Fat girl running????

I weigh b/n 207-210 @ 5'2, age 42. Yep im putting it all out there. Something people dont know about me is I would love to be a runner. But im scared. Scared that I couldnt do it at this weight, so I've always been like, "I'll try when I lose some weight". But I want to run to help me lose weight. I remember about 6 yrs ago, I jogged on the treadmill for 11 minutes at a slow rate. It was like around 4.2 mph. Please don't laugh. I have short legs :(. Anyway, it felt amazing (after) I ran that! Felt like a major accomplishment. I'm watching a tv show where a girl started running at 374 lbs!! It just looks so darn painful at that weight. But she turned into quite the runner while she lost weight. I worry about injury at this heavy a weight. I would need a really good bra too. I've never been able to find a supportive exercise bra that didnt give me a uni-boob, lol! Sorry to any guys reading this lol. But I've got boobage :0). So what are your thoughts on this? If I do this, where do I start?


  • RockMe777
    RockMe777 Posts: 24 Member
    I am a bit heavy as well, 240 @ 6 foot, it does hurt my knees / shins to run. I would suggest walking for a while at a brisk pace just to get your body used to it. After you feel pretty good with that maybe start a Couch to 5K program. I do the "Zombies Run" program and it works great for me.

    I'm 49 so I don't want to push to hard, I still get around 300 calories just on a walk / jog for 30 minutes so it works ok.

    The eliptical is also great for burning up calories and low impact on knees / ankles. Good luck!!

    Oh and I really like boobage... Just sayin..
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I am 5'5" and weigh about 234.
    I have been doing couch to 5k and will be starting the 7th week the day after tomorrow. It can be done if you want it bad enough.
  • Trinaw
    Trinaw Posts: 39 Member
    I'm watching the same show and said to my husband if she can do it why can't I? I feel the same way as you and are pretty close to same weight as you. I always here people say you get the same results walking without strain on your knees. But all these weight loss shows show them running? How do we get to the point of loving it?
  • Djdallen
    Djdallen Posts: 4
    First of all, let me just say, GOOD for you for wanting to start something again that made you feel accomplished, and thats the important part. I started out doing run/walk combos when I weighed 275 pounds at 5'10, and it took so much out of me but I was proud when I finished. I now weigh about 160 pounds and run 7-10 miles per week. I had to stop for a while after I developed some knee pain but I started working with a running coach that put me on a treadmill program that has you start briskly walking and taking your incline up every couple of minutes to as high as you can go without hanging on, for the first 10-12 minutes, then as you take your incline down, increase your speed one notch, until you are jogging at a slight incline. It develops the knee muscles and the helps you to run with proper form, decreasing tension and impact on the joints and shins. I say, GO GIRL GO!!! As far as the sports bra, Target carries some that are racer back with a clasp that work well, or try wearing two. Really hope this helps and remember to take cues from your body - if it is painful, stop; just sore, ease off a little but dont give up. :)
  • chartt
    chartt Posts: 31
    I was 236 lbs I was embarrased to even walk let alone run. then I just decided to do it, I started out walking when I got to 3 miles a day I decided to walk and run in intervals and it really helped me to split it that way. I have spinal cord injuries so I still cant run the whole way but now I'm up to 6 miles a day. Try it that way and I'm sure you can do it:flowerforyou:
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    i started at 300 and i ran. i ran so far away.. but i couldnt get away...

    i got down to 250 and was running 6mph for an hr straight everyday for months..

    Im 5'5'' so yea i got the short legs also..

    after losing the majority of the weight last oct i ran my first 5k at 24.36 at 40yrs old. and did 10k 57.10 ( sick most of my training)

    So start as soon as you can.

    make sure to throw in some weights and some core exercises as much as you can...

    O and as far as your boobs it aint nothing duct tape wont take care of.. dont let that hold you back.
  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74
    I had to focus on my diet and just walking until there was enough weight off that I didn't have to worry as much about destroying my knees. Plus I think that for me, making ONE change at a time in my weight loss journey worked the best. First was no more fast food for a few weeks, then drinking lots more water, walking more, then eating more vegetables, etc. After a few months I was eating a very healthy diet and exercising much more. One baby step at a time (and logging EVERYTHING in a diary and/or MFP). Be careful about your knees and back. Swimming is great if that is an option for you. You will do awesome!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I started c25k at 230lbs, you can do this!!
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    207 and about 5'4 here with serious boobage. I dabble in running/jogging. I wear two sports bras. You can totally dooooo it!
  • rjh1975
    rjh1975 Posts: 71 Member
    I was 251.9 lbs at my highest weight (I'm 5'6") and, when I started using our treadmill, I would jog for a minute or two and then walk the same. I gradually increased my running intervals and decreased my walks. As I lost weight, my sessions also started to get longer. It's been about 16 months since I started running and 9 days ago I completed my first half marathon in a time of 2:07:53 :happy: I honestly never thought that I could run and I truly hated it at the start. Now I miss it if I go more than a day or two without running. If I can do it, anybody can!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    That is the absolute best way to loose weight! You can do it? Just start small. Within 5 yeasr I went from 1 to 5.5 miles. Being over 40, I have bad knees and have to wear knee straps. So don't let anything stop you! You can do this!
  • I am envious of people that can run! I started walking in the mornings before work/school... I walk really fast and attempt a jog every other block. I go out at like 6am just because there are way less people out there to be self conscious around! I don't care what the birds and rabbits think... Or the older gentlemen walking out in their bathrobes to get the news paper! Maybe try the early am! It's quiet and is great me time! Don't worry about the uniboob! Even Katie Couric said it in a recent GoodHousekeeping ... that this is the time of year the Uniboobers are out full force! Not an exact quote...Something along those lines... I appreciated the fact that someone like her would acknowledge that! She can buy a much better sports bra than I can afford! We all get it!
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."
    --John Bingham

