Iliotibial Band Problems?

Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
While doing squats I feel my iliotibial band rubbing right near my knee. Usually its not much of a problem, but yesterday with the weight at 185 i couldn't complete my squats. Not because the weight was too heavy but because of the pain in my knee (i also suffer from horrible knees, multiple dislocations, and arthroscopic surgery on both knees about ten years ago)

My workout partner is a physical therapist, so he recommended some stretches and to use a foam roller.

Has anyone else ever dealt with this issue. Has it hindered their workout? Any tips/ suggestions?



  • I have problems with my IT Bands, too. I inflamed/injured both of them when I tried running. I had 3 months of PT. Listen to what your friend tells you. The stretches are great. The foam roller is one of those things that hurts so bad while using it, but really helps.
  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    I had 18 years of IT band pain and I can tell you that (for me) squats were THE WORST thing I could do. I tried to add squats to my workout and I wouldn't be able to exercise at all for the next couple of days, and I wasn't even squatting with any added weight. I might not be the best example because I ended up having IT band lengthening surgery 3 weeks ago but my tips are:

    1. heat before workout
    2. stretch
    3. ice after workout
    4. don't do the exercises that cause more inflammation & make it worse
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    The foam roller is one of those things that hurts so bad while using it, but really helps.

    Made a world of difference for me too.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    A couple of years ago I missed about 6 weeks of running due to IT Band syndrome. I ended up seeing a sports massage therapist who had me running again after 2 sessions (of pure torture....) but she also showed me how to properly use the foam roller (after every run) and stretches's been 2 years of pain free running since.

    Definitely invest in a foam roller and learn how to use it properly - hurts like crazy if you're doing it right.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    I agree on the foam roller posts. I went to the physio as I was sure I'd damaged my knee by it was just my IT band rubbing the bone/something raw. Got myself a foam roller at home, got some real great advice on using it properly and was in bits for the first week in pain!! A month on and I can jump on it and get no pain (unless post long run), can run freely and am back squatting 85kgs.

    EDIT: and my foam roller cost about £10/$15, so worth it
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Foam rolling (and other forms of self-myofascial release) is one of the best things you can do for your overall quality of life
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I've had ITB issues as a runner but never gotten them during my (brief) period of weight training. In addition to the stretching and foam roller, you need to strengthen your IT Band. I've found that side steps with an elastic band around the ankles work well. Or you can strap into a cable weight machine and do side leg extensions. In either case, work on keeping your toes pointed slightly in.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    I had bad IT band problems when I started running. I had a trainer tell me to take a kitchen rolling pin and roll it out from the hip to the knee, paying special attention to any lumpy places. That's scar tissue that needs to be broken up. I did it, hurt like hell, but worked like a champion.