vegitarian breast feeding mother

hi all,
i am new here. i'm mother of 3 months old baby boy. i just want to reduce my weight in safe way.(without affect to my baby feeding).
my current weight is 160lbs. my target weight is 135lbs. daily i am doing 2mph walking on treadmill in 30 min.
can any one help me to set on my goal per week/month and my diet plan. and also share your ideas and stories to me. for reducing my weight.


  • Ironbear
    Ironbear Posts: 15
    2.0 mph is pretty slow. Are you using an incline?

    Unless you are injured, I typically recommend at between 3.0 - 3.5 mph for 30-35 min (if you are able)
    I would recommend some strength training exercises as well. The more muscles you activate the stronger the weight loss effect.

    2 lbs per week average is considered healthy, remember its just an average. So, 6-8 per month would be considered slow to average. You may lose it faster because its baby weight.

    Do you consume eggs, milk, etc and just don't eat meat? Just asking for clarification.
  • satyadwija
    Thanks ironbear,
    i am using incline at 8 or 10

    i don't eat eggs ........but i drink milk...........

    sometimes my speed is 4.0mph. with. 4 incline.

    usually 2.0 mph with 8 or 10 incline

  • Ironbear
    Ironbear Posts: 15
    Remember that I'd say put it on the small incline like 0.5 - 1.5 some where in there and go for longer durations. If you wanna do incline intervals thats good to i.e. put speed at 2.5 incline 0 for 2-3 min then incline to 2 for 2-3 min and repeat for 30 mins. something like that. intervals are great way to burn calories cause you are never letting your heart rate settle and reach homeostasis.

    Strength training doesn't mean lifting weights. Example is I do 4giant sets of calisthenics after my run.
    [Pullups x10 reps, situps x27 reps pushups x 30reps, russian twists x20reps] x 4times

    The point here isnt for you to necessarily do my workout (u can if you would like use a gravity assist machine for pullups). But to demonstrate that I extend the effect of my run (cardio) by about 15-20 minutes.


    Ok, what I have found to be helpful is to read the ingredients and try to minimize sugars, fats, sodium. Obviously, saturated fat is not going to be a huge problem for you (provided you use skim milk) but sugars on a label in most cases are referring to simple sugars that don't require the body top process like a complex carb. So, I try and keep my sugars as low as possible say 20-30g.

    Good things:
    Fiber Protein and carbs
    Fiber always good I love Ezekiel bread 100% spout whole wheat Good fiber and protein
    Protein need to repair those muscles you are attacking: Obviously beans, soy, milk, cheese are all good sources.
    Obviously, carbs are in everything you eat so eating your veggies will obviously fill this roll. But also look to brown rice instead of white and whole wheat pastas are pretty good. They have less calories per serving and have twice the fiber and protein.

    Biggest thing here is portion control. Some veggies can be hidden enemies if consumed at the wrong time of day or in too big a portion. Carrots love'em but they do have a high sugar content so I dont recommend them before bed. Avacados love'em but the serving size is much smaller than anyone ever realizes. about 1/6 an avacado is 70 calories. I know most places put half of one on a sandwich thats an extra 200 calories. Green leafy or sprout veggies at night for sure ;-). Is there a trader joes near you. If so, check them out I've found that store to be very diet freindly and helpful. For example, where I'm at they are the only ones that carry powdered Stevia. If you love strawberries and like to sweeten them up. Stevia great alternative to regular sugar.

    Wow ok, I went on on and on here hope this helps. I'm always willing to help. I went to school for exercise and I struggle with my weight since college. I played football lineman so we aren't genetically skinny ;-).
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    Good luck on your journey.

    I can't help with the exercise or being vegetarian, but I breastfed my two children for a while each and with my second I made breastfeeding my excuse as to why I needed to eat more - much more!
  • satyadwija

    thanks alot for your suggestion . i will follow with your suggestion.

    ok, thanks again