Personal Training: Luxury or Helpful?

I just wanted to shoot a quick question out there for anyone who's used a personal trainer before, and was wondering if they've found the experience helpful or not. My gym offers a standard rate for all trainers (so special offers for students/discount rates aren't available at all), however I'm finding the prices a bit steep, but manageable. I've managed to lose 40 pounds (20 off of MyFitnessPal) since September of 2012 without all that much exercise, however I'd like to take my weight loss journey to the next level. My current weight is 220 lbs (I started at 260 lbs) and want to incorporate weight training into my fitness regime. So MyFitnessPal mentors/friends/strangers, what resources would you recommend personal trainer/books/internet wise?


  • natasa26ca
    natasa26ca Posts: 107 Member
    I have a personal trainer.
    I've prepaid for 24 sessions in advance and it was a good chunk of my money tbh.
    They are not cheap. :grumble:
    However, i dont think i would have these results now if i didnt get a personal trainer.
    First of all, I am LAZY!!!!
    So knowing that someone is waiting for me at the gym gets me off my lazy *ss.
    If i didnt have a personal trainer i would never go to the gym and do strength training or even cardio.
    So yeah, my trainer definately helps my weight loss.
    Second of all, I can see my muscles now. Amazing. I dont remember when was the last time i saw my biceps. I am definately more toned, i look thighter, my celulite is almost gone and i feel much stronger than before.
    SO to conclude, I know i wouldnt be at the point i am now and with this kind of body if i didnt have a personal trainer.
    To answer your question... personal training IS a luxury but it is also very helpful :)
    Good luck
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    If you're new, then a trainer is going to be helpful since you don't have any experience lifting. And doing it wrong is more costly than paying for a trainer if you end up injuring yourself.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ahh, thank you both for your responses. As much as I think that personal training is a good idea, I'm just having a hard time biting the bullet (money wise) and spending it on myself, especially for being at this weight. I was considering holding off personal training until I was within 20-30 pounds of my goal, but maybe starting off on the right foot is equally important.
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    I used a personal trainer through my local gym last year.. It was definitely helpful to learn new things in order to improve my fitness, I had about 5 sessions all up... I have just began my journey again to try as reach my target... This time I'm not using a personal trainer, instead I'm using the money to buy small weights and use what I learned to my advantage. So yes it is good if your a beginner and not sure what works best, but if something works for you now, without needing a pt then I say, save your money.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Love my trainer. He kicks my *kitten* - makes me work way harder than I'd do on my own. Plus I didn't have any idea of what to do in the gym - now I can take the routines he's done for me and on my days I'm not with him I have a plan of what to do (and in the future if I want to go it without him I have a whole book of routines to do). Plus at least two days a week I HAVE to go to the gym because I have that appointment to keep.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Books/Google > Personal Trainers
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Ahh, thank you both for your responses. As much as I think that personal training is a good idea, I'm just having a hard time biting the bullet (money wise) and spending it on myself, especially for being at this weight. I was considering holding off personal training until I was within 20-30 pounds of my goal, but maybe starting off on the right foot is equally important.
    One of my best clients started as a full use insulin diabetic at 360lbs. As of now he's 280 and still going down. Most important is that his dosage is now down to 1/20 of what he used to use and doesn't have high blood pressure or cholesterol any more.
    You're worth it.


    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I use a trainer and have for the past 5 months. I love him. he motivates me to work harder and I am doing far better with him than without. While it is a luxury to have one, it is far more helpful for me and so I keep using him.

