Advice please?

hello. I need some advice please! I'm really worried about my weight loss. The thought of loose skin freaks me out so I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to avoid it as much as possible. I'm 6 ft, 202 lb, I was 238 early last year. I started putting on weight 9 years ago I would say. I'm 25. Male. and I am now very active. Walking to work every day and in the gym 5-6 times a week. I also have TERRIBLE stretch marks, especially on my right side (middle picture) however the bit at the top is just a rash I currently have... Is there a way of fading these out somehow or are they too thick?




The thought of having loose skin and these terrible stretch marks really lows my confidence, I admit. Do you think I can avoid loose skin and fade out my stretch marks? Thank you.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    There are many creams for stretch marks that help. Make sure it has vitamin E or just get some plain vitamin and apply. As for loose skin, the only thing that really works is strengthening the muscles under the skin. ( may not be 100% though)
  • Supremacy88
    OK and creams can hide them pretty well? Thank you for the reply.

    I'll appreciate any help, I really need the confidence boost.

    Also with that figure, does anyone think it will be possible to one day achieve a six-pack? Or is it not possible now that I have stretch marks from being overweight?
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    I think that loose skin and stretch marks are battle scars which some people simply cannot avoid. I guess a lot comes down to our individual genetic make-up as to whether we are prone to loose skin and stretch marks or not. Some people are just lucky.

    I don't think your torso looks bad, it probably feels worse because you are being uber critical of yourself. I bet if you saw it on someone else it wouldn't bother you and you wouldn't think they look 'terrible' because of a few imperfections.

    Things that help from my own experience (although I am sure there are other things out there which work too):
    1. getting a tan (or spray tan)
    2. some bleaching-type creams can fade out stretch marks which are red
    3. regular moisturising
    4. taking a multivitamin (seems to help the elasticity of skin)
    5. exercise (improves circulation and tightens loose skin)
    6. time. Time really will help. Loose skin takes quite a long time to 'catch-up' with weight loss. If it took 6 months to lose the weight, it can take more like 2 years for the skin to snap back. Time will also make the stretch marks fade.

    Please don't feel down about it though. It really doesn't look that bad. No body's perfect...
  • Supremacy88
    A very helpful reply, thank you. I will make sure I do all those things + drink lot's of water! I try to not let it bother me, I just think if I get loose skin AND have stretch marks... I'm doomed... no girl will touch me with a barge pole.

    I appreciate all replies (-:
  • Supremacy88

    As much as I appreciate the advice already given, I would love more. Thanks.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Use a cocobutter cream on the stretch marks...they will eventually fade if you take care of your skin.
  • bubpuff
    bubpuff Posts: 16 Member
    Most people have or will have stretch marks at some point in their life. They will fade (mine have), but my doctor told me that creams don't work all that well. But it is a personal choice. Maybe ask your doctor about it next check up and see what they say. I agree with what confetti said, they don't look bad. Also, congratulations on losing so much weight! Good luck :)
  • Supremacy88
    Thanks so much about help with my stretch marks. Very helpful replies. I just hope they don't look worse when I've lost weight and that they fade.

    Now about my loose skin worry...Do you think I could escape it judging from them pictures? I do feel like I can pinch a tiny bit of loose skin on my lower stomach. :/
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm doomed... no girl will touch me with a barge pole.

    rubbish... a friend of mine has stretch marks, or his arms, so pretty visable in a t shirt, but i still think he is really fit! (dont tell my husband!!!!)
  • Supremacy88
    Meh. I have them all over. I just have very low self-esteem because of my weight/loose skin & stretch marks.

    Haha don't worry I won't tell your husband. I don't know who he is anyway. (-:
  • aTallLiam
    aTallLiam Posts: 75
    Cream for the stretch marks, and ab workouts for the loose skin. Sorry, that's all I can think off.
    I think you can get it removed by having surgery, but I don't know.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    A very helpful reply, thank you. I will make sure I do all those things + drink lot's of water! I try to not let it bother me, I just think if I get loose skin AND have stretch marks... I'm doomed... no girl will touch me with a barge pole.

    I appreciate all replies (-:

    My husband has loose skin and stretch marks from losing over 100 pounds. They remind me of his dedication and perseverance, which are very attractive qualities.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    you're doing great and you look just fine. Stretch marks do fade to a light silvery colour in time and I've found when I lose weight on my tummy the skin kinds of comes together and makes them even less noticeable (mine are post pregnancy and a few on my thighs, I admit, I'm lucky).

    Bio-oil is very good for stretch marks, so is Ponds Cocoa Butter, so is anything with vitamin E as people have already said. I know this might seem a little bit weird but look in the pharmacy at creams for mums-to-be or shop online and find something in this range!

