Why am I not losing weight? 1600 calories

MyFitnessPals, I open my diary to you so you can help me figure out why I'm not losing weight. I'm familiar with the concept of not eating enough to lose - in 2006 I had to *increase* my intake to lose.

Now, 7 years older, I'm not as active as I used to be (in 2006 I was a waitress, now I am a law student). UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MY DOCTOR I am taking an appetite suppressant and trying to stay below 1600 calories. At my latest visit, my doctor advised me to try not to reach 1600 if I could, and stay within the 1200-1600 range. I've been averaging around 1450 lately. No dice.

I've been trying to get active and walk more, when outdoor allergies don't keep me holed up inside. Somehow, things aren't adding up.

- I do not deprive myself of tasty not-so-good for you things, like beer, ice pops (25 calories, my compromise on ice cream) and such. I believe that such deprivation leads to binge eating and that's not good, either.

- I WILL NOT EAT things like eggs (ick) raw kale (blegh), mushrooms, peppers, cucumbers, pickles (I HATE pickles), raw tomatoes, shrimp. I also don't like IPA beer, if that helps you.

- I LOVE carbs, but I aim to eat high-fiber whole grain foods already.

- I am super stressed, because, you know. Law school.

- I already use low-fat, low sugar, low sodium everything (mostly).

- I am on a budget like woah, so I cannot afford to buy ridiculously priced supplements/foods.

So, let me know your thoughts. Please be nice :)


  • cab1974
    cab1974 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have any answers for you but sympathize with your frustration. For years I tried to do things the right way with very little results. In the end I had to deprive myself of some things in order to kick start my progress. Right now I'm eating higher protein, low carbs, low sodium/sugar/blah, blah, blah. Mostly I make sure I get a LOT of fresh veggies and at least one serving of fruit each day.

    For May I did not eat desserts, soda (and I don't drink alcohol or coffee), but I would treat myself at least once a day with 2-3 junior mints. They are low fat low cal with just enough chocolate for me to not feel deprived. I do that a lot. I'll buy a Sea Salt Soriee candy bar and make it last a week by only eating one square a day. It's enough for me. Not eating desserts is not a sustainable lifestyle, but I can do it for the summer just to get back to where I want to be. I've lost 12 lbs in the last month. The goal is to get healthy so I can enjoy cake on my birthday in August!

    Good luck!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    MyFitnessPals, I open my diary to you so you can help me figure out why I'm not losing weight. I'm familiar with the concept of not eating enough to lose - in 2006 I had to *increase* my intake to lose.

    Now, 7 years older, I'm not as active as I used to be (in 2006 I was a waitress, now I am a law student). UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MY DOCTOR I am taking an appetite suppressant and trying to stay below 1600 calories. At my latest visit, my doctor advised me to try not to reach 1600 if I could, and stay within the 1200-1600 range. I've been averaging around 1450 lately. No dice.

    I've been trying to get active and walk more, when outdoor allergies don't keep me holed up inside. Somehow, things aren't adding up.

    - I do not deprive myself of tasty not-so-good for you things, like beer, ice pops (25 calories, my compromise on ice cream) and such. I believe that such deprivation leads to binge eating and that's not good, either.

    - I WILL NOT EAT things like eggs (ick) raw kale (blegh), mushrooms, peppers, cucumbers, pickles (I HATE pickles), raw tomatoes, shrimp. I also don't like IPA beer, if that helps you.

    - I LOVE carbs, but I aim to eat high-fiber whole grain foods already.

    - I am super stressed, because, you know. Law school.

    - I already use low-fat, low sugar, low sodium everything (mostly).

    - I am on a budget like woah, so I cannot afford to buy ridiculously priced supplements/foods.

    So, let me know your thoughts. Please be nice :)

    If you're under the supervision of your doctor, why aren't you asking him why the plan he has put you on isn't working?

    Your diary also isn't open.
  • Athena1007
    Athena1007 Posts: 49 Member

    If you're under the supervision of your doctor, why aren't you asking him why the plan he has put you on isn't working?

    Your diary also isn't open.

    Oops! It should be open now.

