pcos and losing weight to ttc????

Hey guys, i have pcos and i am trying to lose weight before going for fertility treatment.

Anyone out there in the same boat?

Please get in touch and we can spur each other on



  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member

    I've not been diagnosed with PCOS but am in this to ttc. Don't know if I need treatment yet but I'm in the same boat.
  • loggie05
    loggie05 Posts: 10
    i wish you every luck hun its not easy ttc.

    good luck

  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    Aw thanks! You too! It's been a very long time for us. Decided not to wait until I've lost all the weight just to carry on while I'm losing and then stop the plan if I get lucky. If I lose the weight and nothing happens in a few months or so then we'll go and find out what's going on. Lots of people telling me weight isn't relevant but I'm ignoring them!
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Same boat but I am currently TTC. I have an appointment today actually. Also have PCOS. I have been TTC on our own for 3 years and the last 6 months we have been seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist.
  • AmyEdelman19
    AmyEdelman19 Posts: 8 Member
    My husband and I have just started TTC. I was told that I have PCOS back in February, but without any cysts. I am trying to lose weight while we are also trying for a baby. I am not a fan of drugs, so I will never go on any form of fertility drugs or treatments. I am trying to do everything as naturally as possible. It is a little scary to think we may not have children. We never saw this coming. But we are okay with it if it doesn't happen. Everything happens for a reason. I did purchase a vitamin called Fertilaid. I read a ton of good things about it. Not just with conceiving, but it helps get your period regular.
  • jelloabz
    jelloabz Posts: 17 Member
    I am in that same boat. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and PCOS. Both of which are harder to lose weight with. I have been struggling with weight loss after being diagnosed for the last 4 years. We have been ttc for the last 3. (our next step is IVF) The last two years were a lot of fertility drugs and injections, which also made me gain some more weight. Ugh. Because of the certain fertility issues I have, Dr says losing weight wouldn't make a difference with TTC cuz i'm not 'totally obese/excessively overweight'. But I still want to! I've gained 50 pounds the last 4 years from all the drugs and HypoT and PCOS. it's ridiculous! And the depression doesn't help either. But i've been working on that and am now feeling better, but still need the motivation to get my butt in gear and lose the squish.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Ladies, I am not ttc, looked here b/c I didn't know what it meant and then read through your posts...it did bring to mind one suggestion I recently read about that you may not have been told about. Do what you can to keep BPA out of your diet. It is a nasty chemical that is theorized to interfere with conception. It is that nasty chemical or group of chemicals in plastic bottles and tin can linings. Stay away from bottled water and sodas, as well as minimizing your consumption of canned goods. I wish you all the best...have a friend/co-worker going through the same struggle and I feel for you all!
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    I think at this stage anything is worth a try. I'll carry on with the weight loss anyway regardless. I am sceptical though as there isn't much evidence to back up weight loss improving chances of conception and different docs say different things. Mine is convinced my weight is an issue. But she also told me not to take any supplements and that I can get everything I need from my diet so that's another reason why I eat as healthily as I can and why am dubious of some docs. Best of luck everyone, one more thing am I the only one keeping my bigger clothes in case I start putting weight on again for the right reason?
  • butterflyluv1218
    Hi. I'm not TTC but I do have PCOS. I've had it since I was a teen. In 2004/2005 I lost a lot of weight and got pregnant almost right away. It does help a lot! Good luck to you.
  • skuehn84
    skuehn84 Posts: 14 Member
    I found out I had PCOS when we were TTC. I lost weight, did fertility treatment, and nothing. We decided to stop trying because it was emotionally exhausting and not treating the PCOS with birth control was leaving me in horrendous pain. Most of the time the cysts are so bad they cannot see my ovaries and the next step is a hystorectomy, but I'm only 28 so that scares the life out of me. Depression caused the weight to climb back up so I"m using MFP to try to get back down to a healthy weight/BMI. I wish you the best of luck in both TTC and losing weight.
  • klnor88
    klnor88 Posts: 28 Member
    I have pcos and am trying to lose weight before continuing on with fertility treatments. It's hard knowing that I'm taking "a break" from ttc but after doing clomid for months I know I need to.
  • loggie05
    loggie05 Posts: 10
    Well its ever so nice to meet people in the same boat :)

    I have been ttc for 7 years now, had 6 months of clomid (all failed)

    I recently quit my job and had my first period in 6 years.

    I have been to docs and getting referred for more treatment.

    I need to lose a bit of weight before my appointment comes through.

    Best of luck to you all

  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I was offically diagnosed with PCOS/Insulin resistance a month ago. When my doctor told me I didnt take it to well, they scared me b/c they thought I had cancer and then I had some serious tests done, very emotional month! Today I go to see my doctor about my blood test and the improvements I have made with diet/exercise alone. A year ago my FSH/LH levels were so horrible my doctor told me unless I make the changes to diet/lifestyle I wouldnt be able to have kids!

    Not to get to personal! but I took my doctors advise on the things to change like diet, exercise, removing all chemicals out of my life, and removing stress and my TOM has actually shown up and I am "normal" for the first time in years! I think once I get some more answers my husband and I will discuss what we want to do next :)!
  • loggie05
    loggie05 Posts: 10
    I was offically diagnosed with PCOS/Insulin resistance a month ago. When my doctor told me I didnt take it to well, they scared me b/c they thought I had cancer and then I had some serious tests done, very emotional month! Today I go to see my doctor about my blood test and the improvements I have made with diet/exercise alone. A year ago my FSH/LH levels were so horrible my doctor told me unless I make the changes to diet/lifestyle I wouldnt be able to have kids!

    Not to get to personal! but I took my doctors advise on the things to change like diet, exercise, removing all chemicals out of my life, and removing stress and my TOM has actually shown up and I am "normal" for the first time in years! I think once I get some more answers my husband and I will discuss what we want to do next :)!

    well done hun on changing and getting back to normal.

    This is my main goal also.
  • MrsAvent79
    MrsAvent79 Posts: 18
    I have to admit something.. I read alot of the forms, and don't post.....

    But I have to share the hope that I have.

    Not to give too much information but as of Jan 1, 2013 I weighted 290 lbs. I was having my period every 1-2 times a year, had been diagnosed with PCOS and realized that if we wanted to have a baby before I was 35 (due to health concerns after that age) I had to get working on this NOW.

    Just this week I have realized that I have had my period EVERY month for the last 4 months (March, April, May and now June!). The beginning of March I was down to 263.8 and that was enough to "start" going back to "normal".

    I am now 222 lbs. I can't believe it! But I can tell you that losing weight REALLY helped my chances of TTC because if I don't ovulate/have a period, how the heck would that happen?

    It can happen! You can do it :) *hug* Hope this post was motivational!
  • semarsh12
    semarsh12 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't know if I have PCOS or whatever but I guess I will be finding out soon. My cycles have NEVER been normal (even when I wasn't overweight) and I went on the pill when I was 18 to "regulate" them (even though that is not what is really does!). I didn't really care since I never had pain or anything, only symptom is no periods. I've been off the pill now for almost 6 months because now we've decided to ttc but nothing doing so far. I haven't even gotten a period (not pregnant). I have a feeling my Dr. will try Clomid first after some tests of course! Does Clomid make weight loss harder and/or encourge weight gain? I am losing weight not only because it's healthier, but because I know it could help things along. I don't think I want to try anything more invasive and we are okay with that....this is something my husband and I knew would be coming.