How to kick a nightly vino habit???

melbhall Posts: 519
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I LOVE red wine. I love buying it, I love seeing my collection, and I love to drink a glass or two most nights (unless we are with family or have an early day the next day). My husband and I relax after a long day with a glass and usually stay up too late and eventually start eating junk food. This is really hindering my weight loss. Furthermore, I'm tired of telling myself I'm going to get up early and do something, then sleep in because I stayed up too late drinking wine. (Note: I usually am in bed by 11:30, but my hubby gets up at 5 so I know this late night love affair is hard on him).

Does anyone have any realistic ways to stop using wine as my way to relax? What is something healthy I can replace it with, to still feel like I get a treat? I want wine to be special and something we enjoy at a nice restaurant or to celebrate, not our nightly crutch.


  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    Ummmm, I need to pay attention to this one!!! I drank a bottle last nite :(
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519 hubby and I shared a bottle then had pizza rolls and ben and jerry's half baked....It was a phenomenal night, but I'm thinking this can't be the norm or instead of shrinking I just may double in size. Eeek!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Cranberry juice!
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I used to be the same way. The only thing I could do was just to stop completely. I stopped buying it. It was strange at first, but over time it didn't bother me anymore. That was years ago (probably 5 or 6). I do drink herbal tea after dinner now and hardly ever drink anymore. I found that even after a glass the next day I will feel it . And after learning what it feels like to really feel good, I don't drink it.

    With that said....We are going to Spain in a month and I know I'll be partaking in the vino!! Even if I do feel a little cruddy the next day! :)
  • LJK100
    LJK100 Posts: 39 Member
    Yikes!!! Do I ever know that feeling...I am really fine during the day, but about 5 or 6 I start obsessing about a glass of wine, or maybe...a margarita...then, it turns into two...then I hit the fridge and totally destroy all my good diet intentions. This past week, I have just plain cold turkied it. I try to find something to do about 4 or so, and then stay busy thru the "witching hour" and come in for landing about 7 or so. So far it has worked out really well and I have not had any alcohol for over a week, and it gets easier every day. I think doing 3 miles a day on the treadmill has helped a lot too since you are pretty reluctant to throw all that effort down the drain.

    Basically, I think if you can just get through a few days it will get easier and it has been REALLY beneficial for me to find some outdoor activity or get on the treadmill in the early evening...

    Good luck!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I would like to say that I think it's fantastic that you and your husband share that time together.

    You could try just being more aware! Have sugar free juice instead of wine! Strawberries instead of pizza rolls. I think the wine has less to do with you relaxing than just the habit of hanging out with your husband and sharing a few minutes with him at the end of the day.

    Also - trade massages. I always found that was very relaxing with my last relationship.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'll have a glass of wine if I have the calories left over...
    However, good tea, board games (especially backgammon.... I suggested my husband play backgammon with another woman, and it was like I'd asked him to commit adultery. And not in the "fantasy" way), a mutually enjoyed audio book or stand up comic......

    The switch to tea/decaf coffee from wine might be abrupt. The good news for me is that the warm liquid is filling in a way the wine isn't....
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I was a two bottle per night champagne drinker before finding this site. I would love to say I quit because it's just so not healthy to drink that much but in reality it was the discovery that I was drinking over 1200 calories per evening. That's my MFP daily limit! I just had to stop. I tell myself that I am much more healthy and have so much more energy even when those cravings sneak up on me. It's been four weeks now and even the thought of drinking during the week makes me feel guilty. If I go out with friends I have a diet vodka instead.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I would like to say that I think it's fantastic that you and your husband share that time together.

    You could try just being more aware! Have sugar free juice instead of wine! Strawberries instead of pizza rolls. I think the wine has less to do with you relaxing than just the habit of hanging out with your husband and sharing a few minutes with him at the end of the day.

    Also - trade massages. I always found that was very relaxing with my last relationship.

