Am I working out right?

Alright, so I am getting impatient (potentially for no reason) and I would just like to hear some people's input!

I am 5'7 and 135 lbs. When I began using this app I was 152 lbs, so basically I am making my way along. I haven't hit a plateau, I am just getting very impatient with stubborn lower belly fat lol. Shame on me! I'm happy with the rest of my body, I just want a flat stomach... it literally all just bunches up at the bottom. If I could take a butter knife and just evenly spread it, I would be happy. I'm happy with my weight lets make that clear, just not the bottom tummy bulge lol. I work out 5 days a week, I think my diet is pretty great and has been for the past few months... I never skip any of my 5 workouts weekly. I burn between 300-500 calories daily through exercise and I have myfitnesspal set to lose 1/2 per week (1500 daily calories) because like I said, I'm not looking at the scale.. I'm looking at this damned belly fat. I basically do circuit training 5 days a week.. I try to throw in some walks with the dog daily and jumping jacks etc.. but I don't do daily high intensity cardio... I must add that I have a cheat meal every friday and saturday lol but according to myfitnespal I never go over my weekly calories.. I am still roughly 800 under for the week.

Anyways, my question is do I need to do more cardio? intense cardio? Or should I just continue what I'm doing now because I am still seeing the number go down ever so slowly on the scale... with that will my belly fat diminish? or is it hanging on for dear life until I start sprinting around the neighbourhood .... lol



  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    obviously you know you can't spot reduce.
    Work on exercises that tone your muscle.
    Some people like the ab roller
    Some people like Ab Ripper X off some program
    Some people like other things.

    Mix that in with cardio and after a couple months of tracking see if you see a difference.

    (this is generic advice)
  • ixa73
    ixa73 Posts: 24 Member
    You could try HIT (High Intensity Training) suposed to be brilliant for improving your general health and reducing fat/blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Google It:)
  • shuckerlove
    shuckerlove Posts: 19
    You could try HIT (High Intensity Training) suposed to be brilliant for improving your general health and reducing fat/blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Google It:)

    I've been reading tons about this! Thanks! :)
  • MissRebecca7
    MissRebecca7 Posts: 2 Member
    I recommend doing some toning exercises for the stomach area. Search for 'pop pilates lower belly exercises', these videos are very popular and I find the stomach ones to work really well.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member

    There is no ab exercise that's going to help with this. Period. Stop suggesting it.

    Also, You should go above your caloric "limit" at least once every 2 weeks. Your metabolism has slowed down. This has very little to do with your belly fat, but it's always the case after prolonged weight loss.

    You can't spot reduce. Just try to become more of an athlete and eat more like one. Whether you know it or not, this is what you're wanting. More body building and strength type of work and less cardio,running, circuit stuff. No you won't get bulking unless you eat too many calories.
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
  • shuckerlove
    shuckerlove Posts: 19

    There is no ab exercise that's going to help with this. Period. Stop suggesting it.

    Also, You should go above your caloric "limit" at least once every 2 weeks. Your metabolism has slowed down. This has very little to do with your belly fat, but it's always the case after prolonged weight loss.

    You can't spot reduce. Just try to become more of an athlete and eat more like one. Whether you know it or not, this is what you're wanting. More body building and strength type of work and less cardio,running, circuit stuff. No you won't get bulking unless you eat too many calories.

    I eat like 2000-2500 calories every friday and saturday like I said lol I don't do much cardio so I was wondering if thats the problem.. I do circuit training. Legs twice a week, abs twice a week and arms once basically... I know I can't spot reduce, but I was wondering if I'm not burning enough? I eat well trust me on this lol by no means do I starve myself.
  • shuckerlove
    shuckerlove Posts: 19

    I wish I knew the message behind this word lol
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Blah blah can't spot reduce blah...
    but these are great
  • shuckerlove
    shuckerlove Posts: 19
    Blah blah can't spot reduce blah...
    but these are great

    I always appreciate new workouts, thanks!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Carry on pushing yourself with circuit training.. i do circuits with deadlifts, squats and planks in tummy is going down, very slowly but it's going, just takes time..but there is no specific exercises really you can do that will reduce just that area.
  • Yes, this is what I was thinking.. I can see it changing and getting flatted but I can definitely tell it is stubborn haha. I do the same in my circuits. I switch up my work out routine every 3-4 weeks so I don't plateau though. Thanks!