An official Hello

Been lurking on this forum for a little while and just recently replied and posted a few comments/questions.
Not really sure what to say... just wanted to say an official hi. Oh, and I"m a mess without spell check! :) Thanks for putting up with me!


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome. Yes, spell check would be great, LOL.
  • Welcome. Yes, spell check would be great, LOL.

    Hello nice to meet you : ) Just download "Google Chrome"...its an alternate browser to internet explorer which contains a spell check. Its from Google so its virus free and %100 freeware.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I can so relate to having every stressor feel better after a pint or two of ice cream. LOL. I too was into exercise, working out 4-5 days a week until I got fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and trouble with my thyroid. Then I started just sitting around eating ice cream getting bigger and bigger because ice cream seemed to make the pain bearable for a little while, and if I cant enjoy the things I use to enjoy then I deserve to eat ice cream, right? We can loose this weight together and kick out ice cream habit (I have been eating skinny cow ice cream sandwiches)