19, kinda new, and need friends please!

i joined myfitnesspal a few days ago and i need some motivation cos i log in and i'm basically just looking at all my recent activity.
i swear to be the best myfitnesspal friend ever plus i have an open food diary and i'd love to talk to any person on here about anything pLUS I MAY START JOGGING SOON OHMYGOD who knows how that'll go and if i don't have any friends who will laugh at me when i confess i actually do get winded from hauling myself up from the couch to get my sneakers.
so yeah.
add me!!


  • yoshigreen94
    Hey, I'm 19 too! I'd love to be mfp besties! Hahaha.
  • fablahlous
    yay, glad we're friends!!
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 315 Member
    Added you! I've started jogging recently and ohhh my god it feels like murder. It feels good when I'm done and can collapse in the shower and I know I've pushed myself though ;)
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in a little different situation. I'm 27, mother of 3, full-time employee, student and wife. I have been maintaing for almost 2 years after having my 3rd child. I am always looking at people who will interact with me on here... my friends pretty much suck.

    Add me if you want!
  • Kblady1
    Kblady1 Posts: 13 Member
    No laughing here....can friend me no problem!
  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    Im 19 too i will add you Gd luck on your journey !
  • northernbeachesgirl
    I'll add you too! I'm 19 as well and could definitely do with some extra motivation haha.
  • Chriistiina18
    I'll be 21 Next month! Anyone feel free to add me as well
  • sarahbethfit233
    I'm 19 as well, from Tennessee! I've definitely been through the jogging issue, and now I love to run whenever I can. You'll get there, believe me. It just takes time and patience. Feel free to add me, I'm usually on most days and I'm pretty good with support and questions!
  • Msatmosphere
    Msatmosphere Posts: 5 Member
    I totally feel where you're coming from. I knew it was time for a major change when i stood up for X amount of time and my back would start hurting and less than 2 years ago i could stand for 12 hrs top with no problems, but i would love to be your friend to motivate each other through our journey. there's no i in team. yeeeeaaaaah!
  • SonnyDelite99
    I'm 19 as well add me if you want.Im from California
  • emily_ebooks
    emily_ebooks Posts: 55 Member
    Hello and welcome! I'm 19 too and I'm kind of in the same situation, haha.
  • csearcher34
    I'm 19 y/o girl too and in college. Let's be friends!
  • dar9757
    dar9757 Posts: 28
    Hi, I just added you. I know what your saying about exercise in general. I try to get to the gym 4 times a week, but with my schedule for work, and a daughter its hard. Plus sometimes I don't even want to get dressed and go out. Its a tough, yet rewarding thing. Good luck!
  • Beckyferg90
    Beckyferg90 Posts: 64 Member
    Add me on Beckyferg90 :) I need friends too x
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm 22 and also considering starting to jog. Feel free to add me~
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 19 too and I started jogging/running a couple of months ago. I made a blog post about my progress if you're interested! Feel free to add me :)
  • frankensteen
    frankensteen Posts: 75 Member
    I'm also 19 and always looking for new friends to support me on my journey. I try my best to reciprocate, too! :) Feel free to add me!
  • lorijackson7798
    hello - I'm a mom of two and have gone to college - done w/that part. I'd be glad to be your friend, just signed up here today, and getting back in the gym after work!
  • lorijackson7798
    hello - just signed up.... been on again/off again working out...but really determined this time. I'm a mom of two boys, and work full time.... I also have to adorable male cats :) Just love animals, music and hopefully enjoy working out more!!! Add me for I can use some encouragement!!! Thanks