1670 Calories a Day? Woahh? Too Much?



  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    It's a crazy science experiment to see what works for YOU.
    Yes! This exactly!
  • michellechawner
    How long have you been at 1200-1400 cals?

    Sounds like bad advice to me, though to be honest, the trendy response to most topics right now is a) eat more, b) lift. Neither are the right answer in a lot of situations.

    wow that's so weird that at 5'5 120 lbs I eat 1800-2000 cals and I lost inches.... what?!?!?! I must be an exception.. Am I lifting heavy wrong or eating more wrong to have such a big loss in one month? I believe it's because I power my body with fuel to lose maybe? But that advice was a gift. Starting at 1200 cals and a lot of cardio I was spinning my wheels now I am seeing results and eating more. Why eat less if you don't have to? sounds like bad advice to me? and also what will happen when you start to eat normal again? might as well eat as close to normal as you can in this journey so at the end if you start to eat normal you wont balloon.

    maybe read some of this and make a decision on your own: It was the best advice I've gotten in y whole life. It's saving me time and heartache:

    I really though don't know why someone would say oh you lose when you eat a little bit more, why not just eat a little bit less for no reason, you were losing by eating more but you could always lose less... umm okay.... why?



    Getting that advice a few weeks into my time here really changed things for me. I was no longer exhausted and hangry, and I was still losing consistently.

    Find what works for you and is sustainable. Good luck!

    x3 - trust me, this is the way to go - I was plateaued for 4 weeks and I upped my calories and the weight came back off. I'm at 1400-1500 a day, 5'5 131 needing to lose 11 more pounds.

    The more you work out, the more fuel you need - simple as that.
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Further to my earlier post, I lift weights five days a week with cardio such as rowing and running thrown in and keep to under 1900 calories a day in food intake. You can have the best diet in the world but if your metabolism is very slow, your weight loss will be reduced. The effects of this can almost be as bad as poor nutrition.

    I'm not a big ripped dude, nor do I want to be. But I understand what is needed, when and how. That's the key in my book. If you KNOW how to do something, you are able to carry it out exponentially more efficiently than if you didn't know.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    The suggestion was. That my body wasn't used to eating so little and even a normal 1200-1400 calories was putting my not trained body into starvation. & That starting higher would be more successful in training my body to maintain eating less without starvation mode? Does this sound right? Or just more bad advice?

    btw I have more than 30 lbs to lose.

    ....it's my belief that a human body won't go into 'starvation mode' until it's used up most of its fat stores....
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Try it. You'd be surprised. I can lose at 1900. It's different for each of us, but what you should be thinking about it long term. If you restrict yourself to 1,400 now and eventually reach your roal weight, you will gain as soon as you start eating more again. You should figure out what is the MOST amount of calories you can eat and still lose. For me I tip the scales at around 2000, any more than that and I start gaining again. I maintain nicely around 2000, and can lose at 1900. Just play around.
  • soulmatesnvrdie
    I've been at 1200 since i started about 3 months ago, set to lose 2lbs/wk and I've been losing about that (more for the first couple weeks) . I figured that way I don't have to freak out if I go over a bit because I'll still be under enough to lose at least a lb. My activity level is set at sedentary and I had a total of about 75lbs to lose when I joined. I plan on staying at 1200 until I plateau, then I will most likely increase my calorie limit.
  • soulmatesnvrdie
    ...although I have it set at 2lbs/wk MFP tells me I'll lose more like 1.7 lbs/wk with my current limitations.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    1600 calories is really not that much!

    I ate 2000 yesterday without even "slipping up" it was just the natural amount of food I ate because I was hungry. No biggy.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I would give it some time. There are weeks I lose 1 pound, and others I lose 4. And I am really good about staying within my goals. I tend to look at things in terms of progress over the course of months. I am averaging about 10 pounds a month, regardless of what one week does versus the next. Give it some time and see what the long term loss is.
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    Buy a Food Scale, weigh all your food. Do a Keto / CKD diet (that way your eating a huge amount of food one day, throws your body metabolism off the plateau).
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    The suggestion was. That my body wasn't used to eating so little and even a normal 1200-1400 calories was putting my not trained body into starvation. & That starting higher would be more successful in training my body to maintain eating less without starvation mode? Does this sound right? Or just more bad advice?

    btw I have more than 30 lbs to lose.