    I guess I'm embarrassed. I've seen her once a month for since I think March, and all I have to show for it is 8 lbs (which I lost in the first month after she put me on the appetite suppressant). I feel like a big louse going back twice now and trying to explain why I haven't lost any more weight. :/

    Besides, I'm curious to glean the collective wisdom of the MFP community.
  • LeBartlett
    LeBartlett Posts: 11 Member
    Perhaps change the types off foods you're eating? Instead of fish, maybe tofu. Instead of white potatoes, maybe sweet potatoes... etc. More veggies, more water... you almost can't go wrong there.

    I know this is not the case with everyone, but if I really want to lose weight, I have to stop drinking beer (and I love dark beers!). Even staying within my calorie range, I just won't lose if beer is in the picture, it's so unfair. But it's the case with me.

    Good luck!
  • Athena1007
    Athena1007 Posts: 49 Member
    Perhaps change the types off foods you're eating? Instead of fish, maybe tofu. Instead of white potatoes, maybe sweet potatoes... etc. More veggies, more water... you almost can't go wrong there.

    I know this is not the case with everyone, but if I really want to lose weight, I have to stop drinking beer (and I love dark beers!). Even staying within my calorie range, I just won't lose if beer is in the picture, it's so unfair. But it's the case with me.

    Good luck!

    I should clarify, I don't actually drink a whole lot of beer :) But it's one of those things I won't deny myself on a weekend night while hanging out with friends.

    I should really look up more veggie recipes. I get bored with the same stuff over and over... perhaps that's part of my problem. :/
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Perhaps change the types off foods you're eating? Instead of fish, maybe tofu. Instead of white potatoes, maybe sweet potatoes... etc. More veggies, more water... you almost can't go wrong there.

    I know this is not the case with everyone, but if I really want to lose weight, I have to stop drinking beer (and I love dark beers!). Even staying within my calorie range, I just won't lose if beer is in the picture, it's so unfair. But it's the case with me.

    Good luck!

    In regards solely to weight loss, if you're in a caloric deficit, you WILL lose weight. It's not the drinking beer or types of food you eat that stops that. Just an FYI.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Too much junk and no fresh fruit and veggies!

    There is a difference of depriving yourself and giving into temptation. If the food is once a week or bi weekly and in moderation then not so bad but saying I'm not depriving myself of that food because I will end up binging, and then eating more than the portion won't work with that mindset. Ex, I love those huge cookies freshly made at the bakery. I could say I'm not going to deprive myself and eat one. But they are 300 cals each and the sugar content is too high. So I find a healthier alternative to replace that. I might have one of those cookies every 6 months and I sure don't feel deprived because I'm enjoying so many other healthy alternatives.

    Yes this is a life long journey and you need to be happy about your food. However, you still have to make healthy choices.

    Thinking about all that sugar, do you track yours? You eat a lot of sugar and the excess will get stored as fat. Your liver can only process so much. Yogurts are full of sugar.

    You don't NEED to exercise to lose weight, that's just a bonus part to getting healthy. You condition your heart and boost your metabolism.

    You def need to alter what you're eating though. I didn't like eating all that healthy stuff when I first started but now love it and love trying new things.

    Also, how tall are you? I'm 5' 5" and eat just over 1400 cals for a 1 lb weekly loss.

    You can do this! Stay strong
  • LeBartlett
    LeBartlett Posts: 11 Member
    Well, that's why I mentioned that it was my personal experience. I have 12 years of dieting and maintenance of my weight... and I've been an avid journal-keeper. Maybe it's water weight, maybe it's sugar... I don't know. But when I am serious about losing, I have to cut beer out while my goal is to lose. If I want to maintain my weight, I can drink a beer within my calorie budget.

    But you are correct: most people can operate on calories in calories out and it works for them.
  • mrsek09
    mrsek09 Posts: 32
    I see a lot of processed foods in your diet, and a lot of sugar laden drinks (6 packets of sugar in your coffee, kool-aid). I would suggest trying to cut back on the sugar going into your coffee (when I cut back on sweeteners, I cut back by one unit for a few weeks, then down another.)

    I would suggest you try adding in some sort of activity. I know it's easier said than done, but try taking a 30 minute walk to get away from the studies for a bit. There are weight training programs that you can do at home with light hand weights and little else. (I used the Joyce Vedral books years ago when I dropped 90lbs.)

