100-120lbs to lose...anyone else out there?



  • 42kgm
    42kgm Posts: 1
    Wow, it's so comforting to know there are others who share my goals! And several amazing success stories. You guys are incredible.

    I've only been here for a few weeks. My starting magic number was 115 lbs - I'm already down by 15, so have a very round 100 to go!

    I'm super-highly motivated, but there are times when I wonder if I can be sure it will last. It would be great to be part of a support system, so feel free to add me as well!
  • kewpie95
    kewpie95 Posts: 4
    Hello everyone!!!

    I've only been on the site for about two weeks now. I would like to lose around 100 pounds. However, I'm very tall and don't want to look sickly. LOL. However, I workout and figured to start tracking calories. I few years ago I lost quite a bit of weight but then fracturing my knee and not able to exercise....gained it back. Over the past two years, I've had surgery on both legs, so that postponed exercise again. But now I'm back at it and will do this!! :) Add me if you would like. I'm known to be a good pep talks. :)
  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    HEY!! while 100 isn't quite my goal id be happy if I could hit it :) im looking at more like 75-80 but add me anyways!! :) im 23
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I started MFP needing to lose 130 pounds! I broke my number down into more manageable goals.

    I set goals to get me to each stone gone, then to get me out of each BMI category. I started in obese class 2. Right now, I'm .4 pounds away from 7 stone and 2.4 pounds to get to 100 pounds gone in less than a year! Once I reach 100 loss, I only have 10 pounds to get out of the over weight range and then after that, 20 pounds to goal!

    It seems unreal but if you stick with it an work hard, you will be sussessful.

    All the best!