HELP! coccyx bone / crunches issues



  • When I do crunches/situps or any exercise that requires me to lay on my back, my coccyx bone (tail) hurts and some times pokes through the skin, making me bleed. (There is no fat over the bump at all anymore; just a thin layer of skin.) I had gained some weight and there was plenty of padding to protect me during sit ups. Now that I have lost a ton of weight, it is worse than ever. I can feel the HUGE coccyx bone / tail / bump thing. Dare I do sit ups - not a chance. BTW I don't belong to a gym, so using the sitting ab machine is out.

    Are there any ab / ob moves I can do at home that won't make my coccyx bleed / hurt ?!?!

    What about moves to build up the butt?!? Maybe that would cushion the bone more.

    There are a number of non-crunch/non situp exercises you can do for abs. Just for starters, hanging knee raises are fantastic, also oblique v-ups (for the... well, obliques), and pulse ups. Also, I'm wondering if leg lifts/leg raises might not bother your tailbone so much?
  • iguyuabso
    iguyuabso Posts: 1
    I feel you. I do incline situps with padding and STILL get sores on my butt. I've gotten to the point where I have to do so many situps to achieve some burn that my tailbone stays raw and angry. I do other ab exercises as well....but you're not gonna beat a situp for getting those abs hard. I, like you, appreciate the suggestions BUT I'm more interested in some device, padding, special underwear etc. to PREVENT the friction between my tail and the surface that is the source of the injury. Does anyone know of any type of tailbone protection designed JUST FOR the issues arising from hundreds of situps? Or is this a good patent opportunity for me? Hmmmm.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    So glad for all these suggestions. I have a really boney butt, especially now that I've lost weight, so the bumpy bits on my sacrum have started to push out further than my butt fat/muscles. Totally hurts when I do sit ups, though no mysterious bleeding like you have. For now a padded mat works for me, but I really like the idea of an exercise ball. I actually sit on one all the time at my desk because computer chairs hurt my boney butt (ischium part).

    If you're bleeding, I suggest you see a doctor. You can get fluid build up near that part of your back which can cause infections. Often people who sit a lot (like truck drivers) can get an infection there which can cause bleeding or irritation. My husband had that problem. Some people are just more susceptible to it. He said he knew people in the army who actually broke their tailbones from sitting too long in jeeps. So be careful, and best of luck!