Lost 79 lbs - Let my struggles motivate YOU!

klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
So i've posted before about my overall transformation but I thought it was also important to update because i know there are others of you going through what i'm going through now.

When you lose weight, any amount really, you can tend to get really upset when that loss stalls. When you keep doing the same thing as you've always done it does NOT necessarily mean you will lose like you've always lost. Our bodies will adapt to what we're doing.

A lot of times for a lot of people this means that they get discouraged, binge, quit working out and just fall off that damn wagon.

Ask yourself what good is that going to do? Will that get you closer to your goals? Or will it just mean you have that much MORE work to do than if you just stuck it out.

At my 79 lbs mark I've been sitting here for around 3 weeks. I also just so happened to have been doing p90x / Turbofire hybrid since that time. Moral of the story is that lbs staying the same on a scale does not mean YOU are staying the same. Muscle will replace fat and let me tell you that muscle looks WAY better on me than fat :)

So keep on going and just never give in to those doubtful little voices in your head. You can and will succeed!


Today (not after because I sure as heck am not done)

Feel free to add me as a friend if you're actively involved with this site... I try to give meaningful input on people's comments and like to establish relationships not just "way to gos" although those are nice too :)


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