Please help :(



  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    You are eating way too little and if you are exercising on top of what you are eating you must be netting between 500 and 600 calories on some days.

    As others have said are you drinking plenty of water

    Aslo if you have just started an exercise plan you can expect the scales to go up as muscle take up water to help heal them.
  • suzeya
    suzeya Posts: 12
    i took a look at your diary and it seems like you've only been doing this for a few weeks. losing weight takes TIME and this is a lifelong effort. the reason we all gain and lose weight inconsistently is because we go too extreme and can't sustain it forever.

    that said, what i've found this time around is that the weight did not drop off for over a month and a half. if i weighed myself every day or every week, i probably would have gotten discouraged and given up. but since i only weighed myself twice, it wasn't as frustrating.

    now that i've been consistently eating better, walking every day, eating a lot of fiber and drinking a lot of water, i notice that i am losing weight. do i weigh myself? no, but i can tell physically by the shape of my body. at some point i might buy a scale but i'm more concerned with eating better, moving more, getting the proper nutrients vs. reaching some "goal" number.

    i think in the beginning your body needs to adjust to your new lifestyle after being accustomed to your old eating habits and such. also weight loss isn't a linear progress-- your weight will go up and down all the time and then you'll hit a drop off mark. my friend who is on this journey with me will gain +/- 2lbs and then drop 4 lbs.

    keep it up. slow and steady wins the race.
  • bridgeypie
    WOW you guys are AMAZING... I thought - meh I'll post an hopefully ONE person answers very impressed with all the support - thank you!

    Answer to some of the questions:

    Current weight 220
    Body fat - no idea
    Monday - did no log - didn' tjust eat 300 cals, oops - sorry!

    I guess what everyone says is eat more... I can't grasp that concept but Im trying.... if anyone cares to share some examples with me of what a typical day of food should look like I would love that.. i cant imagine eating MORE food...

    Thank you to the commenter who mentioned it's a life long journey and that I shouldn't be discouraged about results and that this is a way of life and keep going - your right.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    The support is one reason I would not give up MFP! Be aware that sometimes you will get conflicting advice, it is your job after you read it to decide what to do with it. Everyone means well, but I would guess few of us speak from more than personal experience and what we have read/heard ourselves from others.

    And if you weigh 220, you defintely are not eating enough if you are logging your intake most days. Please use a calculator at or another site to get a better measure of your dietary needs. Also, make sure you are logging EVERYTHING you eat...sometimes a chip here and there, a small handful of m&m's, a treat in the break room slip past the lips and don't get logged. It can add up to an amazing amount of calories you don't even register on your radar (sort of like all those little credit card charges, then you see the bill and holy cow!)

    Hang in there, keep working, I am willing to bet if you have been exercising this last couple of weeks, there have been changes going on inside that aren't showing up on the scale yet. It takes time.
  • bridgeypie
    Let hope for internal changes that will soon be reflected on the scale...

  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm now 191 at 5ft 5 and to lose one pound a week I need 1600 calories a day - that's is without exercise calories being eaten back.

    I'll send you a friends request - I originally started at 246.
  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    Are you measuring and weighing (and logging) all your food? It's literally impossible for someone your size to eat 1,000 calories a day for three weeks and not lose weight. You should go to a doctor if your log is accurate.

    Edit: And while I agree that 1,000 cal is undereating there is no way on earth that you are in "starvation mode". Google "starvation mode myth". It's all junk science.
  • Kai81109
    Kai81109 Posts: 52 Member
    From what my nutritionist recommended for me and i was 192. Eat any were from 1200 to 1400 calories to lose weight eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits at least 3 times a day. Eat every 3 hrs and eat protein with each meal and try to keep your carbs to a minimum. Do not eat less then 4 meals a day drink between 8 to 10 bottles of water. And info just from reading and learning from others try and work out 30 to 60 minutes a day