Need New Friends for Motivation!

I've been slacking for the past two weeks...not properly tracking my calories and quick adding too much instead of paying more attention to what I have been consuming. My goal this month is to make June a great month for getting back on track and in better shape. My mini goal is 5lbs for this month. I've lost 20lbs so far. I'm 5"3.5 and currently weigh about 145lbs. I only have a handful of MFP friends that are still active on the site and I'm looking for a few more active friends with similar goals to help keep me motivated (so please add me :smile: ). I log into MFP everyday (currently at 230 days in a row!) and enjoy motivating others and seeing what other people are doing to keep themselves eating well and consistently finding the motivation to exercise.

Starting Weight: 163lbs
Current Weight: 145lbs
Goal Weight: 130lbs (Hopefully by Labor Day 9/2/2013)


  • I just added you! I'm totally down for having friends who set a good example! Anyone can feel free to add me too, especially if you I can read your diary so that I have more meal ideas!
  • Sith_magik
    Sith_magik Posts: 11
    I'm up to help out, I'm struggling a little too