needing a boost for last 15lb

Hey, so upto loosing the last 15lb... and I'm looking for some freinds/motivation/support for the last bit of the weight loss journey?


  • Revas83
    Revas83 Posts: 6
    I'm needing to lose 20 and need motivation as well.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I'm looking to lose about another 11.4 lb til my first goal, but about 16.4 lb til my final goal... I'm right there with ya!
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    I have 10 more to go and it's been rough! Can't get the scales to budge much but I'm trying to be patient. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    Try to zig zag you calories a week at a time, and change up your workouts... if your only running for your cardio switch to swimming or biking, and try adding some weight training... adding a little muscle with make your body eat up fat and burn calories quicker... basically change it up. if you've hit a wall then your body is lloking for variety.
  • 0ctobre
    0ctobre Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! I've lost 10lbs since starting calorie counting but I have another 15lbs to lose to get to my goal and I feel like I've hit a plateau these last 2-3 weeks... it's very hard to stay motivated :(

    I want to start weight lifting but find it terribly intimidating and I don't know where to start.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I've got 17Ils to go! Everyone add me if you want to support each other!
  • pinky7746
    pinky7746 Posts: 9 Member
    15lbs to go for me!! I lost 30lbs last year, but I am stuck with this last 15! I am going to start focusing on adding protein to my diet and stick with running.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    I've got 17 to go! So close!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I've got 10 lb left to lose. Just started to up the exercise - well do some in general. :laugh: and try and not go over my cals or eat ones gained through exercise.

    On day 4 & finding it tough, so this has come at just the right time. Thank you. :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    19 to lose here. Would love more friends.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Well I weighed myself this morning and despite sticking to healthy eating, sticking with cal allowance and exercising every day - I haven't lost a single lb! :cry:

    I only weigh myself once a week at the same time, wearing the same thing and despite this week being the healthiest week for food and exercise this year I really don't understand. :sad:

    I haven't exercised at all this year so surely something should've shifted? Really, really frustrated cos was so looking forward to seeing what the scales showed. Not going to give up though as on a mission now!
  • I had lost, maintained and now gained a few back. Need to lose 10 lbs. This is hard. I have started back to my old routine that worked in the initial loss. I weigh myself every day (controversial but it keeps me from shoving things into my mouth), log food and exercise and read these posts to stay motivated. I am gong to change up the exercise and make sure to eat what I log. We can do this. I want to fit into all the new clothes I bought!!!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 5'3 was 132 when starting MFP (had previously lost 30 lbs from 160) but apparently I have a tiny frame thus I'm still a chubby bunny somehow so looking to lose that last 10 - 15 see where that puts me! Actually whatever amount leads to a flat stomach would be hella awesome!