    As for the loose skin, it looks to me like it will eventually shift with ab work and as the weight continues to come off. You certainly don't look like you need any kind of surgery! and certainly not at this stage of your journey - just keep up the good work the healthy way. Be confident, you have every reason to be :)
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72

    Works wonders for both stretch marks and loose skin
  • Supremacy88
    aTallLiam - Thank you, helpful advice.

    lil_pulp - You have a valid point. Well done to your husband on losing all that weight.

    jakkisr - Thank you! I will look into the bio oil. I certainly hope you are right about the loose skin - this is my biggest fear. Is it normal though that I can grab a tiny bit of loose skin though on my lower stomach? Only if I tug on it, which I probably shouldn't do... For the first 3 stone, I did not go to the gym, I did however do alot of walking, I go to the gym 5-6 times a week now with crunches. I have 2 stone left on my target I however might need to lose more when I get there. Thanks again.

    chloeobe - I will buy that I think, thank you!

    Thanks for all the support, very appreciated (-:

    Sorry for going on, but do you think with stretch marks from putting on weight, it's still possible to achieve abs later on? Also I'm only 25 so maybe this will add to my advantage?

  • rmsturdy
    rmsturdy Posts: 73
    MEDERMA (which is specially for scars) and PALMERS COCOA BUTTER. You'll smell like chocolate (don't try to lick yourself like I did) and eventually the scars will fade. Be patient! Your skin takes a LOT of time to catch up. But a nice tan will instantly make you feel better :)

    And yes you can have abs. You're young and your body will bounce back faster because of it. Abs come from eating really lean (lean meats and good for you fats...yes, you need good fat in your diet) and clean (lower to no preservatives with lots of fruits, veggies and FIBER!) with a lower carb intake (shoot for equal protein to carb ratio or even more protein since you're a guy). Substitute your white breads, pastas and rices for whole wheat breads (check the labels! sometimes breads masquerading aswhole wheats have a LOT of sugar and little fiber), whole wheat or fortified pastas, black beans, sweet potatoes/yams, quinoa and brown rice.

  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! I'm dealing with the same..but LUCKILY you seem to have less weight to lose than I do..even from your starting weight! My bf lost weight a few yrs ago, so he's been helping me. He mentioned that with loose skin, it's best to 'work on it' during your weight loss process. Start doing crunches. Start using a skin firming lotion...daily. And keep in mind, skin is more likely to bounce back when weight is lost more gradually. The stretch marks, they kind of fade away when your skin does bounce back/weight is lost and your areas shrink.

    Don't be too harsh on yourself. :-)
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    A very helpful reply, thank you. I will make sure I do all those things + drink lot's of water! I try to not let it bother me, I just think if I get loose skin AND have stretch marks... I'm doomed... no girl will touch me with a barge pole.

    I appreciate all replies (-:

    If women stay away from you because of that alone, you don't want them! I agree with some commentors...sometimes, the skin won't bounce back right away, completely or at all (depending on the speed of weight loss and amount).

    There are no miracles creams, but, my opinion, lift weights and do cardio regularly and you will see the loose skin might only be a small issue.

    Congrats on your successes and stay the course!

    (PS - I have terrible stretch marks all over my body from growing up and out during puberty and I have a wonderful husband who doesn't even see my lumps and imperfections. Don't be discouraged!)
  • Bacardibarker
    Bacardibarker Posts: 48 Member
    First of all. WOW! Well done you for losing that weight. You should be so proud of yourself.

    I have stretch marks on the inside and outside of my thighs, hips, breasts and the inside of my arms. At first they looked purplish/reddish but now are white/silvery colour. Some with slight dent. They will never go away but they remind me that I never want to get any bigger.

    Using creams will help with the circulation in the areas, drinking water flushes the toxins.

    Talk to your GP regarding the lose skin and gym staff about your abs they may be able to help.
    You look good in your pictures. Well done you! :smile:
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member

    jakkisr - hope you are right about the loose skin - this is my biggest fear. Is it normal though that I can grab a tiny bit of loose skin though on my lower stomach? Only if I tug on it, which I probably shouldn't do...

    Totally normal! you are very lucky! Most people can pinch an inch (at least!) You're young, the skin is still nice and elastic, this is to your advantage.

    Keep up the good work, don't expect miracles overnight, it'll take probably 3 months to see a massive improvement (and poking and prodding and being critical of yourself sure won't make the miracle happen any faster!). Be kind to yourself, don't spend a fortune on creams, you could use olive oil or coconut oil just as easily - they will nourish your skin. Eating zinc and garlic is good for the skin too. :flowerforyou: