Wii Fit

Is useless. Wii Sports burns WAY more calories and is more fun. Why do people continue to buy Wii fit? I'll be spending my money on Sports Resort.


  • maleamae
    i lose wait off of wii fit so just try it
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I find that Wii Fit is more active for me. I *could* be more active with Wii Sports and really move around playing tennis... but I can also play without moving around much so don't see the calories on that as very accurate all of the time. With Wii Fit, I have to be moving for it to count. It helps motivate me to do some calisthenics that I wouldn't do otherwise too. I also really like just having some variety in "workouts".
  • KimuraCarter
    With Wii Fit Plus, I love the My Routine. You can put a bunch of exercises together, without having to stop and be scored for each one. I like the Yoga and some of the Strength training to help me get toned and balanced. And if you kick the reps up on the Strength training, you can definitely get your heart pumping. I need to have someone telling me what to do when exercising, and I like my cheesy Wii fit dude, hahaha.

    I also agree with Melody. Wii Sports can go either way. Except with boxing, it's really easy to just stand there and flick your wrist.
  • KimuraCarter
    As an update, I can't believe how tone I'm getting using ONLY the Wii Fit right now. (If you want to burn tons of calories, you do need to do something else.) I think as long as I keep up my exercises and slowly ramp up my cardio, I will be ready for dance class in 3-4 weeks!
  • kelseysmommy
    I have the Wii Fit Plus and I do like the personalized workouts that just keep moving as I don't waste time wondering what to do next. My husband bought me the risers for the balance board so it sits 2-3 inches higher than the board alone. I also have weights that hold the remotes so it adds to the intensity. This said I'm not sure if the calories burned goes up or not but I know that I work up a sweat. I alternate between the personalized workouts and the free step, a half hour of step and I get to watch TV? Awesome! I have just picked it back up so I'm not sure how the results will be but I can definately tell I have been moving. I guess if you are advanced it wouldn't be as effective but I like the ease of being at home, I am so self conscious at the gym.
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I use the wii fit and have been debating whether or not to get wii fit plus. It took me awhile to get into the fit because you had to stop in between each exercise. I was using More Active but I liked the weigh in feature of the wii fit and hated switching discs every time. Now that i have been using the fit for awhile I can see a difference and I always try to push myself as hard as possible. I even run around my house doing the free run so I get a better workout than running in place.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I love wii fit plus. I love the 30 min cycle, I just wish there was more levels.
    I haven't gotten bored with it at all. So conveinent that I can do a work out early in the morning before work.
    I have sports resort, haven't used it own my own yet.