I can't seem to get enough calories a day!

It's difficult for me to eat more than 1000 calories a day when I'm eating healthy organic and non GMO. I feel like if I want to add more calories I would need to eat non stop or add in more items that would have me going over my recommended saturated fats and carb limit as well as eating processed junk. I eat lots of veggies, healthy fats, lean protein, organic dairy and all without eating red meat and pork. Is it more important to eat enough calories versus healthy organic diet full of enough protein, carbs and healthy fats and enough vitamins and minerals? I hear people saying how bad it is not to get enough calories but I'm sure those people don't eat clean because when you do everything is lower cal and you would have to eat non stop to eat 1500 calories a day not to mention expensive eating that many fruits and veggies a day.


  • Why do you only eat organic and non-GMO. Neither of these things has been proven to have any benefit what so ever, and can have negative impacts on the environment.
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    That's exactly what I do, I eat MORE of the healthy foods. Even if i'm not hungry Ill be eating something. Eat more heavy caloric foods, nuts, beans, avocados.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    There are plenty of calorie-dense organic, non-GMO options.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    It's difficult for me to eat more than 1000 calories a day when I'm eating healthy organic and non GMO. I feel like if I want to add more calories I would need to eat non stop or add in more items that would have me going over my recommended saturated fats and carb limit as well as eating processed junk. I eat lots of veggies, healthy fats, lean protein, organic dairy and all without eating red meat and pork. Is it more important to eat enough calories versus healthy organic diet full of enough protein, carbs and healthy fats and enough vitamins and minerals? I hear people saying how bad it is not to get enough calories but I'm sure those people don't eat clean because when you do everything is lower cal and you would have to eat non stop to eat 1500 calories a day not to mention expensive eating that many fruits and veggies a day.

    Try adding nuts, seeds, dried fruits or healthy oils like coconot oil to your cooking. That will whizz up your calories!
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Nuts, Avocado, olive oil, full fat dairy
  • I try not worry so much about the calorie intake mine is carbs and sugars im trying to lower, anyone else doing low carb low sugar, the first time I was on myfitnesspal I lost 50lbs then I got away from it and forgot my log in info and had to start over, I have noticed when I eat carbs and sugars i feel horrible rather than when I dont
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    Why are you restricting yourself to only those things?

    Just eat.
  • HLind2013
    HLind2013 Posts: 7 Member
    I am totally with you! I come from some very, very bad eating habits. I try to eat as clean as possible and I want to eat around 1800 cals per day. I can only manage most days to eat around 1300 (average). It is hard, and you DO feel like you are eating constantly to reach that amount of cals. I have no advice for you but am watching this thread closely as I struggle with this too. I hope we both can find some tricks.
  • salydra
    salydra Posts: 29
    The easiest way is to throw some olive oil on whatever you are eating.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Usually an indication that you've cut out way too much fat. A healthy, balanced diet would have you 20-30% fats for proper nutrition. Fat is largely miss-understood, but it is necessary for proper nutrition. Fats are necessary for brain function, nervous system function, and heart health among other things. Quality fats from olive oil, avocado, nuts, nut butters, etc protect the heart from heart disease and help boos levels of HDL while reducing levels of LDL. Get your monounsaturated fats. Also, get your omega 3s. Some saturated animal fats are also necessary to balance hormones, especially if you're very active.

    In summary, eat more fat...it's not evil or unhealthy in proper dosages.
  • I'm not restricting myself. I just choose to eat healthy and clean non processed and GM foods which is about 90% of the American diet. Like I said I eat lean proteins, fruits and veggies, healthy carbs, fats and dairy. It's just harder to get calorie intake up when the things you eat are healthy and naturally low cal. I already eat almonds daily and full fat milk but when you add those to your diet they bump up your carbs and saturated fats fast which I watch closely too seeing as heart disease and diabetes run in my family.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    umm people say that but then I wonder what lean proteins your eating and how much because proteins are kindda calorie dense - I presume your only eating 2 or 3 ounce and your protein in lacking. Also you can eat plenty of potato, oatmeal, and starches/ grains (quinoa) again calorie dense foods. And last but not least are the nuts and oils including avocados - very calorie dense and good fats. so try to be create and not just eat steamed chicken and vegetables.
  • I have nothing against fat. I eat healthy fats, non saturated. I eat avocados and almonds daily which are both high in healthy fats.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I'm not restricting myself. I just choose to eat healthy and clean non processed and GM foods which is about 90% of the American diet. Like I said I eat lean proteins, fruits and veggies, healthy carbs, fats and dairy. It's just harder to get calorie intake up when the things you eat are healthy and naturally low cal. I already eat almonds daily and full fat milk but when you add those to your diet they bump up your carbs and saturated fats fast which I watch closely too seeing as heart disease and diabetes run in my family.