    ....it's my belief that a human body won't go into 'starvation mode' until it's used up most of its fat stores....
    Basically true. There is some adaption, which can be influenced by lifestyle and food consumed, (exercise and protein consumption) but anyone that has a lot of fat on them and eating everyday isn't going into starvation mode........it's more about the math, or the natural miscalculations that dictate a stall or plateau, or weight gained.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I would still be hungry on 1670 a day. It's really not *that* much.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    How long have you been at 1200-1400 cals?

    Sounds like bad advice to me, though to be honest, the trendy response to most topics right now is a) eat more, b) lift. Neither are the right answer in a lot of situations.

    wow that's so weird that at 5'5 120 lbs I eat 1800-2000 cals and I lost inches.... what?!?!?! I must be an exception.. Am I lifting heavy wrong or eating more wrong to have such a big loss in one month? I believe it's because I power my body with fuel to lose maybe? But that advice was a gift. Starting at 1200 cals and a lot of cardio I was spinning my wheels now I am seeing results and eating more. Why eat less if you don't have to? sounds like bad advice to me? and also what will happen when you start to eat normal again? might as well eat as close to normal as you can in this journey so at the end if you start to eat normal you wont balloon.

    maybe read some of this and make a decision on your own: It was the best advice I've gotten in y whole life. It's saving me time and heartache:

    I really though don't know why someone would say oh you lose when you eat a little bit more, why not just eat a little bit less for no reason, you were losing by eating more but you could always lose less... umm okay.... why?

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I don't think 1670 is unrealistic, nor do I think 1400 is too low.

    My guess is that your logging isn't accurate/honest/consistent enough and so you aren't really eating what you think you are eating.

    I often over exaggerate...in fear of underexaggerateing. Could that be hurting me?

    Potentially. If you're not being at least reasonable accurate, how do you actually know what you're doing, and thus how to change things when you aren't seeing the results you want/expect?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Since this has turned into a "you should do x because it worked for me" thread rather than giving any actual meaning information, I'll just add that I easily lose 2300 cals per day, so maybe you should try that.

    *shakes head*
  • freebirdjones
    How long have you been at 1200-1400 cals?

    Sounds like bad advice to me, though to be honest, the trendy response to most topics right now is a) eat more, b) lift. Neither are the right answer in a lot of situations.

    wow that's so weird that at 5'5 120 lbs I eat 1800-2000 cals and I lost inches.... what?!?!?! I must be an exception.. Am I lifting heavy wrong or eating more wrong to have such a big loss in one month? I believe it's because I power my body with fuel to lose maybe? But that advice was a gift. Starting at 1200 cals and a lot of cardio I was spinning my wheels now I am seeing results and eating more. Why eat less if you don't have to? sounds like bad advice to me? and also what will happen when you start to eat normal again? might as well eat as close to normal as you can in this journey so at the end if you start to eat normal you wont balloon.

    maybe read some of this and make a decision on your own: It was the best advice I've gotten in y whole life. It's saving me time and heartache:

    I really though don't know why someone would say oh you lose when you eat a little bit more, why not just eat a little bit less for no reason, you were losing by eating more but you could always lose less... umm okay.... why?


    I realize with this image and your last post you feel as though I am giving her my experience as advice. But if you look up I replied to your comment first by addressing the "trendy" info and then proceeded to tell her READ SOME LINKS AND MAKE A DECISION ON YOUR OWN. I never give someone nutritional advice, I don't TELL them to eat more or less, I tell them what worked for me and give them some links. That way they can hear what you say and read what I say and make a decision that is best for them. Everyone can use google, even if I'm a dumbass as you say. And this dumbass lost 7 inches in one month with a little hard work so it's nice to share the info I found so they can weigh in and see different plans.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I would! 1600-1700 was perfect for me personally when I lost ten pounds.
  • elleryjones
    elleryjones Posts: 88 Member
    I think it's difficult to give an accurate answer to this question without knowing how much exercise you're doing currently, what kind of exercise, how frequently, how active you are during the day, and how many calories you were eating before you decided to do 1400.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I'm eating about that and losing. Depends on your exercise.
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    Eat at your BMR. MyFitnessPal has a reasonable calculator for that. Be honest, get a BF% test if you are really concerned for accuracy..

    Then exercise off 500 calories a day. 1 lb a week.