    As an example, I was on vacation 2 weeks ago and worked out the entire time on my own. Not hard but enough to burn some calories. My trainer was on vacation last weekend so other than two sessions in the past 3 weeks, we have not seen each other until today. I thought I had been doing good but not really pushing myself. Today, I could feel every exercise and I am sure that tomorrow I will feel similar to the days when I first started working out. My lesson from this is that without my trainer, it will take me longer to get fit like I want because I will never push myself or work as hard as I do when I am with him on my own.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I'm paying my personal trainer for almost 2 and a half years now, and even though it's quite a sum, it's worth every penny of it. For me it's a luxury that I am willing to spend on myself, as I have plenty of benefits out of it.
    I was able to lose weight on my own, without working out at all, only by reducing the calories I consumed. But since I work out with my personal trainer, I lost less weight, but a lot of inches faster. Now I like my body better, I'm more shaped, stronger, and I look at least 10kgs less than I weigh.
    He does not only care for my body, but also for my mind. Since working out with him, I have also gained a lot of self confidence, stand taller, dare doing things I didn't before,...
    The money I spend on my personal trainer is the best thing I could do with this money!
  • stepgrah
    stepgrah Posts: 7 Member
    For me starting off on the right foot was vital. I have now had a trainer for about 2 years (I was ill for a while so had to re-invest in him). What I learned was great technique for ensuring that I maximised the return for the exercises I was doing. I also wanted someone to give me a kick up the backside when I needed it, which was also important.

    Yes it is a luxury at some point, but starting out I'd say it is a necessity unless you have good friends who can guide you along the correct path etc.

  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I think they are more than worth the investment! They teach you so many things and in my experience they push you out of your comfort zone and you can see what you really can do.

    I have used one several times. Usually when i start to feel like i need a new push or want to learn more or try heavier things and do them properly.

    I think both Helpful and a luxury. If you can afford it would say do it. It was the best investment i have made in myself .
  • It seems the general consensus appears to be to go for it! I think that I will try it out over the summer and re-evaluate my goals/how far I've progressed by the end of August and then decide if I want to make a longer commitment/see if I really connect with my trainer. Thank you for posting all your positive feedback! :)
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Helpful. Just don't be afraid to find another trainer if you don't mesh with someone.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I'm paying my personal trainer for almost 2 and a half years now, and even though it's quite a sum, it's worth every penny of it. For me it's a luxury that I am willing to spend on myself, as I have plenty of benefits out of it.
    I was able to lose weight on my own, without working out at all, only by reducing the calories I consumed. But since I work out with my personal trainer, I lost less weight, but a lot of inches faster. Now I like my body better, I'm more shaped, stronger, and I look at least 10kgs less than I weigh.
    He does not only care for my body, but also for my mind. Since working out with him, I have also gained a lot of self confidence, stand taller, dare doing things I didn't before,...
    The money I spend on my personal trainer is the best thing I could do with this money!

    My experience and thoughts as well :) Until I can't afford it I will probably always have a trainer. It's just what is best and works for me, I'm not good at doing it alone, lol. Just make sure you shop around and get a good one!
  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    Learning new exercise techniques is my principal benefit from a trainer. Then I can use them on my own.

    Bands, balls, kettles, other stuff I wouldn't try on my own because technique is important to avoid injury.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't work with one full time, but consult with mine occasionally for a session or two when I need to tweak something or just want to work on something else that I'm not as familiar with.
  • Learning new exercise techniques is my principal benefit from a trainer. Then I can use them on my own.

    Bands, balls, kettles, other stuff I wouldn't try on my own because technique is important to avoid injury.

    This, exactly. More than anything I just want to learn good form/posture and how to properly use different equipment. At the end of the day I want this to be a positive learning experience and to be confident enough to use all the tools in the gym.
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    Honestly it really all depends on the trainer. I have worked out with two in the past - loved them both! They both taught me new exercises and techniques to add to my arsenal. Plus the weekly workouts were killer. I worked out with one during my entire engagement - and sometimes (when I got really stressed about wedding planning) he was a pretty good therapist too. :laugh:

    That being said - trainers can be expensive! I was working at a gym during the time so I was able to purchase a boat load of sessions for the employee price (MUCH cheaper than standard pricing).

    If you can afford it, I would say purchase some sessions with a trainer. Use them bi-weekly or even just once a month. A good trainer will show you things you can do on your own as well as help you set up a program and might even help with nutrition.

    At the same gym where my good trainer works - I've seen some bad trainers. One stands around and checks his self phone. He also checks himself out constantly (don't even get me started on that lol). Another trainer spends more time talking to her clients then working them out. When I work out I don't want to chat and I don't need hand holding. I'm paying you to give me a better workout then I can do on my own. We can chat afterwards when you are stretching me out.

    Good luck!