Frustrating Plateau

scherden Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Since April, I dropped about 14 pounds, with no exercise, and just counting calories. However, since early July I've been stuck between 168-165.

Late July, to get out of the plateau, I ate 1600 (compared to my usual 1270) for 3 days, and started doing the 30 day shred every other day, and conciously consuming at least 8 cups of water a day. After 3 days, I took the calories back to 1270 but I've kept up my 4x a week work outs and the water. The result was I lost a pound, and over the last 2+ weeks, I am back up a half a pound.

At this point I feel like I've been in this plateau for over a month. I was at the doctor a few months ago, and as of then I had to thyroid issues or anything medical that might be stopping me.

Any thoughts on what I can do to get out of this?

My food is usually as follows:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt, 1/4 c fiber one, and 1/4 c of berries
Lunch: sandwich or an egg with cheese and spinach
Snack: pretzels (usually only if I've had the egg for lunch)
Dinner: ww tortilla, no fat refried beans, 1/4c cheese, chicken breast
Snack: 3c popcorn

Water all day long, some days I even hit 10 cups+

Any thoughts or motivation are greatly appreciated.



  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    Have you tried changing up your meals a bit? Increasing variation would probably help break the plateau. Even changing the amount of calories consumed per meal, like, shuffling them around during the day? That could help, as well.

    At least, those are things that help me when I get stuck.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    If possible, maybe you should see a dietitian... maybe a professional can find something that isn't obvious to you that can help you. Also, 3 days isn't always enough for the body to come out of starvation mode... maybe your body just naturally needs more calories than 1200 per day, so the 3 days wasn't long enough to make it feel like it could start burning again. (I took a week at a higher calorie intake and then dropped back down and found that it worked beautifully for me.)

    My count might be off, but it seems to me that your typical intake is less than the recommended 1200 calories... of course, that depends on how big your portions are, it just seems to me like that's not a lot of food. Since your food log is private I can't offer any other suggestions aside from ensuring that you're always over 1200 calories *net* every day (so, eat your exercise cals!).

    Good job on your weight loss thus far, and on stepping up the exercise and water intake! Keep the faith that you can get past this plateau!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I would try eating more fresh veggies and fruit and less sodium. For example, instead of eating pretzels for a snack, munch on snow peas or celery with a little peanut butter to add protein. Or carrots and hummus. Something to switch it up. Congrats on your loss thus far.

    Instead of just popcorn, maybe less popcorn with an apple or banana. Your body is always changing, and therefore your meals should. Best of luck!
  • scherden
    scherden Posts: 6 Member

    I've turned my diary public for the time being -- ignore the cake for the last 3 days, its not a regular thing. We have a coworker leaving the office and its just been around (3 different cakes) and given the lack of progress I caved. :) I did, however, pass up donuts too this morning.

    Trust me, I am getting at least 1200 net, even if I have to take a 15 min walk during the work day to do so on the days that I am not doing the shed :)
  • rebel14
    rebel14 Posts: 33
    From the looks of your sample daily menu , your eating very very healthy and staying active. I know we're all in this together and arent professionals but I agree with some of the others that you should mix up the variety of food choices and snacks. Any variations will get the ball rolling on more weight loss, just as your caloric intake sounds minimal in the 1250/1400 range, so that doesnt seem to be the issue. I think your doing great and should focus on the fact your committed to a healthy lifestyle, than what the scale says from time to time. Stay on your path, the results will come.
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