Ok time to find some support out there...Helloooo, anyone th

Hi all,

My name is Funjabi ( well that's not my real name) i've been logging into this site for the past few weeks, reading peoples posts and looking for motivation towards my own weight loss.
Not made many friends as yet as not been sure how this system works.

I am 35 yrs of age, have a 2yr old daughter n a lovely husband.

I've never been slim but am ready to find the slimmer me who i'm sure is hiding in there some where.

Let me know if you can help me towards my goal, just need support and tips along the way, nothing less nothing more.

Thanks guys.

Funjabi x :flowerforyou:


  • larsbeachgirl
    Hi Funjabi :wink:

    Your post reminds me of my first few days here 'finding my feet'... not sure what this whole thing is all about or how to go about things... I sent you a friend request, add me and you have someone to start your journey with :happy:

    News Feed is great when you have a few friends - motivate each other. Posts are great, blogs too... I find I don't have enough time to get into it all, but here and there I'll have a 'peek-a-boo' at them.

    So enjoy the fun, keep active on MFP and before you know it you will be hooked - just like the rest of us :laugh:

    Lars :flowerforyou:
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome Funjabi!

    I love being active on this site. I think you'll be wonderfully surprised by the support you can find. Everything from questions/answer to fun challenges and great people.

    Like Lars said, you just gotta keep coming back and eventually you'll be hooked.

    Hope you like MFP as much as I do!

  • acstein
    acstein Posts: 55

    I'm sure if your start was like mine, then you really didn't know where to start. I have been exercising for several months and stopped seeing results after a couple inches, and even gained weight. However, my mother is a big motivator to me. He has long 50 olbs and 6 sizes in her journey. She is using another site though. I like this one better than hers because it adds in the exercise calories for you, so I don't have to worry about remembering or forgetting what that was. I have also found the journey to be less scary with my friends on here. I'll send you a friend request and we can help each other along the way.!!

    Best of luck
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Good luck with your journey - I've sent you a friend request too - no such thing as too much support :bigsmile:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Hi and Welcome!
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hello & welcome Funjabi! I'm glad you chose to post. . .this is definitely a great place for support!! I've found that the more I use the message board and the more friends I add, that means the more support I have so the better I do! Wishing you much success in reaching all of your goals . . I know you CAN!!!!
  • txtree50
    txtree50 Posts: 51
    I see people say they added ya as a friend but I am not sure how to do that. I am new too and would like to help ya if I can.
  • funjabi
    funjabi Posts: 16
    Wow what a fab responce, thank you all who have taken the time out to send me a message.

    I will accept you all as friends and hope we all travel this journey with some gud support.