Looking for MFP friends near Concord NC

Howdy! I'm Cristy. Have been doing My Fitness Pal for 50 days now. Loving how easy it makes it to journal what I eat. I'm 43 and way overweight. I've always liked myself - I have fun - laugh - play - and my weight wouldn't really bother me unless in a room with thin people that I didn't know - trying on clothes (yuck) - etc. I have yo-yo'ed for half my life. Lose 50 - gain 70.... When I didn't pay attention, I would eat and eat - mostly sweet things - and gain and gain. Until something clicked and I would pay attention again.

I'm looking for My Fitness Pal friends in the Concord NC or NC area, if possible. Or anywhere.

Have a lovely evening!!!


  • kriddle428
    kriddle428 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, I'm Crystal and I'm from Hickory. I'm 32 and also have lots to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I have the same problem. I am in Lumberton, NC. I have family in Gastonia. Feel free to add me. I am new and also looking for friends/support/motivation.
  • tena1028
    tena1028 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey Cristy... You still on MFP? I live in Concord, NC!