Can birth control KEEP you from LOSING weight?



  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I'm on the nexaton implant, currently wAiting to have it out. I was told it may increase my appetite which in turn could lead to weight gain. So I can't say it's made me gain weight but I truly believe if makes it harder to lose weight. My hormones/ cycle are all over place hence wanting if out. I have had it 2 years. I've been trying bloody hard now for 9 weeks to loose few pounds. Started exercising 5 times a week from nothing and keeping check of pthe calories. I've lost 4.5 llbs. I'm sure I hang on to the weight. We will see if u ever get the damn thing out!!!!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm on Loestrin and I'm losing weight. Only problem is the cravings on my off days from the pill. They are a pain!

    I'm on the same and I can agree! My cravings are uncontrollable on the off days! I can fend them off until the day before TOM arrives then there's no holding back to how much food I can eat!

    I don't think it has stopped me losing at all though.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I actually find weight-loss easier when I'm on the Pill.
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I'm inclined to say that:

    1) Being on BC and the idea that it causes people to gain weight gives people the excuse to blame their weight gain or lack thereof on the BC.

    2) Being on BC causes hormonal changes which can cause cravings, but more so it causes pissy moods, causing people (especially people with weight issues) to use food to feel better. Eating more = more weight gain.
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    I've had a IUD and am now on birth control pills and have been able to lose considerable weight both times in a short amount of time. If there is a connection, I don't think it's that signifigant. Also, perhaps try for a low-dose bc pill like Orthotricylcen-lo or etc?
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    it depends on the pill and the individual,

    i was on trimfeme for years, i managed to lose 36kgs (using MFP).

    my pill was changed to NORIMIN in september 2012. Since sept 2012, til now (march 2013), NOTHING has changed, I still train 5-6 days per week, my diet remains clean, healthy, with log ins daily..... and i have GAINED 6KGS .

    Needless to say, as of next week, i will be ceasing NORIMIN
  • Jenn_1990
    Jenn_1990 Posts: 14
    the microgynon, defo!! i went on it when i was 16, was quite skinny in my last year of school, was on it for 5 years and i knew that i put on loads of weight. i went from a size 10 to a size 14 weighing in at 11 stone 5 lbs.
    i came of the pill start of 2011, within a month i had lost 6lbs and i was eating normal meals, one week i was on a uni trip and it was self catered help yourself i was eating loads and still managed to lose some weight!!

    i noticed on the microgynon i was eating so much all the time and it was all bad, so i had a break and asked to go on yasmin, havnt put on any weight infact ive managed to lose some

    so ask your doctor if you can switch to yasmin i recommend it :)
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    If you are eating a balance diet and working out hard, you should be at about 10-15 lbs lost in 5 weeks.

    Erm , not really, 1lb a week loss (which the OP has had) is about right unless she is very obese.
  • doctorwhome
    I was on Seasonique and gained a lot of weight very quickly, even though I didn't change my lifestyle otherwise. As soon as I stopped taking it, I stopped gaining. I think it can be a factor in weight gain for certain people.
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    I am on the Depo injection and on the list of possible side effects it does list weight gain, I have been on it approx 3yrs and I have gained a little weight but I've found if I work out a little bit harder and cut out that sneaky afternoon biscuit it does counteract that small gain
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm on 7/7/7 (been on this for almost 4 years now) and it hasn't made me gain weight- it's not saying "no" that's making me gain. My sister was on another form of BCP and she gained..she got off of it and still has her ups and downs.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Absolutely, I have heard countless stories of women piling on the pounds after having certain birth control (gerneally the DEPO and the Implant) I have had the Depo and I haven't noticed it make me put on weight but i have certainly noticed it turning me into an anxious person which has been horrid. I will be swapping for a hormone free coil asap

    Be interesting to see if my weight loss speeds up when i am off the damn thing.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yes, the doc told me to get off it, best thing i could have done.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Depends on the person. I'm on the pop/mini pill (orthomicronor) because I'm highly sensitive to estrogen (like migraine and seizure trigger sensitive!). I gained 2 to 3 lbs of water weight/bloat for the first couple of months and then things leveled. I have not gained weight or noticed any slowed weightloss since I've been on it....there have been changes in appetite for me (but that's controllable!)
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I can only speak from my experience, but I started taking Orthocylene for hormonal issues / PCOS about 6 months ago. Since I started, I have been in a plateau. I am not sure if it is the medicine, or my body telling me I wasn't eating enough. I was on the 1200 calorie (did eat back my exercise calories) diet before that point. I have changed my calories to reflect the TDEE-20% and still nothing.

