Found a cure for hip bursitis over the weekend

toyota Posts: 33 Member
My family & I went camping over the weekend and the campground had a swimming pool & a water slide, which you had to climb hills to get to the slide & pool, especially the steep incline hill to the top of the slide. I realized after a day of walking the hills, the next 2 days, my hip felt much better. On Monday morning, my hip did not hurt at work. So walking up the steep incline hill to the water slide must have worked out my hip pretty good. So I got an idea of setting the incline high on my elliptical machine, may do my hip some good.


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I, too feel that walking hills and stairs helps my hips, but ellipticals seem to aggravate them.
  • helenlouise01
    well done hope it helps I having an operation late June for shoulder bursitus after 2 years of physio steroid jabs nothing is helping , I tried swimming it helped for while but I now have frozen shoulder so I do cycling to help loose weight .

    Best of luck and hope you stay pain free

    Helen :)
  • toyota
    toyota Posts: 33 Member
    I hope my elliptical don't aggravate my hip. I had a treadmill but sold it after I got the elliptical because I have plantar physitis (spelled wrong) and the feet pounding on the floor of the treadmill made my heel & legs hurt.