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ws0606 Posts: 10 Member
here's my story. I've been here since march. I read an article about a woman who just started exercising, she didn't worry about food, just exercise. I tried it, I have been working out 3-5 days a week. 30 mins cardio since feb 18th. I decided on Monday to start adjusting my food as well. starting weight 230.6, I'm 5'4 so that puts my BMI 39,5. almost morbidly obese. GROSS!!!!
I just wanted to say hello. My intake is 1280 calories, BMR 1790. TDEE 2700.


  • kaittea
    kaittea Posts: 96 Member
    While exercise alone may be enough for some people to lose weight, it all depends on your metabolism. For most people, weightloss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Ontop of your 30min of cardio try adding in some weights and strength training, you'll see results quicker!
    I'd recommend eating around 1500cals just to try and get that metabolism sped up, but more importantly, focus on the quality of the calories you're eating. So just good, whole, nutritious foods. :) I can't see your diary, so if you make it public, I can help you out if you're unsure of what to eat.
    Feel free to add me as a friend!