    1/2 cup steel-cut oats, 2 tbsp chia, 3 tbsp hemp hearts, 1 tbsp agave, and a banana will give you over 800 calories.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I don't mean to sound harsh or anything but I often don't understand these posts about not managing to eat enough. If someone needs to lose weight, they obviously know how to eat? Because they've been doing it too much for too long.

    Weight loss is calories in vs calories out, it does not matter where they come from. Of course it's good to cut out most unhealthy foods, but eating all "organic" has no particular effect.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    YES YOU CAN. People who complain about not being able to eat enough PISS ME OFF. I don't care if you're Vegetarian, Vegan, Clean Foods Only, Atkins, whatever the hell diet you're on....

    Natural Peanut Butter.
    Any other kind of freakin' nut mother nature ever 'effing MADE....

    You're on a site for people looking to lose weight and get healthy. Obviously, this means that at some point you were eating more calories in a day than you should have been and have decided you wanted to change this and become more healthy. And now you're either losing weight, or maintaining.


    Stop complaining about not getting enough calories & do a freakin' *Google Search* for healthy, high calorie foods.

    Or search one of the other MILLIONS of postings on this EXACT topic already in the MFP Message Boards.

    Thank you.
  • Lol, wow, if something as simple as a post that you could easily ignore and scroll through pisses you off I feel sorry for you. If you have nothing helpful to contribute but your bad attitude and over use of CAPS LOCK, get off the message boards.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Organic Foods aren't truly helping you anymore than normal, supermarket bought food. Here's an interesting article to that effect:


    Here's some insight as to how much more "healthy" organic food is from the article:

    Myth five: Organic food is healthier

    To quote Hohenheim University: "No clear conclusions about the quality of organic food can be reached using the results of present literature and research results." What research there is does not support the claims made for organic food.

    Large studies in Holland, Denmark and Austria found the food-poisoning bacterium Campylobacter in 100 per cent of organic chicken flocks but only a third of conventional flocks; equal rates of contamination with Salmonella (despite many organic flocks being vaccinated against it); and 72 per cent of organic chickens infected with parasites...

    The Independent article concludes:

    In a serious age, we should talk about the future seriously and not use food scares and misinformation as a tactic to increase sales.

    DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! And more importantly... just eat; don't make impossible for yourself to do, keep it simple.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    YES YOU CAN. People who complain about not being able to eat enough PISS ME OFF. I don't care if you're Vegetarian, Vegan, Clean Foods Only, Atkins, whatever the hell diet you're on....

    Natural Peanut Butter.
    Any other kind of freakin' nut mother nature ever 'effing MADE....

    You're on a site for people looking to lose weight and get healthy. Obviously, this means that at some point you were eating more calories in a day than you should have been and have decided you wanted to change this and become more healthy. And now you're either losing weight, or maintaining.


    Stop complaining about not getting enough calories & do a freakin' *Google Search* for healthy, high calorie foods.

    Or search one of the other MILLIONS of postings on this EXACT topic already in the MFP Message Boards.

    Thank you.

    LMAO :drinker:
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I still don't get it. If I have egg scramble (one egg, three eggwhites) with turkey in the morning, that's over 300 kcal. I have a big salad (lean chicken, avocado, red onion ++) at around 400 calories for lunch. Then a 400 calorie dinner, and add snacks inbetween and after. If you have nuts for snacks, cashews are 585 calories per 100 gram.
    I just don't see how you can't cross 1000 calories very easily eating healthy and enough.

    And don't be angry with other posters trying to help even if they aren't entirely agreeing with you. It is reasonable to be skeptical when someone have been overeating/eating unhealthy in the past and then wake up one morning and forgot how. There are loads of stuff you could add.