I love food...how do I stop?



  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    This ^

    Your food diary isn't terrible at all. I love food and think the more I think of food as fuel the more I enjoy it. Most of the time I know I am fueling my body. Some times I eat out side of this, but I view this as part of keeping my mental health in check and once it all balances out I'm good.

    If it's jiggles, then start some strenght work to build up some muscle. More muscle you have, the higher your metabolism (you can eat more on a day to day basis) - win win! It doesn't have to be weights, though that's what I've been using. Others use exercises that use their own body weight.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Okay that's not exactly right. I LOVE LOVE LOVE food. Really. I don't like NOT eating. I don't have a problem exercising to compensate, but I just don't think that I can exercise enough to compensate for the amount of food that I love to eat. Visually, I'm not a small person, but don't THINK I look overweight (others might disagree). But under my clothes, there are definately jiggles and bumps that really shouldn't be there. Mainly from 10 years of marriage (to an absolutely AMAZING cook...) and 2 kids and not focusing on ME for a while...

    How do I change my mindset to "I love food but need to eat it moderately" to match up with my mindset of exercising??

    I have the same issue so I decided today I'm going to put a plug in me so I can't fit anything else in. I'll let you know how it goes next week.
  • PomegranatePear
    PomegranatePear Posts: 9 Member

    I know exactly how you feel. Cooking and socialising with food is such a big part of my life. My favourite thing is to make a huge meal for friends and eat together.

    BUT I think overeating and enjoying food don't have to be the same thing. If you love food instead of trying to restrict all the time, it might be better to think about eating mindfully. It just means slowing down and really tasting everything-it's about enjoying and respecting food but it still stops you from overeating. There are lots of books about mindful eating. It takes quite a bit of practise to get into the mindset (I'm still learning how to think about food that way) but it's definitely worth it.

    Good luck!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    If you eat more simply train more to burn up those extra calories ... that's what I do
  • You have to want to do it, first of all. Nobody can do it except you. If you are ready to make the commitment, then eat a MODERATE amount of what you like, then shut the mouth, put the fork down. YOU are in control.
    And if you can't do that, then you aren't ready to lose weight yet.

    Tough message but honest. You are correct, put the fork down and think first. Thx