sodium and water

rdonald57 Posts: 74 Member
always over on sodium and I know that the limit is mainly for people with high blood pressure, but i wonder if you drink alot of water does that lower the salt in your body? I am sure it does after some amount of water retention then there must be some kind of rollover where if you drink enough water you start losing more salt then what you had in the food you ate.


  • the_green_midget
    the_green_midget Posts: 80 Member
    I'm curious about this too. It makes sense to me that drinking water would counteract the effects of having too much sodium. Sodium makes you retain fluids, while drinking a lot of water does the opposite.
  • rdonald57
    rdonald57 Posts: 74 Member
    so their is no extra sodium requirement for active people who sweat or working outside? salt is such an unknown
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    From what I understand a lot of the salt hate is correlational not actually causal.

    Salt will make you retain water but drink enough it should get flushed out.