30 Day Shredder and can't see any results?

nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
Hi everyone!! Soo im doing the shred and im already on level two day two and i could not really lose any weight, but i can still see JUST A LITTLE toning around my body, but nothing else... I weigh about 155.5 lbs and my stomach is HUGE! All i want is a flatter and a smaller belly. Im seeing some awesome results from ppl doing it (and they weigh kinda the same as me) and even their half way results are way better than mine... :( Their bellies were just like mine when they started and at day 14 on their pics, i see that their tummies already flattened a great deal!! Im at day 12 and i still cant see any change around my belly! I never took rest days and my diet is between 1200- 1400 cals. I will keep at it till the end but honestly it is very discouraging not seeing a smaller stomach. What am i doing wrong?


  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    What are you eating? It is true that "abs are made in the kitchen". I swear by the 30 day shred. Don't give up, you will see the changes. It could be different for you than others, you may see the weight come off in other areas first. Also, are you taking measurements? This is the best way to see your results.
  • N0003
    N0003 Posts: 2
    im the same : been on 30 day shred for 18 days now, no rest days, combining it with 25 - 33 minutes of Taebo ( core express and/or 8 minutes) and Zumba Flat Abs, my bum has definitely lifted buuuuuuuuuut my tummy :(...and im eating 1300 calories a day more or less : for a while my tummy got smaller buh then *poof* i look like im preggers :/...

    whats going on? #confuzzled
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    What are you eating? It is true that "abs are made in the kitchen". I swear by the 30 day shred. Don't give up, you will see the changes. It could be different for you than others, you may see the weight come off in other areas first. Also, are you taking measurements? This is the best way to see your results.

    I havent taken any measurements because i just cant seem to measure right or i just dont trust my measuring. lol i try to eat very healthy stuff like whole grain bread (2 every meal at most), cheese, greek yoghurt, turkey slices, chicken, salad, soup and so on... I dont drink coke, i dont eat chocolate or any sugary stuff and i dont consume foods that contain flour in them. Im also doing some extra ab workouts but i just cant see that gross belly disappear! :(
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    im the same : been on 30 day shred for 18 days now, no rest days, combining it with 25 - 33 minutes of Taebo ( core express and/or 8 minutes) and Zumba Flat Abs, my bum has definitely lifted buuuuuuuuuut my tummy :(...and im eating 1300 calories a day more or less : for a while my tummy got smaller buh then *poof* i look like im preggers :/...

    whats going on? #confuzzled

    I hear you! Im doing extra workout like you, (ab workout only, too lazy for more) and im already half way but i cant see any major changes! :(
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    For 30 day shred, I've heard more than once but it's it level 3 when you really see change. Take pics of yourself! And measuring isn't hard, when I started I did a google search of where to measure and just stayed consistent.

    Most don't lose a lot of weight, just usually lose inches. But that's better in the long run! :)
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    For 30 day shred, I've heard more than once but it's it level 3 when you really see change. Take pics of yourself! And measuring isn't hard, when I started I did a google search of where to measure and just stayed consistent.

    Most don't lose a lot of weight, just usually lose inches. But that's better in the long run! :)

    Maybe i should have taken my measurements at the beginning but its okay because i have pictures to compare :) Well im kinda relieved to hear that results become visible on level 3! I dont really care about my weight anymore, its okay if i look 140 lbs when im 155 :) i want that belly gone for good!
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    They don't call it the 30 Day Shred for nothing! Stick with it. You will see solid results by the end of the month. Also, understand that after those 30 days, you are just at the start of your fitness journey. Keep it going and you will feel better, slimmer, and stronger than ever!

    I did 30DS in January-- started at 152 and only lost 3 pounds in the month but gained muscle and toned a LOT. The results motivated me to keep at it. Here is my 30DS Before and After from January 2013:

    Now, I am running 3x a week and strength training 3x a week. I have lost about 11 pounds and have learned to not worry about the scale but about my strength, measurements, and overall health.

    I am a 42 y.o. mother of two and was starting to feel like I was just heading down that road of loose clothing and colorful scarves. You know, the hide-the-belly-pooch-and-wear-nice-earrings type of complacency. Now, I plan to rock a bikini in a couple of weeks feeling sexier and more confident than I did in my 20's! Now, this has taken me almost six months and I will never be "done."

    STICK WITH THIS, BE PATIENT, and you will see results!!!
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member

    I did 20 days of the 30 day shred and lost 1kg (2.2lbs) in weight only but the visual transformation was blatantly obvious.

    See my post here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/992922-nsv-before-my-holiday-day-20-of-30ds
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    It didn't produce any notable changes for me either, tho' people rave about it.

    One of the things I really don't care for is that you don't know how many reps to do of anything....
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    They don't call it the 30 Day Shred for nothing! Stick with it. You will see solid results by the end of the month. Also, understand that after those 30 days, you are just at the start of your fitness journey. Keep it going and you will feel better, slimmer, and stronger than ever!

