Just started this week, I hope I can make it. Need to do this for myself. Any advice would be welcomed, thanks.


  • ShaJustSha
    ShaJustSha Posts: 10
    I just started yesterday...we'll do it together. I am working towards losing 75lbs by May 3, 2014...my 50th birthday.

    My cousin who is a personal trainer told me about this site, and I'm already liking it!

    Good luck!
  • christomsteve
    You have done the right thing by starting, take baby steps, one thing at a time make small goals and meet them, realize that this is a long term commitment, reach out for help when needed and good luck add me as a friend if you wish I am 69 with about 70 lbs to lose, its never to late to try to improve your life
  • Annb65
    Annb65 Posts: 10 Member
    Hiya new here too, I'm 47 and have just joined the gym, been calorie watching for a week now :) and I've not cheated as I usually do, been on and off diets for years but need to get serious now, slim down and tone up, feel free to add me as a friend, :) Ann
  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    ShaJustSha and Annb65, I just sent you friend requests....

    I have been on here since April and this site has really been a big help...If there is anything I can help you with please let me know...
    I am 49 and am hoping to lose weight before my 50th birthday 3/5/14.... I need to lose quite a bit of weight and with the help of this site and regular exercise I have lost 4 pounds so far...

    I like the accountability and motivation I get from this site.

    Good luck to you all :)
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Hi, dieting is not good. Choosing to eat the right food in the right amounts for your body is great. Expectations, well you didn't put the weight on over night, don't expect to loose it over night. The right diet for you has to become a way of life. When you find a good balance of food and exercise your body will let you know. Try not to get discouraged, hang in there. I hit a plateau and didn't loose anything for 3 months, knew I had to do something different so I came here. It took another month till I started loosing again. I changed the way I looked at my diet. An old adage. "If you do the same thing the same way, you get the same results." Smile and only get on the scale once every two weeks. Have a great day.
  • ParadisePat
    ParadisePat Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in the same situation too, trying to be in the best shape I can at age 50 next January. I'm getting there but the fast food/sweet tooth demons are making it hard. Y'all friend me if you want!
  • kballard66
    kballard66 Posts: 87
    I'm 47 and have 50 pounds I need to lose. Please add me and we can support each other.
  • mikeshardware
    mikeshardware Posts: 2 Member
    I am 50...working on losing 27. I have 4 grown children, three granddaughters. I had a big surprise when my wife was pregnant with our second baby. Went to her prenatal checkup appointment and was teasing her about gaining so much weight. This was actually sarcasm because she had trouble gaining enough weight with our first two babies. The check in nurse didn't know I was joking and said "hey pal...you jump on the scale and we'll see who is fat!". Boy was I surprised! I had gone from 165 lbs on my wedding day to 215 and didn't even know it! I joined MFP four weeks ago, and am down to 197. I started at 217, and my goal is 190 after upper body strengthening. I want to chase my grandchildren without being out of breath! I FEEL GREAT! Thank you MFP!
  • sferguson65
    sferguson65 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 48 and my life change anniversary was 6/5. I have lost 40 pounds total. 22 before I started here. I couldn't do it without this site. I tell everyone about it. Anyone can add me. Can always use the support.
  • autumny70
    autumny70 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 43 and need to lose about 20 more. I'm doing this now because the older I get the harder it is and I really don't want it getting any harder than it is right now!! I've been on MFP since early March. It totally helps keep you on track.

    Feel free to add me anyone. I need more friends my age :)
  • mikeshardware
    mikeshardware Posts: 2 Member
    I should note that I was an ibuprofin junkie until a week ago. The joint pain from the excess weight was excruciating!....Now I am ibuprofin free!
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    I'll be 60 soon, I have about another 50 to lose. This has not been a great week but I exercise to balance. Stay active and remember that the goal should be to get healthy.
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    I started with a similar (although bigger) goal in early January. I am trying to lose 131 pounds so that I can reach my goal weight (155 lbs) at some point next year -- the year I turn 50. I have lost 52 pounds so far toward that goal.

    I hadn't planned to become more active -- or to love physical activity as much as I do -- when I first started. That has been an unexpected bonus of this journey. I am more physically fit than I have been in my entire adult life.

    I still have another 79 lbs. to go, but I'm already feeling fantastic.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I am 50 (will be 51 on Monday - Happy Birthday to me!) and have been on MFP since February 2013. I have lost 25 of my 72 lbs in that time. This works if you work it!

    Check out my profile; if you like what you see, feel free to add me.

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi! I just turned 55 wednesday. Feel free to add me as a friend. I lost 28 lbs/7months on myp. I just joined the gym and have been trying to find exercise that I enjoy. I recently reached my goal and I am on maintenece. I do 5:2 fasting so if you look at my food diary, it looks like I am starving 2 days a week. This works for me at this time.
  • jenns717
    jenns717 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I just started this week also! I feel like this is the right step. We can surround ourselves with those who are in many different stages of this journey! Would love to be your support too. One day at a time, right! Make today fun:)
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome! I started my journey to better health just before I turned 50 - didn't lose as much as I'd hoped but have kept it off for the last 4 years and feel so much better! The key is not to jump in with both feet trying to do everything all at once - it's too difficult and you'll become disheartened. Set one little goal each week - increase the amount of water you drink, park farther from your destination so you have to walk more, take one (or one more) flight of steps each day. Record EVERYTHING you eat! It's too easy to say "Oh, I only had a bite of this or that, I don't need to record it". You need to take stock of what you're eating, when you're eating and why you're eating it - then you slowly begin to change one habit at a time. Give yourself rewards for small goals - I got a massage when I lost 5 pounds, some new clothes for 10 and 15 pounds - things like that, little rewards along the way.

    Also, I set my protein goals higher than those to which this site defaults - I think it help you stay full longer. that and eat lots more vegies! The fiber helps you stay full, the crunch of fresh vegies is more satisfying, and I like to think I'm eating a lot so a big bowl of lettuce with chopped broccoli and cucumbers visually makes me feel better. For myself, I find it easier to divide my food up so I eat every few hours - I live in fear of getting hungry and binging! LOL. so, I eat egg beaters with tons of sauted vegies for breakfast, try to have lots of salad or vegies with my lunch, EAS AdvantEDGE protein shakes for snacks, carb master yogurts for snacks and of course an apple and cheese stick or banana every day!

    I started walking - just a few minutes at a time at first. and then set a goal of walking a 5k - my first one took me an hour! But, I got hooked and before long was run/walking. I just completed my 3rd 1/2 marathon last month and can do a 5k now in 35 minutes! It just feels so good to know I can walk just about any where I need to without any concern for shortness of breath or soreness.

    The best thing is finding people to do it with - both here and IRL - people to whom you'll feel accountable and with whom you can celebrate small victories. I'm much more likely to get up and run on a Saturday morning if I know my friend Lysa is waiting and counting on me and I'm much more likely to stick to a healthy eating plan if I've told friends that I plan to lose 10 pounds by my birthday. For some reason I don't worry about letting my self down but I sure hate to let others down! LOL.

    Good luck on your journey and remember, it's just that - Life's not a race to the end but journey to be enjoyed along the way!
  • Schellsisbacktoattack
    Schellsisbacktoattack Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 33, and I have to lose 60 too... I just started back after graduating Nursing School... I gained so much weight throughout school.... too much stress! But I finished! and Now I need to lose it. uggggggg so not fun! I eel so un healthy ALL the time!

    I know you guys can do it too!!! This program totally helps! We can all motivate each other!!