Oh crap! I think im becoming a Vegan!!



  • RockMe777
    RockMe777 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replys and the advice!! Lemonmon1, I like your idea of joining a group or two. I can really use the help.
  • whitney_simpson
    whitney_simpson Posts: 77 Member
    How will you get your protein?????

    You don't have to eat meat to get protein. Protein is in everything we eat and our body does marvelous things to break it all down and create the protein we need. Also, there is an abundance of food that is not meat that is incredibly protein dense. These include legumes, such as chickpeas and kidney beans, tofu, quinoa, nuts and seeds, avocado, lentils, brown rice, barley, and spinach even. The list goes on and on.

    I know I was being sarcastic with the OP! I was Vegan for four years! :-)


    Oh! That protein question is so tiresome as you are obviously aware! haha!

  • P.S. I never have to worry about getting enough protein or iron. I get PLENTY of that without trying! I do take a multivitamin that has B12, and I also use Nutritional Yeast in my cooking sometimes. I keep an eye on my calcium, but that hasn't really been a problem and I don't need to take a supplement on a regular basis.

    How do you do it? The iron, that is. I am really trying, but am nearly always low. Protein is simple for me, calcium relatively easy, but iron? Nope!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    How do you do it? The iron, that is. I am really trying, but am nearly always low. Protein is simple for me, calcium relatively easy, but iron? Nope!


    Iron can be found in spinach, beans, and many other plant foods.
  • How do you do it? The iron, that is. I am really trying, but am nearly always low. Protein is simple for me, calcium relatively easy, but iron? Nope!


    Iron can be found in spinach, beans, and many other plant foods.

    I know. I eat beans or lentils most days, am aware that while there is iron in spinach the calcium hinders absoion to an extent and have begun snacking on pumpkin seeds. I also know that vitamin c helps with the absorption of iron...

    I fear I am just not eating enough of the iron rich food. Maybe I should get a a cast iron skillet?

    Thanks for the link, though. Maybe there is some food that I could give a try.going to check it out right now. :)
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have been on a plant based diet for a little over a year.I say plant based instead of vegan because I will every once in a while eat something with cheese, or bread that may have milk or eggs in it. But for the most part, I eat a whole foods, plant based diet. I feel better than I ever have in my entire life. I have a ton of energy, my skin looks fantastic, and health problems that I had before are gone. For me, it was the best decision I ever made! Oh, and I eat a LOT of food, which is good, cause I really like food. I have lost 119 pounds eating this way, and I don't see me going back.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    My mother's been eating vegan since December or so. She occasionally has milk, etc. but is really pleased with how it's working for her health-wise; all the numbers that are supposed to go down are doing so. I, of course, am a bad daughter and tempted her with smoked fish today (I'm supposed to be going to a smoked fish factory that only sells direct to the public off the loading dock on Friday mornings).
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    I have been on a plant based diet for a little over a year.I say plant based instead of vegan because I will every once in a while eat something with cheese, or bread that may have milk or eggs in it. But for the most part, I eat a whole foods, plant based diet. I feel better than I ever have in my entire life. I have a ton of energy, my skin looks fantastic, and health problems that I had before are gone. For me, it was the best decision I ever made! Oh, and I eat a LOT of food, which is good, cause I really like food. I have lost 119 pounds eating this way, and I don't see me going back.
    Wow! Congratulations on your incredible weight loss and healthy outlook!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    If it doesn't work for you, you can always go back. I think it makes you expend a bit more effort and think a bit more when you eat, and that tends to mean less junk and less unconscious eating. That can help in weight loss.
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    I "accidently" eat about 99.9% vegan, lol I only make exceptions for ice cream on occasion, lol and I feel so much better when I am eating that way!!!
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    P.S. I never have to worry about getting enough protein or iron. I get PLENTY of that without trying! I do take a multivitamin that has B12, and I also use Nutritional Yeast in my cooking sometimes. I keep an eye on my calcium, but that hasn't really been a problem and I don't need to take a supplement on a regular basis.

    How do you do it? The iron, that is. I am really trying, but am nearly always low. Protein is simple for me, calcium relatively easy, but iron? Nope!

    Spirulina is an excellent source of iron. and protein. you can buy it in tablets
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I can't live without fish...salmon once a week or I die! Not really, but it's my favorite treat once a week. I mainly do the pescetarian route now. But, if I am at a family event and meat is the only option, I'll still eat it...just not a lot, since I have lost the taste for it. I also don't know how I would survive without eggs...that is one of my favorite cooking items.
  • JacquiMarie70
    JacquiMarie70 Posts: 62 Member
    Lets all try and support each others with some of our own recipes?!
  • SkinnyMozza
    SkinnyMozza Posts: 66 Member
    Kale and Spinach are very high in Iron :)
  • organic0gf
    organic0gf Posts: 87 Member
    I also, recently, made a drastic change in my diet. I felt so bad all the time and would get rapid heartbeat after eating (this was all my life). I cut out gluten, dairy, went organic, and anti-inflammatory foods. I felt better and better and now I feel great most days! I blame the gluten for most of my problems and I've been lactose intolerant all my life. But, in changing my diet, I found I was eating less and less meat and now I just use meat more for flavoring rather than a main course. Gotta admit, going all the way (vegan) is mighty tempting. Good luck!
  • JeanMarieJ
    JeanMarieJ Posts: 53 Member
    I'm vegetarian over 17 years!! Friend me Veggies or those who don't mind veggies :) I'm not preachy ;)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    How will you get your protein?????

    You don't have to eat meat to get protein. Protein is in everything we eat and our body does marvelous things to break it all down and create the protein we need. Also, there is an abundance of food that is not meat that is incredibly protein dense. These include legumes, such as chickpeas and kidney beans, tofu, quinoa, nuts and seeds, avocado, lentils, brown rice, barley, and spinach even. The list goes on and on.

    I know I was being sarcastic with the OP! I was Vegan for four years! :-)


    Oh! That protein question is so tiresome as you are obviously aware! haha!


  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Most of my protein comes from dairy sources, so I'd say that I'm mostly vegetarian until I buy a packages of meat at Costco or something.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and it's great! :) Beware of jumping in all at once, though. A lot of people have negative repercussions from it, but as long as your nutrient intake is well balanced that awesome!! :D
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I hope that doesn't happen to me.

    Because Bacon.