Feeling guilty

Feeling guilty about not working out this morning...it's been 14 straight days and a very strenuous personal training session last night...so I know it's ok to take a rest day...but this stuff has gotten in my head. Guess I have to hit it hard tomorrow.

Would like to connect with more people for support and understand how you handled this.


  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Sounds like you needed a rest day anyway, your body is probably actually thanking you. You have nothing to feel guilty about. :)
  • ryanosgood
    ryanosgood Posts: 28
    I have heard the same thing from a couple people...however, it's contrary to my trainer. He says if you can make it to the gym then do it...but listen to your body. That's why the last 2 weeks straight.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Join the Army Antzzz... we'll get you through:laugh: :wink:
  • Maribethlove
    Maribethlove Posts: 27 Member
    I definitely think you need some sort of rest day. From what I hear though is that rest days don't actually mean rest... just do something small at home. For instance you can clean around the house like sweep or work out in the garden. With these activities you are still burning calories!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I take a rest day at least two days per week and it has been working out really good. I normally find after the rest day I have more energy and can tackle a lot. I had a rest day on Tuesday, on Wednesday I was able to do 74 minutes of circuit training and today I was able to walk/jog for 2 hours (normally I would walk), but somehow today I felt really good.

    Don't feel guilty, relax and focus on tomorrow. In fact I was able to move from 173.4 to 172.0 today all because of the rest and how my body feels.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Sounds like you needed a rest day anyway, your body is probably actually thanking you. You have nothing to feel guilty about. :)

    Exactly! And you only need to workout 3-4 days a week anyway, I bet, anything more is just bonus, but too much can end up doing more harm than good if you overdo it and subsequently incur an injury.

    "Know your body and listen to it" don't feel guilty for obeying your body when it says to take a break.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    And remember, rest days are when you may be resting, but your body is very busy repairing! It needs to have a repair day to progress and get stronger.
  • hornehm2
    hornehm2 Posts: 88 Member
    I am guessing your trainer is a body builder correct? I use to be one myself many many years ago. And the reason why most trainers say that is becouse they work different body parts on different days so even though they are not taking a day off that body part is taking a day off. HOWEVER you are not suppose to work cardio everyday if you are not in perfect shape. Your body needs to rest for two reasons, one it just does and two you are going to burn yourself out and quit. So unless you have a short term goal you need to take a rest. If you feel guilty go for a walk tonight Even if you walk a mile at 2mph you are still walking a mile and than you are tricking your brain to say "hey I worked out and I let my body rest"

    Good luck to you!
  • hornehm2
    hornehm2 Posts: 88 Member
    too add... I just saw you live in Chicago so its raining here... maybe tonight it will stop raining and you can still go for that walk. But this weather is not helping us today.... I UNDERSTAND! Do you have kids where you have a Wii at home or another kind of fast moving game that you can play? I played Wii just dance with my kids last night and had a blast and lost calories!
  • ryanosgood
    ryanosgood Posts: 28
    I work in Chicago during the week...actually am flying home this afternoon. Maybe go a little early and get some miles in there, between the terminals.

    Yes, my trainer is a body builder...he's great but I don't think that he has worked with alot of weigh loss clients to the extent that I need to loose weight.

    Thanks for your advise.