150 Pounds To Lose, Here I go, Head First!

Heya all :) I learned about My Fitness Pal from my son's girlfriend, and now, my doctor, who incidentally is the first doctor I have seen in 9 years (yes bad me). You see, normally, I work with at least a half head of brain cells. But that morning I was in the negative, deciding to run up the stairs on a foot fast asleep landed me in his office (with thankfully just a sprain)- and a jarring thought- how stupid was that?

As we did our "meet and greet," I told him I decided to to lose weight (hence the mind boggling run up the stairs).

He told me about this neat little tool- a place where you can enter in food and it calculates your calories. I did once sign up, a year ago, though that was about the extent of it. I had no idea, and he neglected to say what a fantabulous site it was, full of forums and people just like me.

So here I am, lil old me, or well maybe big old me :)

I am on a quest- and I am looking forward to meeting you all and hopefully by the end, I will have very good health and, just maybe, a functioning brain :)


  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    welcome! Good luck on your journey. Feel free to friend me for extra support and encouragement.
  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!! I will do my best to support and encourage!!!!! :smile: Even a smile / day is the most powerful encouragement!!!!
  • fongsl
    fongsl Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! I am to new here! I just added you. I hope I can help you out on your goal!
  • soxx226
    soxx226 Posts: 89 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I've lost 85 so far with about 100 more to lose, feel free to add for support!
  • LoveDaLibra
    LoveDaLibra Posts: 108
    Good luck!!! I'll add you so we can motivate each other!
  • davidlo421
    davidlo421 Posts: 144
    Welcome to MFP its a very hopeful site, wish you luck on your journey.. You can do it , feel free to add me...
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome! I'll add you as a friend. Anyone else who wants motivation and support can add me too. :smile:
  • Mantislady
    Mantislady Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you so much for all the replies!! Wow :) Yep- I am going to like it here. I noticed by clicking on a few profiles, people have statuses. Can anyone direct me to the rundown on how this works? Like, is there a way to see all statuses of your friends at once or do you need to click on each? etc.

    Just ordered a stopwatch and pedometer off of Amazon (yay). Hmm wonder what else I should get. Maybe some hand weights. yum, shopping for a good cause :-)
  • Gromssis
    Gromssis Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I too am new to MFP and have lost about 4 of my 120 lbs to lose. It would be great to have a strong circle of friends as I commence this exciting and tremendously important journey. This time I will be successful... really! If you want to connect and benefit from supporting and receiving the support of others, please feel free to friend me. I live in Southern Ontario area , so would also be interested to friend anyone who happens to be local.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Welcome! I am new here also. Today is my first day. Like you, I can stand to lose 150lbs. Add me and we can support each other :)
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome to mfp. You are in a great place full of losers like me.

    My goals are similar to yours. I started last march and can't believe I only have about 26 more pounds to go.

    I recommend surfing around this site to get acquainted with it. If you click on " my home" you can check all your updates and comment on your friends updates too. Click on " profile" to the left of your home page to see just your messages and updates. Sometimes friends will post something on your profile page that doesn't show up on your home page. Click on " friends"(-small print below the top menu bar on your home page) to see a list of all your friends and how to leave them messages.

    Go on "message boards" and read " success stories" to get motivated.

    Have fun. It's a great and informative site.

  • I'm new here too, so trust me your not alone.

    I'm a woman whose 5ft, 209 lbs, and trying to get back down to 160 (which is what I weighed before I got pregnant with my son). I've heard I'm supposed to weight 95-110 lbs (for my height, age, bone structure and gender) but that seems a little TOO thin to me. So I'm aiming (for the moment) to lose 49 lbs, and after that we'll see.

    I wish you luck and I send out a lot of encouragement to all of you out there. If we stick to it, I know we can become a healthier us!
  • abeach1
    abeach1 Posts: 24 Member
    My heart rate monitor was the best investment I made...oh...and the wireless headphones. :)
  • teresab101
    teresab101 Posts: 56 Member
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    Hello! :D
  • carmy43
    carmy43 Posts: 8 Member
    Best of determination to you! I also have 150 pounds to lose and I am 1/3rd of the way as of today! You will love the support you get from members in here. You will do it but not overnight,just stay focused thru good or bad days.Your worth it!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Welcome!! I started with about 140 to lose, and have 100 to go! This site has seriously been beyond awesome, but you only get out what you put in! I would say definitely take advantage of the support from friends here - I tried doing MFP without the social aspect and it didn't work for me (no accountability, no motivation, etc.). Once I really connected with people it clicked. Join a group or a challenge, accept the great advice but don't be too overwhelmed by the vastly polarized opinions, and REALLY enjoy the journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • Neshmi
    Neshmi Posts: 42 Member
    You are indeed on a quest quite similar to mine! I wish you all the best, and can't wait to read your success story right here on MFP!!
  • CCajina
    CCajina Posts: 11
    Hey there!
    Welcome to the site!
    I have about 90 pounds to lose, but in the long run I might have to go full 100.
    Down 30 so far and I have MFP to thank.

    So glad you found the site. You should be able to see everyone statuses in your newsfeed.

    Feel free to add me.

    You have stumbled upon a great tool my friend.
    Also get a heart rate monitor if you can. It is the best thing you could possibly buy.
  • merediththemom
    merediththemom Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck to you! I am also getting started with a lot to lose!