    I did 30DS in January-- started at 152 and only lost 3 pounds in the month but gained muscle and toned a LOT. The results motivated me to keep at it. Here is my 30DS Before and After from January 2013:

    Now, I am running 3x a week and strength training 3x a week. I have lost about 11 pounds and have learned to not worry about the scale but about my strength, measurements, and overall health.

    I am a 42 y.o. mother of two and was starting to feel like I was just heading down that road of loose clothing and colorful scarves. You know, the hide-the-belly-pooch-and-wear-nice-earrings type of complacency. Now, I plan to rock a bikini in a couple of weeks feeling sexier and more confident than I did in my 20's! Now, this has taken me almost six months and I will never be "done."

    STICK WITH THIS, BE PATIENT, and you will see results!!!

    Wow! You look absolutely amazing, good job!! Of course i will move on after the 30 ds, im thinking of doing ripped in 30 after this. Your results are very great and i just hope that i can have a noticable difference like this by the end of the month! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member

    I did 20 days of the 30 day shred and lost 1kg (2.2lbs) in weight only but the visual transformation was blatantly obvious.

    See my post here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/992922-nsv-before-my-holiday-day-20-of-30ds

    You look stunning!! Congrats on your success! Hard work pays off, sooner or later :) I guess im just impatient. lol
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    They don't call it the 30 Day Shred for nothing! Stick with it. You will see solid results by the end of the month. Also, understand that after those 30 days, you are just at the start of your fitness journey. Keep it going and you will feel better, slimmer, and stronger than ever!

    I did 30DS in January-- started at 152 and only lost 3 pounds in the month but gained muscle and toned a LOT. The results motivated me to keep at it. Here is my 30DS Before and After from January 2013:

    Now, I am running 3x a week and strength training 3x a week. I have lost about 11 pounds and have learned to not worry about the scale but about my strength, measurements, and overall health.

    I am a 42 y.o. mother of two and was starting to feel like I was just heading down that road of loose clothing and colorful scarves. You know, the hide-the-belly-pooch-and-wear-nice-earrings type of complacency. Now, I plan to rock a bikini in a couple of weeks feeling sexier and more confident than I did in my 20's! Now, this has taken me almost six months and I will never be "done."

    STICK WITH THIS, BE PATIENT, and you will see results!!!

    Wow! You look absolutely amazing, good job!! Of course i will move on after the 30 ds, im thinking of doing ripped in 30 after this. Your results are very great and i just hope that i can have a noticable difference like this by the end of the month! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Thanks! I'm glad it will fuel your fire! I forgot to mention that I also do FitnessBlender.com which I think is absolutely fabulous. I was first planning to do Ripped in 30 and I found the hopping/jumping stuff was aggravating my bum ankle. FitnessBlender offers such a range of workouts and at different difficultly levels-- all free. I play my own music in the background as I follow along. Give it a shot!
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    They don't call it the 30 Day Shred for nothing! Stick with it. You will see solid results by the end of the month. Also, understand that after those 30 days, you are just at the start of your fitness journey. Keep it going and you will feel better, slimmer, and stronger than ever!

    I did 30DS in January-- started at 152 and only lost 3 pounds in the month but gained muscle and toned a LOT. The results motivated me to keep at it. Here is my 30DS Before and After from January 2013:

    Now, I am running 3x a week and strength training 3x a week. I have lost about 11 pounds and have learned to not worry about the scale but about my strength, measurements, and overall health.

    I am a 42 y.o. mother of two and was starting to feel like I was just heading down that road of loose clothing and colorful scarves. You know, the hide-the-belly-pooch-and-wear-nice-earrings type of complacency. Now, I plan to rock a bikini in a couple of weeks feeling sexier and more confident than I did in my 20's! Now, this has taken me almost six months and I will never be "done."

    STICK WITH THIS, BE PATIENT, and you will see results!!!

    Wow! You look absolutely amazing, good job!! Of course i will move on after the 30 ds, im thinking of doing ripped in 30 after this. Your results are very great and i just hope that i can have a noticable difference like this by the end of the month! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Thanks! I'm glad it will fuel your fire! I forgot to mention that I also do FitnessBlender.com which I think is absolutely fabulous. I was first planning to do Ripped in 30 and I found the hopping/jumping stuff was aggravating my bum ankle. FitnessBlender offers such a range of workouts and at different difficultly levels-- all free. I play my own music in the background as I follow along. Give it a shot!

    You are so hardworking! Lol level 2 is literally killing me so i just can't find the strength to do more workouts.. lol i just feel like i started the shred just yesterday! Level 2 feels like the first day of level 1 in terms of soreness.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    I remember that with 2. I think 2 did the most to my body. When I started 3 I didn't actually find it that bad by comparison but have stopped at the mo but will be back on it to start again from scratch.
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    I remember that with 2. I think 2 did the most to my body. When I started 3 I didn't actually find it that bad by comparison but have stopped at the mo but will be back on it to start again from scratch.

    ms_leanne im at L2D3 and i already started to feel some difference! I see my clothes fit better and i feel totally better about myself though its just the third day of level 2. I am soo excited about the last day of the shred!