    Well said!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Stop buying it unless it's for a special occasion.
    And no, Tuesday does not qualify for a special occasion!
  • vashort
    vashort Posts: 1
    Wow, thanks for all the advice. I'm struggling with kicking the wine habit myself and really appreciate all the advice and comments. It's great to know that I'm not alone in my love/obsession with red wine. =) Thanks again to all.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    If you are really having only a glass or two, then the wine is not what is putting weight on you. It's the "junk food" you said you are munching while drinking the wine.
    Speaking as a former wine addict - I opened a bottle when I got home from work and didn't stop drinking until I went to bed - the only way to kick the habit is to just stop drinking it cold turkey for a few weeks. Then reintroduce one 4 - 6 ounce glass with your evening meal. Pour it somewhere else and keep the bottle away from you.
    This has worked for me. I can now enjoy the benefits of red wine without the negative effects of too much.
    If you are sure you are only having a glass or two, then make sure what you are munching is low cal and healthy - fruit slices, fat free popcorn, etc.
    Good luck. It's not easy, I know.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Well, I quit easily. But of course that was because I discovered I have an autoimmune disease attacking my liver, so I can't drink at all or take medications that affect the liver. I'm guessing you don't want to go that direction. :-)

    My "dessert" every evening is a sugar-free calcium chew and a cup of flavored decaf coffee with milk and artificial sweetener. The chocolate chew is my choco-fix for the day and the warm, creamy, sweet coffee just tastes so soothing. On the rare occasion that I can find the decaf version of the chai tea I like, I've been known to substitute that.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    I can totally recall to this. Most Fridays that my husband isn't working the night shift I anticipate relaxing with an apero, cooking a nice dinner and taking time to eat and talk with a nice red wine. So relaxing !

    If you are used to having a glass or two later in the night, how about replacing it with some hot chocolate ? I love having a hot chocolate in the late evening. And because I sip on it slowly (I "drink" it with a spoon, one spoon at the time LOL), I don't feel having anything to eat with it. Carnation has a "Light" version which is only 45 calories. If you have some room for extra calories by that time, you can even add a spoonfull of Cool Whip for a super treat :)
  • Gidget86
    Gidget86 Posts: 45
    I have a hard time with this same issue!
    I know I don't have a problem with alcohol its just I love red wine!
    I'm trying to drink decaf iced tea at night.

    Not only a huge calorie difference but the sugars in wine don't help me at all.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Thanks for all the wonderful advice! I'm going to try replacing it with something like herbal tea or the occassional hot chocolate. My husband won't mind the change, we just like having special time in the evening after my son goes to bed. When I was pregnant we had tea...and icecream. I want our time to still feel special and romantic just without all the extra calories. I know I can do this, I kicked my tv in the bedroom habit a few years ago and replaced it with reading so I know I can kick this wine business! Thanks for all the great ideas.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I have a hard time with this same issue!
    I know I don't have a problem with alcohol its just I love red wine!
    I'm trying to drink decaf iced tea at night.

    Not only a huge calorie difference but the sugars in wine don't help me at all.

    Me too, I don't have an alcohol additction, I love beer and margaritas too but have no desire to drink them unless I'm at a sporting event or mexican restaurant.

    I think my love of wine not only comes from the wine itself but from the whole setting. I love wine glasses and toasting and it seems romantic. When I was pregnant with my son we started drinking tea and even bought a fancy tea kettle and big mugs, it made the whole nightly tea routine more fun. I don't drink it to get drunk, in fact I hate being out of control so if I feel the slightest bit tipsy I stop.
  • Stop buying it unless it's for a special occasion.
    And no, Tuesday does not qualify for a special occasion!

    Haha I love that " Tuesday does not qualify for a special occasion!"
    Not trying to encourage bad habits but didnt I read that red wine and dark chocolate are suppose to be healthy? Would ONE glas of red wine and ONE small serving of dark chocolate maybe every other evening be all that bad?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Stop buying it unless it's for a special occasion.
    And no, Tuesday does not qualify for a special occasion!

    Haha I love that " Tuesday does not qualify for a special occasion!"
    Not trying to encourage bad habits but didnt I read that red wine and dark chocolate are suppose to be healthy? Would ONE glas of red wine and ONE small serving of dark chocolate maybe every other evening be all that bad?

    Actually they found that the ONE red wine and the ONE dark chocolate had less to do with the health benefits and more to do with the people that had that habit. The people were healthier because they lived their lives in moderation. They didn't go overboard on wine or chocolate, nor did they cut it out of their lives because that's simply how they did everything.

    Long story short : It's less the wine - more the ability to moderate.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    What about trying wine spritzers? Cutting it with club soda would cut some of the calories and allow you to enjoy two glasses for the calories of one.
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