    Good luck! It's a worth journey!
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member

    If you're under the supervision of your doctor, why aren't you asking him why the plan he has put you on isn't working?

    Your diary also isn't open.

    Oops! It should be open now.

    I guess I'm embarrassed. I've seen her once a month for since I think March, and all I have to show for it is 8 lbs (which I lost in the first month after she put me on the appetite suppressant). I feel like a big louse going back twice now and trying to explain why I haven't lost any more weight. :/

    Besides, I'm curious to glean the collective wisdom of the MFP community.

    Take your food diary to your doctor, and show him/her. Your doctor will most likely be able to take that, plus run whatever tests, and be able to give you a very accurate answer.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Liquid creamers are more expensive than protein powder. Try upping your protein and fat go slightly lower carb. Also how much fluids to you take in? Go for at least 12 8 ozs. Replace the regular yogurt for Greek. Avacados are not expensive and are great, just weigh them. It is spring time. You should be able to get more in season fruits and veggies.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    For what it's worth, I have to stay low on the carbs because they make me crave more. I do eat some things I don't absolutely love, i.e,. kale. Over the past few months, my sense of taste has begun to accommodate a healthier eating habit. Not saying you need to do that to lose weight, but just thought I'd share my experience with you in case you're interested in making some dietary changes.

    Law school is very stressful; maybe you're experiencing some hormonal issues as a result of the consistent stress and it's impacting your ability to lose the weight. Either way, you don't pay your doctor to judge you negatively and make you feel bad. Go back, open up your food diary, and make her work for her fee. Best of luck!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Liquid creamers are more expensive than protein powder. Try upping your protein and fat go slightly lower carb. Also how much fluids to you take in? Go for at least 12 8 ozs. Replace the regular yogurt for Greek. Avacados are not expensive and are great, just weigh them. It is spring time. You should be able to get more in season fruits and veggies.

    Excellent ideas!
  • Perhaps change the types off foods you're eating? Instead of fish, maybe tofu. Instead of white potatoes, maybe sweet potatoes... etc. More veggies, more water... you almost can't go wrong there.

    I know this is not the case with everyone, but if I really want to lose weight, I have to stop drinking beer (and I love dark beers!). Even staying within my calorie range, I just won't lose if beer is in the picture, it's so unfair. But it's the case with me.

    Good luck!

    In regards solely to weight loss, if you're in a caloric deficit, you WILL lose weight. It's not the drinking beer or types of food you eat that stops that. Just an FYI.

    Unless you're like me and have hormone issues (hypothyroid, insulin resistance and PCOS)... have you been checked for any of those issues? Good luck!
  • lauraleighsm
    lauraleighsm Posts: 167
    Do you have a food scale? They are not expensive and some of your food seems like it might be measured incorrectly. For example, the 1.5 ounces of pork. That's a really small amount! I measure everything.

    I will second eliminating the sugar! You have to really limit that to help with the cravings. Find some recipes for more whole food snacks like homemade larabars. Find foods that has some nutritional values. The salt in processed foods is a killer!

    Good luck! Weight loss is SO hard but feels so good!
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    I hear you, before law school i was running 4-5 miles a day and in the best shape of my life...fast forward 3 years and I was the heaviest I've ever been in my life. It is stressful. I wish i had kept up my exercise-it seems like you don't have time but it is a great stress reliever, and helps with weight loss.

    Do you have a food scale?
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    How accurate is your tracking? Are you weighing or measuring everything strictly? Do you track everyting including oils used for cooking/sauces etc.? If not and you are just guesstimating then you could be consuming a lot more calories than you think
  • RockMe777
    RockMe777 Posts: 24 Member
    I would back way off on breads and increase veggies / fruits. Too much bread / carbs will sabotage your diet
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    No expert by any means, but I've cut down on carbs, increased protein and looks to me like you eat a lot of carbs. Just a suggestion.
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    I have not mastered anything but I agree with other posters the processed food needs to go, there is a lot of sugar in your diet. Up your water intake and more fruits and veggies. I bought a food scale and it has made a world of difference in knowing how much I am actually eating.