Done with WW



  • Ashanti40
    Ashanti40 Posts: 8 Member
    I also had done WW in the past, I was successful at first but then got bored with it. So I switched to MFP and like it a lot. I agree that the food database here has many more options and plus like everyone else has said.....IT'S FREE! :-) I'm just really getting started, didn't really get serious about tracking until a few weeks ago...but so far so good!
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    I lost 60 lbs in the past with WW. When they switched to Points Plus, it didn't make sense to me and I dropped out. MFP helps me lose and is great as far as inspirational success stories. And best of all, it's free! My husband is using it also, and is at goal. He's lost over 30 lbs since January. I have lost about 35 lbs since January, and have another 20 or so to go, will decide when I get closer where I'm comfortable at.
  • Mysti4me
    Mysti4me Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on WW on and off during the past few years. It has always worked for me and am currently a lifetime member. I only go once a month to weigh in. I can't stand the meetings, they bore me. It's the same old, same old each time. I do like the etools only because there are some ideas for recipes and foods. I just started MFP about a week ago and I truly feel it makes me more accountable for what I'm eating. My problem has often been not eating enough calories during the day. With MFR there's no guess work. Everything is right in front of you. The one thing I miss about WW is not having to count fruit. I don't eat a lot during the day but one banana and a cup of grapes along w/the other sugars you intake in normal food usually puts me over the top for sugar and of course adds calories. I wish this site had some food ideas, that's where I struggle the most.
  • Like most others here on MFP, I have been on WW many times( and plenty of others "diets" ) and had been somewhat successful. But with loss of income and other reasons, it was not possible to keep spending the $$ at WW. While having dinner with a friend recently- also a WW lifer- she told me about MFP. The next day I signed up and have lost 4 lbs in just 2+ weeks. I like it because I am accountable to myself and cannot blame anything else for not eating healthy and watching calories. Adding excersice daily helps me to see the advantage of doing that too. I am still at the beginning of the MFP journey, but have a GOOD feeling I will be here for a long time.:wink:
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Me on WW:cry: Me on MFP:happy: Need I say more?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I was on WW and lost over 100lbs on Points Plus however it had slowed down considerably and the more I got to thinking about WW long term, I didn't like it. This is supposed to be a lifestyle change and that is what everyone said on WW but I don't think a lifestyle change should involve $17.95 a month. I got to thinking there must be a better way then I seen a post on WW by a former member and he talked about how great MFP was. It took me another month or so but I eventually dropped WW like a bad habit :happy:
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    I like this site better than weight watchers and its free!!!! I'd always fall for there products which were so is a program that works though I have many friends who have lost and kept it off ....I definately wouldn't do good with the new point system either
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm so happy I joined MFP too! Unlike WW, MFP really works for me, and I'm not starving all the time like I was on WW. At first it was hard for me to quit WW because I've been a WW member for so long, but PointsPlus wasn't working for me. I wish I had switched over to MFP a long time ago. Since switching I've actually been losing weight. I kept losing and gaining the same weight on WW for years.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I lost a large amount on WW, but it was because I was being accountable for something. I left them, came here and lost even more weight. I stopped going because it felt like a chore. The meetings weren't fun to me at all. They were common sense things you have heard 1000 times. I am now in a group challenge on here and feel that is pretty good at keeping me accountable. I still would like a smaller group or a real buddy to work with me more though because I really do miss the weekly weigh ins, just not the class.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I learned a lot with WW so I cant knock it. Worked there, lifetime member, got too small, happier 10-15 lbs heavier, gave myself some leadway. Did not want to go to meetings rest of my life and pay either.
  • I was a ww leader for 16 plus years was very successful on losing and keeping it off. but sometimes life just happens! I quit and got off track and boom WEIGHT gain. since i no longer work for ww paying sucked and it just didnt work like b4. so i wanted to try something esle but realistic and liveable. so here i am in the end its calories in-calories out and so far i've lost about 16 lbs!! the deal with free fruit and veggies w/ ww is so that you always have a better more nutricious choice to make when choicing a snack. and not be penalized. its just a helpful habit and ww is big on developing habits! so ww does work if you work it and ww is all about coming together with a group of people with the same common goal as you loose weight! to talk and laugh about things that work and things that don't. but i have found that this is a wonderful site and very helpful and supportive and the main thing FREE!!! so happy losing! the best losers in the world are all right here for motivation and support!!
  • Ioskies
    Ioskies Posts: 4
    I was also a WW member and I was successful for a time but I stopped losing when they switched to the new PointsPlus system. I just started eating too much fruit! I'm new to MFP and I'd love it if you'd add me! Best to you!