In Need of Motivation

Hello all,

I have been on this form for some time now but I have never posted anything. I have been doing ok with my weight loss so far but I feel like I need to take it up a notch but i always get discouraged. When I first started loosing weight I was at 215. I have made it down to 192 just by making better eating chices alone. When it comes to fitness I really dont have much motivation. I always start off good and then end up quiting after 3 days. My excuse is that I dont have any time because of my job and having to take care of my little one. I gained WAY TOO MUCH WEIGHT during my pregnany and have not been able to loose the weight yet. I hate going to the gym so i try to workout from home every now and then. I figured maybe if I can get some support from the people on here it might motivate me to keep striving for my goal weight!


  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Hi there! I'm new so don't think I'm some guru haha...Anways, I find the key to sticking with it is to make small goals. If your little one is napping do some dancing or jumping jacks. Maybe find an online video, most are 30 mins, and do it in pieces throughout the day. Gradually increase the water. I was a bad soda drinker, mountian dew was my lifeline ( In my defense I'm an asthmatic and high caffine makes things feel better) so I looked up ways to drink more water and I made myself a water card. I punch holes for every glass and only after 8 glasses can I have a soda. It's always the baby steps that lead to the big changes because those are the things we stick with. And with small goals that you can achive quickly you gain confindence and you're proud of yourself.

    feel free to add me! I love to motivate and push in a friendly way. You can do this, its just something you have to fight for. And always ALWAYS remember that you didn't gain the weight over night so you can't lose it overnight either. Add me!! :)

  • JBoard0411
    JBoard0411 Posts: 20
    Thanks and I have been trying to drink more water now. Ive complety cut all soda out of my diet that was easy, my only weeknes was energy drinks. Although I knew they were bad for me I felt my day would just drag without them. I must say Ive been doing pretty good with that so far lol.