Not new, just looking for new support and motivation!

I'm not new here, but haven't really tried as much as i could have done.
now i have a weding coming up in a month i'm really pushing myself
just wanting some more motivation and support from new people and some new friends!

Living in london, surrey
ALL AGES,GENDERS,RACES,WEIGHTS feel free to add me!! i wont bite, promise!

:heart: :smile: :wink:


  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Pretty much in same boat as you as far as not new and haven't been as diligent as necessary to lose and keep weight off; however, now need to lose considerable amount of weight due to new insurance guidelines under new Healthcare Act.. You'd be one of my first friends as haven't thought necessary to success but think I may need some accountability

    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    add me for support.
  • Chatterbox57
    Hi Ruby,

    I'm much older I think by your photo. I am great at dishing the advice but hopeless at following it myself. I get a bit cocky when I loose a little weight and think I dont need to use the calorie counter as I know best. Well over the last month the scales are telling the truth. So its sunshine and salads all the way. I love smothering my salads in dressing and find using the Pizza Express dressings are actually not half as bad as mayo. I also love soy sauce or an extra zing.

    Hope that will give you some ideas about salads - not very motivating but trust me if it means I can eat a plate of greens and enjoy it I'm all for it.

    Have a great day and hope to chat soon.
  • babyk78
    babyk78 Posts: 65 Member
    I'll send you a friend request. We can do this journey together with tons of other people :)
  • traumaticthrash
    Hi Ruby,

    first of all, congrats on the wedding, I'm sure you're buzzing inside!
    anyway, I'm not sure what your plans are in terms of fitness, to lose or gain? it's not down to me to assume.

    i guess just some generic advice from my experience which have helped me achieve some of my goals.

    i've just come off the weight lost program (about 3 months) and now I'm looking to add bit more muscle weight on..

    1. number 1 and probably the most important one. if you get this right. you're 70-80% to achieving your goal. it's your all about the food you consume, your nutrient plan is the most important aspect of training. it's a life style :). anyway, what worked for me was a protein and healthy fat diet (nuts seeds etc) I maintained a very low carb diet. but everyone is different, try the foods out and give it a shot.

    2. don't deprive yourself of the odd naughty food. there's ways around this, generally if you're diet is clean everyday the odd packet of crisp a day is not likely to dampen what you want to achieve. Likewise if you maintain a clean diet for about 10 days and go all out for 1 day, it is also not likely to disrupt what you want to achieve :) . always keep in mind that you are entitled to snack but your goals are more important. By going cold turkey is always worst... you end up having uncontrollable cravings! (remember this is all based on my experience)

    and of course.. exercise :)

    be consistent and focus on your nutrition plan first, then think about exercising. if your diet is poor but you're working extra hard in the gym.. you will find it a lot harder to see results.

    hope I've provided you with some new motivation.

    and good luck to the wedding ahead!
  • ClareT112
    ClareT112 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm new on here and I'm also looking for some friends to keep me motivated.

    I have been struggling with a yo-yo weight problem since I was 19/20. I am determined to lose the weight...and keep it off this time, mainly for myself but also because I want to look good and feel healthier. I too have a family wedding that I'm slimming down for but I have until the end of September to do it. Altogether I want to lose about another 2 1/2 stone but if I can even lose just the 2 by then I'll be happy :smile:

    I'm sure you will be able to lose the weight you want to. I think sometimes we can be too strict with/hard on ourselves and when we have an oops day we think we have to give up. :noway: I'm getting into a new way of thinking though now and realise that it isn't the end of the world when that happens so I just get on with it the next day. I still record my bad days so I can see where I went wrong but I dont "beat myself up" about it. You CAN do it, keep trying!

    If you would like to add me as a friend so we can egg each other on, please feel free.

    All the best, Clare :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • andreabrabham
    andreabrabham Posts: 116 Member
    Hey! You can add me if you would like as anyone else on here. Would love to have you as a friend. Support has helped me keep my motivation
  • rubywoo123
    rubywoo123 Posts: 80
    Hi Ruby,

    I'm much older I think by your photo. I am great at dishing the advice but hopeless at following it myself. I get a bit cocky when I loose a little weight and think I dont need to use the calorie counter as I know best. Well over the last month the scales are telling the truth. So its sunshine and salads all the way. I love smothering my salads in dressing and find using the Pizza Express dressings are actually not half as bad as mayo. I also love soy sauce or an extra zing.

    Hope that will give you some ideas about salads - not very motivating but trust me if it means I can eat a plate of greens and enjoy it I'm all for it.

    Have a great day and hope to chat soon.

    Thanks for the add! yipee ! im all welcome to salad ideas! :D
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    You (and anyone else) can add me if you like. Love to help motivate others and get motivation.
  • rubywoo123
    rubywoo123 Posts: 80
    Hi Ruby,

    first of all, congrats on the wedding, I'm sure you're buzzing inside!
    anyway, I'm not sure what your plans are in terms of fitness, to lose or gain? it's not down to me to assume.

    i guess just some generic advice from my experience which have helped me achieve some of my goals.

    i've just come off the weight lost program (about 3 months) and now I'm looking to add bit more muscle weight on..

    1. number 1 and probably the most important one. if you get this right. you're 70-80% to achieving your goal. it's your all about the food you consume, your nutrient plan is the most important aspect of training. it's a life style :). anyway, what worked for me was a protein and healthy fat diet (nuts seeds etc) I maintained a very low carb diet. but everyone is different, try the foods out and give it a shot.

    2. don't deprive yourself of the odd naughty food. there's ways around this, generally if you're diet is clean everyday the odd packet of crisp a day is not likely to dampen what you want to achieve. Likewise if you maintain a clean diet for about 10 days and go all out for 1 day, it is also not likely to disrupt what you want to achieve :) . always keep in mind that you are entitled to snack but your goals are more important. By going cold turkey is always worst... you end up having uncontrollable cravings! (remember this is all based on my experience)

    and of course.. exercise :)

    be consistent and focus on your nutrition plan first, then think about exercising. if your diet is poor but you're working extra hard in the gym.. you will find it a lot harder to see results.

    hope I've provided you with some new motivation.

    and good luck to the wedding ahead!

    thank you! xx
  • poisonbloom
    poisonbloom Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Ruby,
    I'm from London also, AND I have a wedding to go to in 2 months - so similarly on a mission to kick my wobbly bottom into gear!

    I've sent you and add request
  • rubywoo123
    rubywoo123 Posts: 80
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    'Great support group! We all help motivate each other. Hope this might help you on your journey. :)
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    anyone can feel free to add :bigsmile:
  • yoko64
    yoko64 Posts: 2
    that's definitely motivated me. =)
    My problem is unfortunately not eating enough, however, and I'm looking for a leaner...less squishy look. lol.
    I'm trying to eat more protein since, I'm lacking a bit of iron but I've found that it fills me up quickly and I don't eat much throughout the rest of the day.
    Any advice?
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm in the very same boat as you! Not new, but wanting new friends.

    Others may feel free to add me :D