge deficits can actually inhibit weight loss.

    What if your EM2WL and TDEE% comes out into the 1200's?

    You must be calculating something wrong. I'm 32, 5'0 and 146 pounds. My BMR is around 1400 and my TDEE is somewhere between 1800 and 2000. Even someone that doesn't exercise is bound to have a higher TDEE than 1200.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I eat 1200 NET and I believe that is the key. I eat between 1500-1900 calories per day and never feel deprived.
    Yes, this. I eat 1200 NET calories and let my FitBit tell me how many more calories I should eat based on the exercise I do for the day. My diary is wide open if you want to take a look. For me, it's all about how much protein I take in. The protein I eat each day keeps me full FAR longer than carbs do. Yesterday, I worked pretty hard and totally indulged - and didn't manage to eat back all of my calories even WITH 12 ounces of wine! LOL!
  • amyrcathey
    amyrcathey Posts: 8 Member
    I just started the 1200 calorie intake about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have been going over by 200 calories or so. I also eat my exercise calories. I am doing okay with this... feel I can do it (by that I mean get to 1200 and maintain). My problem is that I am not seeing any results!! I've toned up some but no seeing weight loss.... so frustrating!!!

    The number on the scale does NOT reflect muscle gained or many other important factors. If you have toned up its because you are gaining muscle which is awesome and I'm sure you know that muscle weighs more than fat! Not losing weight is not always a bad thing and often times is a good thing (if you are exercising regularly.)
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I'm 5'1", 130 lbs., mildly active (though with a chronic connective tissue disease (genetic) so no heavy lifting; major joint disorders), and my TDEE is STILL around 1700.

    MFP set me at 1200 - I bumped it to 1250 and eat back exercise calories anywhere from 50% of them to all of them. When I'm not traveling and doing business lunches and dinners (aka, have little-to-no control of what's put in front of me) I lose about 1/2 pound/week which is a great, steady rate for me. When I do have control over my diet (even being able to make menu selections) I don't have any problem staying around 1250 NET. I'm a vegan, eat lots of veggies, whole grains, fruits - use a protein powder in the morning to make sure I get enough in my diet.

    All of the discussions on this thread and many others about whether 1200 is reasonable or don't really mean anything until additional information is presented about height, weight, activity level, age, etc.
  • hsgilly
    hsgilly Posts: 4
    I eat 1200 calories a day and exercise by walking between 2 and 3 miles a day at a moderate pace (about 17 minutes/mile). I'm not eating back my calories burned yet, because I still have some pounds to lose. When I hit my goal weight, I'm planning to try to end up with a net intake of 1200 calories, after eating back what I've exercised, and see how that goes. If I keep losing weight, I'll increase the calories. If I start to gain, I'll pull back again or change up the exercise.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    1200 calories is so low! You guys should really check out the EM2WL group (Eat More 2 Weigh Less) and calculate your TDEE, BMR and take a 15% cut from there. Huge deficits can actually inhibit weight loss.

    1200 may be too low for you but it is right for others. Don't judge unless you want to be judged yourself.

    this ^

    That's all you hear on these boards now, "eat more to lose more" or "your body will hold onto the calories" or "you are not eating enough"........

    Then if you go to the fitness boards, it is "lift heavy" ..........
  • JenX15
    JenX15 Posts: 103 Member
    I eat 1200 NET and I believe that is the key. I eat between 1500-1900 calories per day and never feel deprived.


    I started at 1200 cals a day, and I walked for 90 mins a day - giving me a NET of 700 ... the weight would not budge .... I was starving..... SO - my approach to this was - this is a lifestyle change and if I am miserable and starving half the time, no way this is going to stick. I upped my allowance to 1200 NET and voila! I am happy, not starving AND losing 1-2 per week :)

    I tend to log my breakfast, snack and lunch first thing in the morning since I know what I brought with me to work. I also log my mornign excercise - this way I can estimate what I am going to have for dinner and how hard I need to work at night. My averages are anywhere from 1300-1800 cals consumed daily. Some weekends are not great, but hey - this road is not a prison - it's life.


    Feel free to friend me if you want to look at what my diary looks like. :)
  • p1ppers
    p1ppers Posts: 40 Member
    I eat 1200 NET and I believe that is the key. I eat between 1500-1900 calories per day and never feel deprived.

    RIght, I walk several miles each day, that is my only exercise really but I can burn anywhere from 400-800 calories so I always eat back at least half of that and sometimes if I'm hungry I'll eat it all back so my NET is still 1200 but I'm full all the time. I think it is important to eat things that fill you up also, I have carbs and proteins that seem to do the trick for me, not just high calorie sugary stuff (although I do like chocolate everyday!) May not be the most "healthy" diet, but it works for me an I've been losing weight for last 3 years (80 lb so far) and have no problem controlling my weight this way. I also eat every 2-3 hours, so I've always got some food on hand even if it is a string cheese or an apple with a bottle of water (crystal lite infused) nearby 9sometimes being dehydrated will make you FEEL hungry when you're really just thirsty). I think it's all about a balance for you to feel comfortable with so you might have to note in your diary when you are hungry and when you are satisfied and see what is different those days.

    Being hungry is not going to work for very long, why suffer when the goal is to be healthy and happy with your food choices for life. Good luck.
  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    I generally find that as long as I plan my meals, it's easy to stick to 1200 calories a day. I try to make sure I factor in snacks and drinks as well so that I never feel like I'm depriving myself.

    Also try not to stress if you do go over 1200. At the end of the day s*** happens. Just try not to lose your motivation, work harder when you exercise and watch the calories a bit more for the rest of the week.
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    Lots of protein! I eat less that 1200 a day, this is an example of a day plan:

    Porridge w/almond milk and mauka honey (200 cals)

    Chicken breast (50g), Low fat cottage cheese and salad/steamed veg (300 cals)

    Hot chocolate or milky coffee made with almond milk and diet whey belgain choc protein shake (100cals)
    or banana (100cals)

    Chiken/Steak/Fish with stir fry/steamed veg (450 cals)

    Low fat greek Yoghurt, sugar free jelly and fruit (around 150cals depending on portion size)

    AND...you can eat back exercise cals as treats :)
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    I fill up on veggies, high protein and good fats. Im low carb so not much rice, pasta and bread. It's mainly lean meats , veggies and olive oil. I'm not starving at all, with these food you can get a decent amount to fill you up.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Protein and lot's of it would be my suggestion...I don't count calories-I count carbs-- BUT, I have noticed that I eat WAY LESS calories in general by counting carbs instead of calories. Also, I would suggest eating REAL FOOD...not the packaged edible PRODUCTS (those products are not REAL FOOD) if you eat real food you will probably discover that you are more satisfied and eating less calories in general. Good luck to you!