    As others have suggested, give Couch to 5k a look. I started running about 2 years ago at 27 years old and nearly 275 lbs. I've had triumphs and setbacks throughout the course of my running. I'm 45 pounds lighter than when I started, though I started seriously losing weight only in the past 6 months when I started paying attention to my caloric intake. Also, remember that you're running laps around the people who are sitting on their butts doing nothing. You can do it if you take your time and keep in mind that you don't have to be the fastest person out there. Set your own pace and in no time you'll be running further and faster than you would have ever thought possible. Best of luck!

    I forgot... If you have some knee or other joint issues, look into having your running gait analyzed to make sure you're wearing the correct shoes for your tendencies, and you can also look into any of the various nutritional supplements out there that assist with joint lubricity. I've been taking Animal Flex and my beat up knees haven't felt this good since before I played football in high school.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    5'3" start weight of 230 and for me a good speed for a jog was 4 to 4.5 mph. Don't put it off, start now. Good bra to support the girls, spandex long leg shorts under normal running gear (helps with the chub rub) and good shoes. Then just go for it, as far as and as long as you are comfortable. You'll find you can go farther and faster as time passes. No doubt about it, us fat girls can run and we get smaller with every mile - to date I have RAN 2829 miles and continue to lose weight while gaining confidence.
  • travelgirl77
    travelgirl77 Posts: 99 Member
    I am currently 225 and 5'3. This morning I ran 3.10 miles in 36 minutes. I did it at the high school track where all of these young football players were practicing. I am sure I looked like a fright, but at least I was out there:) I was so proud of myself and I know exactly how you feel. But, I ran before I gained all of this weight and I remember how great my body felt after a good run, so I wanted to try to get back into the swing of things. I started with C25K, which is fantastic and then just ran until I really could not run anymore, then walked, then ran again. Take it easy at first, get fitted with some good shoes, and get in the right mind set. Running seriously is my best therapy! Good luck!
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    I totally feel your situation. I am 5'2 and started at 201lbs, down to 197 now. I'm also a DDD. Due to pain in my feet (suspect neuropathy but not confirmed yet) and arthritis in my knees I don't run....yet! I tried but it was just too painful, I couldn't even do a mile. So my mom gave me her old bike and I fixed it up and started riding. It is low impact, low stress and great cardio. This is what has worked for me so far... However I believe that anyone can do anything if they really want it! Talk to your doctor and if he is ok with it go for it!!! I like the double sports bra idea, I may have to try that one!! Good luck!
  • zombinaape
    zombinaape Posts: 24 Member
    I started my journey at 180 lbs on my 5'3 self in December 2012.
    I started by walking. Then fast walking. Then biking to give my hips a rest when they needed. (Also helped my endurance) To walk/jogging. Then finally running!
    It's honestly true what they say... One day at a time - EVERY single day... Consistency is KEY.

    There will be bad and good days. I fully dedicated my life for 30 minutes a day to reach where I am today. Along with lots of ice pack nights, Epsom salt baths, and tiger balm!

    (Wearing 3 sports bras, sunglasses and a headband made me feel a little invisible when I needed it in the beginning)

    Fake it until you make it! You can do this!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    In to offer support later
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    You can absolutely do this!!! I started at 220, 40 and 5'3" last fall, and started the couch to 5k in December. Last week I jogged a continuous 6 miles for the first time. There's a Couch to 5k group on here, I'd totally recommend you join it. There's a whole lot of us who ask (or asked) the same questions about our starting weights, our knees, our nerves. There's also a thread in that group, "Hey, Fat Girl." It'll more sing to you than speak to you, at least it brought me to tears.

    You've got this!

    p.s. my last weight was 179, so yes, it totally helps with weight loss too :)
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    I'm 5'6", about 205 and I run. I love the feeling that I get after a good run, nothing else can top that feeling. I got fitted for running shoes after I started to have shin pain (I've had stress fractures in my shins before and I will do anything to avoid that again) and having the right shoes helps a lot. They weren't that expensive either, maybe $90. Also, I wear the Enell sports bra and I am a 36F and it has really helped, but it does make you have a uniboob. I, however, do not care what my boobs look like as long as they don't move when I am running, I am happy!