since skullshnk mentioned it. Feeling Better Than I look..

Nikki_WantsIt Posts: 204 Member
I was in class and I realized a couple of things including I DO feel better than I look! I glanced at myself in the full length mirror in my classroom. I was just standing there...not standing in the mirror at home sucking and and trying to look sexaye. My gut poked out.. I was slumpy looking.... I was like ohh boy...*REALITY CHECK* ANYWAYS... anyone else felt this way before?

Even tho I guess Ive done pretty good, I know now that I have a looooooot of work to do!


  • miatine
    miatine Posts: 17 Member
    I don't know, it feels sad to say, but looking in the mirror can really make or break my mood. If I look in the mirror and I'm having a bloated, haggish day I'm like :(
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    you are obviously NOT alone in this.

    tbh, i think the thing i found solace in is the fact that sometimes the mind can be MUCH harder to alter than our physical body. if my mind is on the right track, that will keep my motivation headed in the right direction.

    use it as that spark that keeps lighting your fire!

    i dont view this as a negative at all. KEEP KILLIN IT!!

  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'm the same..I still see a fat girl in my mirror...but there ARE days that I think, yeh, not bad! ..but they are rare.

    I think it's a common thing.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    All the time. I grew up super thin. I still see a stick figure, despite my hard work.

    And by any objective measure, I'm not huge. Just a little more muscular than most.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I'm the opposite... I think I'm way chunkier than I am... I can't for the life of me go in an pick up the damn size 8 pants and Medium tops.... I keep picking up 10s and Larges and exchanging them in the fitting room... It's a little ridiculous and causes shopping to take twice as long as it should. Maybe one day I will get a clue by four... and honestly.. I can put a picture of me in a size 12 next to a picture of me in a size 8... and seriously see no difference.... none at all.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    food for thought, definitely.

    to put things in perspective, for me anyway: i look and feel better than i looked AND felt when i first started this whole thing. now, i sometimes feel like a beast but i don't always look that way. i know i've started some great habits, and if i keep putting them into practice, at some point, the body that i want to have (for purposes of strength AND aesthetics) will develop...over time....LOTS of time.
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    I generally feel pretty good about how I look (compared to how I looked 15 weeks ago when I was 35lbs heavier) ... until I see a picture of myself with friends. If I'm in the picture alone, there's no one to compare my body to. If I'm with my fiance or friends, then I feel like I look like a beached whale since they're skinnier than myself. I'm terrified that even when I am at my ultimate goal ... I'm still going to have the "fat girl" mentality.
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    I do that all the time (even before I started losing weight). I'll feel great, see my reflection in something and then feel bad. Move away from the reflection and BAM feel better again! (Denial was a beautiful thing for me, lol!) I'm now slowly getting to the point where I feel good even when I catch my reflection in something, but it's kind of a slog. Ah well, at least I feel even better about myself now, ha ha
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    you are obviously NOT alone in this.

    tbh, i think the thing i found solace in is the fact that sometimes the mind can be MUCH harder to alter than our physical body. if my mind is on the right track, that will keep my motivation headed in the right direction.

    use it as that spark that keeps lighting your fire!

    i dont view this as a negative at all. KEEP KILLIN IT!!


    This is BRILLIANT!!

    I see myself as "unchanged" or "still fat" some days, and some days I see fabulous. It really is a mind change. We all have bad days, but we can work toward making those days fewer and fewer.
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    I'm glad you posted this. I did that this morning. I woke up feeling really good. And I think it feels like things are a little looser clothes-wise. Then I look in the mirror. My killer is the "side view". I look okay from the front and I turn sideways and look at myself in the mirror and I look like a Bob Crumb cartoon. Seriously where have I been finding pants that are so junk friendly? I can't even decide if its motivating or depressing.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    oh hell yeah, threw myself a right pity party yesterday. Told my husband, "I feel worse about the way I look now than I did 20lbs ago." I think it just really hit me just how far I had gone, that 65lbs later I still didn't look the way I wanted. You start kicking yourself for letting it get so bad in the first place. I just have to remember that I'm not 196lbs anymore and that I am closer to want I want to be than to what I was. That being said, I can't wait for this skin to tighten up, I think that will make a world of difference. Today was better than yesterday.
  • michellechawner
    This was me this morning.

    Yesterday I was in the hospital for some testing (ruling out issues), and I had a colonoscopy (there was nothing in my digestive tract for the day before, no solids and no liquids up to 5 hours before the test). I swear I looked heavier than I ever had, and my tract was cleaned out and I had nothing in my system! I still thought I was fat as I laid there.

    I've lost 9 pounds, and I personally see no difference. My size 10's are too big, yes... my 8's are getting loose, but I still think I look fat. And it's not bloating, since there was nothing in my tract.

    It's disheartening that yes I see the scale move, but I still feel and think I look fat.

    Very rarely do I feel fabulous, or like my hard work is paying off.
  • Trophywifey28
    Hahahaha I do this ALL THE TIME. I think I'm way hotter than what I really am. It's a curse. Even when I was 300+lbs I thought I was smokin'.
  • LouisianaHott
    I feel better and more confident than I did in my early 20's . At times I see myself as "unchanged" or "still fat" some days, and some days I see fabulous. It really is a mind change. We all have bad days, but we can work toward making those days fewer and fewer
  • Nikki_WantsIt
    Nikki_WantsIt Posts: 204 Member
    Hahahaha I do this ALL THE TIME. I think I'm way hotter than what I really am. It's a curse. Even when I was 300+lbs I thought I was smokin'.
    Ermmm... youre pretty fawkin hot!
  • Trophywifey28
    Hahahaha I do this ALL THE TIME. I think I'm way hotter than what I really am. It's a curse. Even when I was 300+lbs I thought I was smokin'.
    Ermmm... youre pretty fawkin hot!
    Haha you are too kind. I know plenty of folks that would LOVE to disagree with you LOL
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    All the time. I grew up super thin. I still see a stick figure, despite my hard work.

    And by any objective measure, I'm not huge. Just a little more muscular than most.

    Stupid timed edit function...I was on my phone. To finish, even when I first started paying attention to myself and working out, I felt phenomenal WAY before the results started to be visible. I think that's the first thing that changes. I still have work to do, and still can't believe it's me, but I've *felt* really good for a long time now.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    Hahahaha I do this ALL THE TIME. I think I'm way hotter than what I really am. It's a curse. Even when I was 300+lbs I thought I was smokin'.

    Same here!! I guess I've always had trouble seeing the "fat girl" in the mirror it's only in pictures that I started realizing I had to stop and get something done about this!!
    I get all ready in the morning and I look at myself and feel pretty hot then I get to work and walk down a corridor where I can see my reflection and think damn! I looked way hotter at home lol!!!
    However I strongly believe that FEELING better also brings your confidence level up and that also shows and I would say people notice it as well.