Someone please help me lose weight.

Hi, I'm about 180 lbs and want to lose a lot of weight, to be skinny again.
I know nothing about dieting and working out and I need some help from someone that is experience.
my email is
Please help me lose weight! I'm not trying to bulk up! Just lose weight.
Need someone to help me with a diet plan, but the bad thing is: the only vegetable I like is corn.
Here are pictures of me:
I'm fat.


  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Resistance training + cardio + caloric deficit. Resistance straining will help spare your muscle while being on caloric deficit. Cardio will help you brun caloores. Caloric deficit, don't dip too low in calories or you will potentially lose alot more muscle than you want. Concentrate on losing fat more than losing weight because it is possible to lose weight and get fatter. If you had 2 twins and one was 140 pounds with 40% bodyfat and the other one was 150 pounds with 18% bodyfat, the one who weighs more with a lower bodyfat percentage would would have a flatter stomach and less round face and less fat in general. Keep protein high to keep your muscle while being on a caloric deficit and resistance trainng wont make you buff like a guy unless you are on steroids and a caloric surplus. You cant get buff by accident.
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    Well you don't look fat. Check out this:
    it helped me figure out calories and I used it as a guide to understanding TDEE-20%, which has helped me a lot with losing weight.
    Are you planning on working out? Even though you aren't trying to "bulk up" if you have access to weights I would recommend that you start lifting, it will help your body look more toned up while still burning calories, that coupled with a healthy calorie deficit you will be on your way :)
    Also, I used this:
    to figure out my calories and my TDEE.

    Also, in regards to the only vegetable you like being corn, well you're an adult now, time to get over being such a picky eater :P

    Good luck with the weight loss!
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Man you better get used to some salad. Make a salad, put some chicken and maybe a lil corn in there.

    I spent 28 years of my life hating eggs. Then I discovered omelets. Started losing weight like a mutha****** Like steak & cheese? Throw them b****es in an omelet. Add some peppers and mushrooms and spinach. No bread? No problem. You can make an omelet taste like almost ANYTHING. Pizza? Add spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, mozzarella, meat. Or whatever you want.

    Seriously though, check out the recipes board for ideas. Veggies are full of fiber which will help you lose weight. You can make them delicious if you know how.