    I say this, but I am not coming off the pill right now. My doctor told me I was at a much higher risk for ovarian and cervical cancer if I kept refusing to take it. I figure I can be 25# heavier than I want if it keeps me from getting terminal cancer.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    i know people who gained weight while on birth control pills
  • LibertyBelle89
    ive been on the same BCP since i was 16 (8 years last month) & its never been an issue for me
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
  • LizzieLulu
    I have been reading online that excess Estrogen can stop you from losing weight, especially stubborn fat that has been there a long time. I am contemplating trying a progesterone only pill or the implant in your arm to see if that helps me. I am on Marvelon and I am constantly bloated. I have an extremely healthy diet but can't get rid of the fat I want and I find it hard to build muscle.
    As for you losing only 5lbs that is ok. Stop weighing yourself however, and measure your body parts. It is the inches you are losing that is going to show you how well you are doing. You are increasing your muscle and this weighs a lot more than fat. Ignore the scales, when you look in the mirror and are happy with your body, that's the weight you should be :)
    Good Luck and keep going!

    Ps... I swear by the Paleo Diet. It is a lifestyle change as opposed to a quick diet or calorie counted diet. You eat everything fresh and un processed like a caveman would. It has given me so much energy, glowing skin, helped cellulite and it's the healthiest option out there! To stick with the diet, after my workouts I use Hemp protein powder, which is found in a plant so it is still unprocessed organic food!
  • bordencp
    bordencp Posts: 1

    Planned Parenthood of New York City in the News
    Article, "Will the Pill Make Me Fat?" by Erica Sackin, Media Content and Outreach Manager, Planned Parenthood of New York City, published in RH Reality Check (8/4/10)

    The Birth Control Pill: it’s one of the most widely used forms of contraception, so is there any wonder that it carries so many misconceptions?

    We here at Planned Parenthood of New York City field all kinds of questions about birth control pills – will they make me fat, will they make me unable to have kids, do I need to take a break after eight straight years of hormones? So we decided it was time to break it down for you, and give you the straight facts about what is and isn’t true and just where all those rumors come from.

    Keep in mind that we’re not giving anyone medical advice, and that making good decisions about sexual health and birth control is vastly different for each person. That means that no matter how much what we explain rings true, you should always discuss these topics with your health care provider to figure out what works best for your health, body, and lifestyle.

    Before we get started, let’s go over some birth control basics:

    So what is the Pill anyway? The birth control pill is an oral hormonal contraceptive that’s taken daily. While there are many different brand name and generic versions of the Pill, they all basically work the same way. Made up of estrogen, progesterone, or a mix of both, these hormones suppress ovulation, ensuring that a woman’s ovaries don’t release eggs. And they thicken a woman’s cervical mucus, thereby blocking sperm from getting past the cervix.
    Even though pills all work the same way, that doesn’t mean they’re all the same. They have different mixes and levels of hormones. Some may even include extras, like iron supplements. Because of this, they all affect us differently – meaning that the side effects you get with one pill may disappear once you change brands. Often finding the right birth control is a process – trying many different brands until you find one that mixes well with your body’s chemistry.

    The Myth: The Pill Will Make Me Fat. Heard about the “Freshmen 15” – the extra pounds you gain in your first year of college? Well word on the street is that it’s nothing compared to the “Progesterone 15” – the weight you gain when you start on the birth control pill. We at Planned Parenthood of New York City often have patients come into our centers complaining about weight gain, bloating, or extra poundage once they start taking the Pill.

    Let’s debunk this one right now. The birth control pill cannot make you gain weight. It will not make you fat, it will not add on pounds, it will not make you heavier.

    So what gives?

    Well, a few things may be going on. First of all, while the Pill won’t make you gain weight, what the Pill can make you do is retain water – creating the appearance of weight gain. This isn’t a permanent change, and will usually go away once your body has adjusted to the new hormones, after about a month or two.

    Second of all, if your birth control pill contains progesterone (most do), that might be to blame. See, while progesterone doesn’t make you gain weight, it can, for some people, cause an increase in appetite. Increased appetites can lead to eating more, which, yes, will lead to weight gain.

    Our medical staff has a favorite saying about this: “The Pill doesn’t make you gain weight, calories do.”

    Keep in mind, however, that this increase in appetite is not exponential. Your appetite will increase slightly and then level out, meaning that once your body adjusts you shouldn’t continue to gain weight.

    So what can you do if this is happening to you?

    Always discuss any concerns you have about your birth control method with your health care provider. But, as mentioned above, most of these effects will disappear over time, as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels. Wait a few months and see what happens. And if you’re still unhappy with the results, talk to your provider about finding a method that works better for you.