Fat Bottom Girl needs a bike....

I've recently decided that I need a bike. I've been thinking about what I was doing when I was thin and how my life was different than it is now and I realized....I walked everywhere. I live within 1-2 miles from work, the grocery store, a small shopping center and a convenience store and I drive to all of them. I'd like to start biking to/from work each day.

The problem with this is that I haven't been on a bike in...probably close to ten years. The last bike I rode was my father's old one and it's sitting in my mother's garage, probably in some state of disrepair so I've just decided to get a new one. The problem is that I have no idea what to get!

When I was a kid...we have mountain bikes. But now I'm seeing these beach cruisers (that's what my friend calls them) and I'm not crazy about how they look, and I'm not sure how my body would react to how they sit (seems more upright). But I think a mountain bike might leave me hurting.

I'm very overweight (so comfort needs to be considered or I wont ride it). I do have an issue with a back injury (pinched nerve between L4-5) that causes some discomfort but I'm hoping this would help. I'd like to ride to/from work (about 1.5 miles, I think) and to the store if needed. I haven't really considered my budget yet...I guess I'm hoping someone will have a good recommendation and I'll work up. Obviously, I don't want to spend a lot just yet but something decent to get me back in the groove of things. Recommendations?


  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I'd recommned a hybrid. A hybrid is a cross between a cruiser and a mountain bike. Most of these bikes range in the $250 - $299 range and are made to be comfortable. Here's an example,

  • MySignaturecolour
    MySignaturecolour Posts: 48 Member
    I would go with a hybrid too, I'm a fat bottomed girl myself and I had not been on a bike in 20 years probably. I actually prefer sitting upright it is more comfortable and you will have to adjust your seat until you find a comfortable height. I like to ride 2-3 times a week anywhere from 8-12 miles but I started with 3. You probably wont need 18 or 21 speeds I have 7 and I purchased mine from Walmart. I know, I know but it has done the job so far and I plan to upgrade in the future.

    Other than the seat height the only discomfort may be the seat itself, but those can be replaced or get a gel seat cover. Since I ride on the trails I actually have padded shorts. I wish I had a shorter commute to work because I would ride my bike to work most days.

    Good Luck!
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    If you get a cruiser or a hybrid, it typically comes with a comfortable saddle. However, if you like mountain bikes better, they sell wide and soft after-market saddles made of memory foam, gel, etc.
  • Feliciagio
    I have a tricycle! I bought an old one and my husband spray painted it different colors! I have a huge seat and is super comfortable to ride. As a bonus it has a basket in the back that is big enough to hold anything from groceries to my dog! I even hook up my ipod and a speaker and toss it in the basket. It is a conversation piece and super fun!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I just bought a hybrid bike and I love it. However, you might consider a Comfort bike instead. They are like a cross between the beach cruiser and a hybrid. Very comfortable and easy to ride. I would have got one of those but I ride a little more on dirt trails and decided I wanted something a little less "easy" to ride for more exercise.

    The best thing is to figure out your budget and just go somewhere and try a few different kinds.

    Edit: You can also buy a hybrid or mountain bike and just change out the saddle for a more comfortable one.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Cycling is great. I wear special cycling shorts to cycle which have a padded seat and that takes away any issues about a sore rear end. I echo the suggestion of a hybrid. Look at makes like Trek, Marin and Specialized, depending on how much money you want to spend. I have a 90s Marin that I bought secondhand, a rather good machine with a good set of tyres and it serves me well.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I have a tricycle! I bought an old one and my husband spray painted it different colors! I have a huge seat and is super comfortable to ride. As a bonus it has a basket in the back that is big enough to hold anything from groceries to my dog! I even hook up my ipod and a speaker and toss it in the basket. It is a conversation piece and super fun!

    hehe this sounds fun!
  • uscooleys
    uscooleys Posts: 34 Member
    Whatever you get - make sure you go to a reputable bike shop and make sure it is the right size. They can set it up so that you don't have any knee issues and can help you find a seat that works for you. Bad fitting bike = lots of pain!!!