My personal challenge

They say it takes two weeks of doing something every day to make it a habit. On this note I have decided to try to create a healthier lifestyle by creating one new habit at a time.

I decided to post this as a way to track my progress. So here we go....

Habit # 1 ~ Eliminate late night eating. For me that means no eating after 7:00 pm.




  • leslieba09
    I love this idea! It's so hard to change everything all at once! I am with you on your goal....I tend to watch an hour or two of TV each night before bed and that's when my bad eating can happen (cereal is my weakness!) so I support you in this goal, I'm in too!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    Today is day 3 of my personal challenge and so far so good...:smile: ...11 days to go.


  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    I made it through the first week (except for a minor slip up of beer and pizza on Friday night)....:blushing:

    One week to go and I can already feel it become a "habit" as the late night food cravings seem to be less.

    I will check in again next Sunday. What new healthy habit I am going to try to create for myself next week??
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    That souns like an awesome idea. That is what I need to do is stop late night eating. I am going to start that tonight. I just posted about wanting to kick start my journey. I have been slacking a little to much lately. So, I need something to help me!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Actually, the 2 weeks or 21 days that many people claim for habit formation was just a "proposal" with little research behind it. (The 21 days was how long it took amputees to begin to get used to it, not habit formation.) Research by Lally et al shows a range from 18 to 254 days with an average of 66 days to form a new habit. For more information about it, as well as other advice about how to form habits, see

    The timing when you eat something doesn't really matter, but if night-time over-eating is a problem for you, good decision.

    All that said... forming any new habit starts somewhere, and you've made a great start!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    Well I did the 2 weeks and I honestly do believe I have adopted no eating after 7:00 pm as a new habit. I don't have the dangerous late night cravings I used to have.

    So I am ready too start on healthy habit # 2 - Waking up an hour before I normally do so I can fit in some type of physical activity before I start my day.

    I have actually done this for quite a few days already so I have a head start...:wink:

    I will check in again next weekend..


  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    Habit # 1 - No eating after 7:00 pm - 3 weeks in and still going strong
    Habit # 2 - Waking up early to fit in exercise before work and on weekends - 1 week in and going strong

    I can't speak for anybody but myself but this approach seems to be working for me...:smile:

    See you next Sunday!! ... and Happy Mother's Day!!

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: You are an inspiration to me...I am going to join you.

    New habit for me: logging food every day. I have gotten away from this and many other old habits have crept in. Seems like a good way to jump back in and gain some control in my life. I will check in with you later this week. Here's to forming good habits!:drinker: (That is water, by the way!)
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    Well I did it! For the last two weeks (plus a few days) I have woken up early every morning and hopped on my spin bike for 30 minutes before starting my day...

    So to recap...

    Healthy Habit # 1 - No eating after 7:00 pm - 4 weeks and still going strong
    Healthy Habit # 2 - Waking up early to fit in exercise - 2 weeks and still going strong

    My new habit starting today.. Healthy Habit # 3 - Adding strength training to my workout regiment aiming for 3x per week.

    See you next Sunday!!

  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Wonderful. Congratulations so far!
    I think you've found a wonderful, reasonable and sustainable way to introduce new, good habits into your life. I hope you're enjoying excellent results already. Thanks for sharing this with us all!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    Well, I have had a hard time incorporating strength training into my regiment, but I have signed up for a personal training session this coming Tuesday at a new personal training only facility that just opened by my house...

    I am hoping that will give me the jump start I need to make this happen,

    I am still keeping up the morning spins and avoiding the late night eating, so all in all I am doing well.

  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    I just realized that I forgot to check in last Sunday...

    All is good though. I have added strength training to my workout regiment twice weekly and I have even upped my morning spins to 45 minutes...

    Although I haven't seen a lot of results on the scale, I am definitely feeling the results in the way my clothes have been fitting.

    I will have to come up with a new healthy habit to start on next week..

  • Courtney5178
    Courtney5178 Posts: 13 Member
    New Habit: To work out everyday for 30 mins. I hope I can do this!!!


  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 621 Member
    It is Sunday so I am checking in...

    Healthy Habit # 1 - No eating after 7:00 pm - 7 week and going strong

    Healthy Habit # 2 - Waking up early to fit in exercise every day - 5 weeks and going strong

    Healthy Habit # 3 - Fitting strength training into my exercise routine - I have been working out with a trainer 2 days per week for the last two weeks and it has been awesome!! Although I have only lost a pound, I can feel the changes in my body and posture.

    My original goal when it came to weight training was to do it 3x per week so I am going to really try to fit in one more strength training day before I move on to a new habit. So this week I am going to create my own strength training day without the help of my trainer...

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...:flowerforyou:

  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You asked for suggestions, so here are a few thought starters...
    * consolidating or reinforcing - a week where you continue with your existing new habits and be conscious about how much you've improved
    * better eating - more whole grains, healtiher fats, better balance of macros, enough calcium or more vegetables and fruits (pick one that fits your needs)
    * add/substitute a new exercise or routine - incorporate things that will give you different benefits, targetting weak spots, balancing strength, cardio and flexibility/balance
    * invent additional reinforcements or plans for times when things don't go smoothly -- for instance, do you have a routine you can do if your trainer is unavailable for a week or two? if you oversleep, do you have a back-up plan?
    By the way, I don't mean to discourage you, but some people actually get better benefits from not exercising every day and giving their body some recovery time. It's possible to do some lighter activities those days and still rest your body. Perhaps that isn't necessary in your case -- I don't know what your daily routine is, but you might want to ask your trainer.
    You're doing a truly wonderful job of buliding good habits. Thanks for sharing this with us!