Support and tips please :)

Hi all. Please take a look at my diary and give me some tips! I want to loose a good 2 stone. I have lost 8lb so far (in 3 weeks) and wanna keep going but my motivation is flagging and I am starting to eat badly again! I am starting to think I will never loose weight :(


  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    I'm a lazy American and don't want to look up what the conversion of 2-stone is to lbs, so I'm not going to do it... But the best thing I can say is stick to it. Give yourself a short-term goal... Say "I want to lose 5 lbs by the end of June." When you reach that goal you'll feel great, and set a goal for the next month. Stick with your plan for 3 months or so, it will become habit. If you have some setbacks or a bad day, it's not the end of the world. Keep your eye on the prize. Don't get obsessed with daily weigh-ins, you'll drive yourself nuts with daily weight fluctuations. I never thought I'd be able to lose weight, I haven't quite made it half-way to my goal, but I strive to get closer every day, even though I've plateaued recently. Eventually it'll break and I'll start losing again, I know if I stop I'll lose everything I worked so hard for in the past 5 months. Best of luck, you can do it if you are truly committed.
  • I am just starting back on but I am totally jealous that you have lost 8lbs in 3 weeks! That is great, great progress!! Keep it up! I did take a look at your menu really quick. Watch your sodium and increase your protein and I bet you will have no problem reaching your goal. Again, 8lbs in 3 weeks is amazing and I hope/wish I can follow in your footsteps. Keep it up! Bravo!!
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    Please take a look at my diary and give me some tips! I want to loose a good 2 stone. asked for us to view your diary and give you tips. I will be gentle.

    1.) You are consistently not eating enough calories. While this will cause you to lose weight at first your body will soon go into starvation mode because it thinks that food is unavailable. This will mean that soon everything you put in your mouth will cause you to gain weight as your body tries to hold on to fat during this time of famine.

    2.) Veggies veggies veggies. I'm certainly no saint about veggies myself right now. A trip to the market is due and I have only carrots and celery on hand. But I know that veggies (and lots of them) are a requirement to eating healthy and I don't see a lot of them in your diary. That day you had the cauliflower, plum tomatoes and mushrooms was a good veggie day, though!

    3.) I do believe that we all need some kind of treat in moderation. The Pop-Tart and ice cream guy always says that 25% of his daily calories go to some kind of treat (like his 1000 calorie ice cream sandwiches made with Pop-Tarts.) However, for the rest of us who cannot afford 1000 calories on treats, we have to be more reasonable. 25% of yours would mean 300 calories per day can go to treats. The large milkshake would be over that. The same for the Stilton. The good news about both of those things is that you can get the milk shake in a smaller size and you can eat a little less of the cheese to still have a nice treat.

    Unfortunately there are two reasons I cannot suggest taking a look at my diary for inspiration. First, I have been on vacation and while I certainly ate better this time than I ever have before on vacation my diary isn't looking so stellar these days. Second, my daily caloric limit is 1750 so I eat a lot more than you do.

    Maybe there are some other users on MFP who have a 1200 calorie daily limit who have open diaries that will share some guidance?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hi all. Please take a look at my diary and give me some tips! I want to loose a good 2 stone. I have lost 8lb so far (in 3 weeks) and wanna keep going but my motivation is flagging and I am starting to eat badly again! I am starting to think I will never loose weight :(

    Best tip I have is to stop starving yourself. You are losing motivation because your body needs food. Eat the calories MFP tells you to. You will lose the weight more quickly because you will be able to stick to it longer.
  • ekdenton
    ekdenton Posts: 3
    Thanks guys! Ive done a big shop now so got lots of veggies and some yummy yoghurts. I have not actually gone too much under 1200 its when I've not filled in. I usually have around 1000-1500 per day. Also 2 stone is 28lbs.
  • ekdenton
    ekdenton Posts: 3
    Aw thankyou!!!
  • jblackjr
    jblackjr Posts: 89 Member
    One things I have noticed about dieting and trying to eat a healthy and clean is that you have to eat often. For me personally I have breakfast, "2nd breakfast" sometimes its a snack though, lunch, mid day snack, dinner, late snack. Try and not let yourself get hungry, this way you can eat smaller portions and always feel satisfied. I find I'm much more likely to cheat if I allow msyelf to get really hungry because then I feel like I have to over stuff myself in order to feel satisfied. I am allowed 1,950 calories per day in order to lose 1lb of weight per week. So my typical day goes something like this.

    6am - Breakfast - Smoothie - usually a green smoothie : 333 cals
    9 - 9:30am - 2nd breakfast - 1/2 cup oatmeal with fruit and 1bls of honey - 250 cals
    11-11:30 am - Lunch - Usually whatever I had for dinner the previous night - usually keep this under 500 cals
    2pm - Mid day snack - Fruit - 100 - 200 cals
    6pm - Dinner - Usually keep this around 500-650cals
    8pm - Late snack - Usually just a glass of chocolate almond milk - 100cals

    This usually comes out to around 1800-1950 calories. The days I would out I try to allow those calories to simply go into my deficit pool but sometimes you just gotta have fun with them and indulge yourself into a higher calorie snack.

    Also try not to get caught up into the "Fruit is high in sugar" problem. Yes fruit juice isn't that good for you, however your not getting just the juice when you eat the fruit, your getting all the fiber that comes along with it. Fruit has a wonderful way of having just the right fiber to sugar ratio. So enjoy the fruit and don't worry when your sugar is two to three times what MFP recommends, I've lost 50lbs and about 20% body fat and my sugar is always way over the "allowed" limit.