I always sabotage myself, I need a new direction!

I am so frustrated. Whenever I feel down, sad, bored I sabotage myself. I am sure most of us are like this. I just don't know how to overcome it. Some say preoccupy yourself with something else, but I just can't. When I think of a certain food, I need to have it and nothing will stop me from getting it; and when I do it makes me happy. I need to overcome this, I need something else to keep me happy, not food. Is there any tips any one has that can just keep me right on track & not sabotage myself?


  • nurit1979
    nurit1979 Posts: 88 Member
    Drink a giant glass of water with crushed ice if you can. I am the same way..when I start getting bored I start thinking about food and that's when I hit my fridge's water dispenser and fill it up. I find chewing on the ice (yes I know it's not great for you but it's better than snacking on oreos) helps keep my mouth busy so I forget that I'm craving something. Then I go back for a second cup. Basically until food no longer sounds like a good idea.

    You could also try chewing gum. :)
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    omg i am the same exact way! i am posting to this so i can get some good ideas as well. feel free to add me if you would like to help support eachother :)
  • OGJake12
    OGJake12 Posts: 186 Member
    Change your mind state. If you see yourself as a person who "always" sabotages diets that you've been on, then that is exactly what you are going to do... You'll always blow it. Realize that you have full control of what you eat.

    I used to be the exact same way. Especially if I would get a little bit tipsy and whatnot. I just woke up one day, about 30 days ago, and I decided that food in no way shape or form makes me feel good except in the exact moment that I am eating it.

    All of us on this site have some type of issue like this that we needed to overcome. Mine was stuffing myself with junk when I got home from work. Point is, decide to become a different person, and decide to take back control of your life and health.
  • getfitcharles
    Yep, this has been my downfall. Since joining mfp, I've not lost or gained weight. I've joined a gym thoguh recently and hoping it'll give me something to focus on and something to do if I get bored, rather than ending up eating junk.
  • IronFiend
    IronFiend Posts: 44 Member
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Change your mind state. If you see yourself as a person who "always" sabotages diets that you've been on, then that is exactly what you are going to do... You'll always blow it. Realize that you have full control of what you eat.

    I used to be the exact same way. Especially if I would get a little bit tipsy and whatnot. I just woke up one day, about 30 days ago, and I decided that food in no way shape or form makes me feel good except in the exact moment that I am eating it.

    All of us on this site have some type of issue like this that we needed to overcome. Mine was stuffing myself with junk when I got home from work. Point is, decide to become a different person, and decide to take back control of your life and health.

    Well said! I know it's trite, but whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
  • TexasLass
    TexasLass Posts: 16 Member
    What I've started coming to terms with as my biggest issue and why I sabotage is because I still don't believe that I'll ever hit my goal anyway. I try. I eat relatively well most of the time, I drink up to 16 cups of water a day, I exercise. I've lost 30 pounds, but in the back of my mind I still don't truly believe I will ever get down to a healthy weight and be happy with the way I look or feel good in my own skin. So, at some point I think "it doesn't matter either way".

    I wish I had some concrete answer, but just like anything else it's a mind/body control issue that you have to figure out your own special way of getting past.

    I'm the type of person that I can't keep certain things in the house or I know I will eat them--and not in moderation. On the plus side, I'm a tightwad, so going out and buying a burger just because it sounds good is something I very rarely do--maybe once a week. I keep ground turkey or other similar things in the house and grill one myself if the need is that bad. It usually takes care of it--not always, but usually.

    Good luck, and I hope you find what works for you.
  • digressions
    digressions Posts: 19 Member
    Change your mind state. If you see yourself as a person who "always" sabotages diets that you've been on, then that is exactly what you are going to do... You'll always blow it. Realize that you have full control of what you eat.

    I used to be the exact same way. Especially if I would get a little bit tipsy and whatnot. I just woke up one day, about 30 days ago, and I decided that food in no way shape or form makes me feel good except in the exact moment that I am eating it.

    All of us on this site have some type of issue like this that we needed to overcome. Mine was stuffing myself with junk when I got home from work. Point is, decide to become a different person, and decide to take back control of your life and health.

    ^^ THIS!!! One day, I just decided I wanted to change. So I did. <3
  • EggToni
    EggToni Posts: 190 Member
  • pHatWeenie
    pHatWeenie Posts: 23
    I'm in no way there yet, I used to binge big time. Since I started on MFP I haven't had very many days where I do binge. I put all my focus into an event I signed up for. And just told myself that if I go down that route I won't be able to make it to the finishline. It helps a lot most days but I do get times where I find myself messing up. It's more like living in the moment with the focus of what you want and need (by all means it doesn't always work and I too am working on this) ... Hope it somewhat helps
  • dolphinie13
    dolphinie13 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't know if you're into book recommendations, but 2 that have helped me tremendously are Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon and Intuitive Eating (can't think of the authors).

    Basically, forgive yourself for being human and having normal wants and desires. Ask yourself if whatever your craving will really give you what you need. If the answer is yes, then by all means eat it. If the answer is no, perhaps try to get at the root of the issue. Maybe you're feeling depressed and you need to do something to cheer yourself up. Maybe you're bored and you need to do something you love (read a book, talk to a firend, etc.). Whatever it is if you take a mental step back and try to evaluate what's below the intense craving/emotional eating then it might help you move forward on your journey.

    Whatever you do, whether giving in or moving on, don't forget to be kind to yourself. You are an amazing person. I don't really know you , but I know that much because you decided to get healthy and move forward with your life, and that is amazing all by itself.
  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    I don't know if you're into book recommendations, but 2 that have helped me tremendously are Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon and Intuitive Eating (can't think of the authors).

    Basically, forgive yourself for being human and having normal wants and desires. Ask yourself if whatever your craving will really give you what you need. If the answer is yes, then by all means eat it. If the answer is no, perhaps try to get at the root of the issue. Maybe you're feeling depressed and you need to do something to cheer yourself up. Maybe you're bored and you need to do something you love (read a book, talk to a firend, etc.). Whatever it is if you take a mental step back and try to evaluate what's below the intense craving/emotional eating then it might help you move forward on your journey.

    Whatever you do, whether giving in or moving on, don't forget to be kind to yourself. You are an amazing person. I don't really know you , but I know that much because you decided to get healthy and move forward with your life, and that is amazing all by itself.
    Ditto Dolphinie and read 'Women Food and God', 'Lost and Found' (by Geneen Roth- focuses on intuitive eating. May be a bit woo-hoo for some people). 'Sugar, Salt and Fat' by Michael Moss (talks about how the food industry has made processed food addictive. Helped me walk away from junk food, most of the time).
  • anjiemr
    anjiemr Posts: 41 Member
  • lambchoplewis

    I used to be the exact same way. Especially if I would get a little bit tipsy and whatnot. I just woke up one day, about 30 days ago, and I decided that food in no way shape or form makes me feel good except in the exact moment that I am eating it.

    All of us on this site have some type of issue like this that we needed to overcome. Mine was stuffing myself with junk when I got home from work. Point is, decide to become a different person, and decide to take back control of your life and health.

    I love this!! I am the same. When I have a glass or two of wine - it turns into a binge. I continue to fight this. I agree that the food is good only for the moment it is in my mouth. That is probably why I binge as I just want more and more and more. Then, I feel like crap and don't sleep good. The next day is so hard. A cycle I want and WILL break.