You do the crime, you have to do the time.

That is what I was thinking when I was walking tonight. I really didn't want to keep walking. It was raining and it was a bit chilly for June. When I was about 3/4 the way through my walk I pulled a muscle (not a serious injury, just enough to be uncomfortable), and I really couldn't get into the mood for walking. But, I went to bed early last night. That meant I got up early. So, that meant I was eating earlier which means more time to eat during the whole day. So, by the time I had my second snack, I was sure I would be over on calories if I didn't take my usual walk and I would have been. Or I could have just had a very tiny dinner or no dinner at all. That isn't ever going to be ok with me unless I am terribly sick or in a great deal of pain or something like that. So, I walked and I kept going until I was satisfied I would still be coming in under goal. It worked I was under goal and I had a pretty good dinner.

I am not sure what the moral of the story is here. Is it don't go to bed early? Don't eat the second snack? Or walk it off? No matter, my take away for the day is that if I want to eat more than what I can have and still meet my goals I have to be willing to work those calories off, even if it is raining, even if I pull a muscle a little bit, and even if I just don't feel like it.


  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Maybe you need or could benefit by rewriting your self talk. Maybe it isn't a crime (to be punished) but a slip (to be more careful of)
    Maybe you don't need to do the time (again, punishment), but do the hard work necessary for success (achieving a positive goal)

    Walking in drizzling rain isn't much fun..... I would have gone home. Glad you kept going.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    With 45 lbs lost, you're on the right track. I wouldn't beat myself up too much or consider walking punishment. I agree with phoo513 about rewriting the self talk. Regardless, of your mind set, I am impressed by you for sticking with your walk and commitment to weight loss even with all those obstacles!!
  • dazydawn
    dazydawn Posts: 55 Member
    "I am not sure what the moral of the story is here. Is it don't go to bed early? Don't eat the second snack? Or walk it off? "

    I think the moral of the story is all three. It's about making choices. You made a commitment and you chose to keep that commitment. Good for you!
  • ndegwa
    ndegwa Posts: 169
    Good for you in sticking it out in the rain and with the injury. Dont think of it as punishment to get back on track but more so of moving the target. I tend to think that if i have raised the target for exercise once, i know my body can do it and will probably incorporate it into my exercise regime.

    As for snacks, that needs to be over come by will power and in time your appetite will drop and you will not find the need for the snacks, on the food side, look at foods that keep you fuller for longer and incorporate them into your diet.
  • lambchoplewis
    I like the comment about do the crime do the time!! I will think of this with my binge eating. An hour of a binge will take a week of re-losing the gain. Even if it is water weight and .5lb of real fat, I have to do the time for the "crime". Any analogy that helps is GREAT>
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I think I understand what you mean by this! Too me its doing what it takes to make your goals a reality. It shows motivation, perseverance, "stick-with-it-ness", etc....
    Great Post!