How often should I run?

ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
I started running again, and my big goal is to eventually run a marathon. For now, I'd like to just get back into running. I've been doing a mile here and there every other day, but I'm often does everyone else run? I don't want to take off too many days because then I might find myself getting lazy and not wanting to run. Also, is increasing by a mile (or half a mile) every week reasonable? Thanks!


  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I've been running for a while, and I run 3-4 days (usually 4) a week. But, it's usually my only form of exercise, and I love it, so it's what I do most often! I think most people do 3 days a week! Listen to your body! Whatever you want to do is perfect

    Happy National Running Day!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I run short distances twice a week (once for kicks, once to work on speed) and one long, slow run. But I lift weights on my off days (technically, I run on my off-days from lifting, but you get my drift. :P)

    If your goal is to run a marathon, check this site out:

    Pick your skill level, and it gives you a pretty detailed weekly plan to get ready for a marathon.
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    depends on how many gainz u wanna lose
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    depends on what you are working on... speed or endurance... if it's speed you can add weights off and on to challenge your body, if it's endurance you increase your time... try googling ... there's also 'running' magazines... so much information on line that you can read and use! enjoy!
  • Agannon0728
    Agannon0728 Posts: 15 Member
    I run 4-5 days a week, normally by the 5th day it more like a job, but I also do kickboxing once a week.. each week add a little distance to your run :)
  • StephanieE3456
    StephanieE3456 Posts: 80 Member
    I run on Tues, Thurs and Saturdays. I go for 3.5 - 4 miles each time. I'm trying to build to a 10K. I think increasing by a half mile or a mile a week is good. I tend to try to push farther when I feel that I still have energy at the end of my typical 3.5 mile run. On the days when I feel too tired, I listen to my body and stop to avoid an injury. I've been running outside though and the elements (heat) really play a factor in how long I go. I've now started to run inside on the treadmill and find that to be so much easier.
  • Jiggle_all_the_way
    Jiggle_all_the_way Posts: 32 Member
    You can find a lot of training plans online. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon (20 weeks away) and I found a great plan online. It has me running 3 days a week in the beginning then up to 5 in the middle and back down to 4 towards the end.

    I'm working on my speed and endurance, so I make sure that two of my runs a week are really hilly.

    There's a link to my half plan. :-) good luck!
  • ChristinaK69
    ChristinaK69 Posts: 249
    I prefer to run every other day and a nice long run on the weekend. In between that I lift weights, bike ride, walk, Combat...I've taken almost a month off of scheduled exercise though due to house renovation. Go with how your legs and body feels. Just don't add miles on too quickly
  • triskaidekaphile13
    triskaidekaphile13 Posts: 92 Member
    I run 5K three times a week and do cardio on the other days plus strength/stretching. However, I'm not trying to get to marathon distances. Have you looked at the marathon training programmes that are available on various apps? They should be able to help you with a plan. For example, Runkeeper offers a 16 week plan for Beginner Marathon runners that is over 16 weeks and involves 64 workouts. It starts out with 4 miles and then builds through set workouts. They also offer Half Marathon plans and a variety of Marathon plans for people who want to run particular times.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'd recommend some kind of actual training program for running.
  • Jdiaz72
    Jdiaz72 Posts: 29 Member
    I try to run 3-4 days a week for short runs. If I am training for a race I get a long run in on the weekends.
  • AbnormalYak
    AbnormalYak Posts: 55 Member
    Running 3 days a week is a good way to start - not too much, not too little. As you get fitter you can run more but it's wise to always include 1 or 2 rest days a week (having said that some people have looong "streaks" of running every single day - we're all different, figure out what works for you).

    The received wisdom is that you should increase your distance by no more than 10% a week, except in the very early weeks. That's because when you can only run 1 mile, then running 1.1 miles the next week, and 1.21 miles the week after that etc. is just too difficult to measure. You can safely increase by 1/2 - 1 mile a week until you are running let's say 10 miles a week, then use the 10% rule after that.

    But as always listen to your own body. If you feel you can do a bit more, or should be doing a bit less, then do it. There are no jogging police who will kick down your door and arrest you for breaking the rules.
  • mhcrunner1
    mhcrunner1 Posts: 11
    Increasing by 1/2 - 1 mile per week is pretty reasonable. If you increase too quickly, you can wind up injured. As a general rule, it's usually recommended not to increase your mileage by more than 10% a week. You can increase your mileage for up to 3 weeks in a row, but then take it easy on that fourth week. How many days per week depends on what your goals are. I usually run 5-6 days per week, but you can train for a marathon running 4 days/ week or 3 days of running and one day of cross-training per week.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    I go a lot - often 7 straight days or more, with a day off here and there. My "off" days are typically short recovery runs. That being said, Im training for a 26.2 in October, need to up my mileage by way of longer long, and longer mid-length runs, so I'm planning to add at least one regular rest day (maybe cross-train) a week.
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks everyone! I just got done with my run...and let me just say, speed is not my friend. When I used to run a couple years ago, I could run for an hour averaging 12 minutes per mile...but if you told me to run faster, I don't think I could do it. I attempted to run faster today and I think that made me dread my run. I enjoy being a bit of a slowpoke. :tongue:

    Anyway, I think I will slowly increase by a half a mile each week..maybe even just a quarter of a mile. My marathon won't be for a few years... And resting a couple days a week sounds like a good idea to me! My legs could use a break.

    Thanks again! Happy running!

    P.S. If anyone has tips on avoiding earaches after a run, let me know! Today was a rainy, windy, cold day... I've noticed on cooler, windy days, my ears aren't the happiest...
  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    depends on how many gainz u wanna lose

    Loose gains ?