Am I wasting my time?

Hi all

Just started my journey - was 252lbs on 20th May and lost 6lbs in 11 days (246lbs on 31st May). Am closely logging all food, pretty much stopped snacking entirely and am doing 45 mins of circuits every weekday and running 3.5 miles at least once a weekend. Was feeling really happy till I weighed again today (a week later) and am still at 246lbs. Why the hell haven't I lost? Is it even worth carrying on trying?


  • SydneyRenee2
    SydneyRenee2 Posts: 49 Member
    Don't distress too much. It could be your muscles retaining water for repair. It's good to eat about 5-6 times a day so snacking is fine as long as they're healthy. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water too. You're doing great so far so keep up the hard work!!
  • vecchioni
    vecchioni Posts: 11 Member
    Not to burst Sydney's bubble but you don't have to eat 5-6 times a day. That's a total myth. And you can eat as early or as late as you want too! Try to up your protein intake and lower your carb intake. And make sure 25% of your calories are fat calories. Very necessary in any diet to keep you functionally correctly :)
  • ruizv17
    ruizv17 Posts: 26 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Make sure that you are imputing your food everyday, Also make sure you are not leaving too much time between meals and that you are eating enough for the amount of activity you are doing. You don't want your body to be stressed during this process. Stay with it!!! You will get there.
  • SydneyRenee2
    SydneyRenee2 Posts: 49 Member
    What works for one person doesn't always work for another. For me eating smaller meals more often has helped boost my metabolism. Also, if I eat late the scales don't budge so I try to not to at least three hours before bedtime. :)
  • tados
    tados Posts: 68
    How do you feel? Your weight does not tell the whole story. You should be looking how your body is changing, I bet your muscles feel tighter. You also said that you were felling happy until you weighed your self, this means that mentally your feeling good.
    Remember that your journey to a healthier life is a marathon, not a sprint
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Losing weight is like watching paint dry. Keep eating right, and getting in exercise. Take some measurements and forget the scale.
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    You could be retaining water check your sodium intake, you could be building muscle it does weigh more then fat. I would also check and make sure you are logging everything going in to your body, weigh your food make sure you are not over portioning. If you are eating exercise calories back you maybe burning fewer calories then you are are logging which would eliminate any calorie deficit.

    It took you a long time to put that weight on don't expect it to come off in a few weeks, please don't think about this as a diet to loose weight if you do you most likely will gain it all back you need to think of this as a diet in the Greek definition "a way of living"

    Snacking will not cause you to gain or stop loosing weight unless you do not log the calories. Many people snack throughout the day so they do not feel starved when a meal time comes up which means they do not eat as much during meal times.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    How do you feel? Your weight does not tell the whole story. You should be looking how your body is changing, I bet your muscles feel tighter. You also said that you were felling happy until you weighed your self, this means that mentally your feeling good.
    Remember that your journey to a healthier life is a marathon, not a sprint


    Take your measurements and pay attention to how you feel & how your clothes fit. About a month into my work on MFP, I was discouraged because I was exactly the same weight as the week before. One of my friends suggested I take my measurements, and I'd had lost 1.5" on my waist and 1" on my hips during that week.

    It sounds like you're keeping good tabs on your food, just make sure you're eating enough to fuel your body for all that exercise you're doing. Keep trying to find what works for you, and things will start to happen. Good luck!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Hi all

    Just started my journey - was 252lbs on 20th May and lost 6lbs in 11 days (246lbs on 31st May). Am closely logging all food, pretty much stopped snacking entirely and am doing 45 mins of circuits every weekday and running 3.5 miles at least once a weekend. Was feeling really happy till I weighed again today (a week later) and am still at 246lbs. Why the hell haven't I lost? Is it even worth carrying on trying?

    Try a little patience, please.
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    It's just one week. I know it's discouraging, but keep doing what you're doing and see what happens next week.

    I was 222lbs when I first started exercising and counting calories. I lost 8lbs the first week (mostly water weight, obviously) and the next week I didn't lose ANYTHING! I freaked out too. I was so upset and felt like I was doing something wrong. Since then, I have consistently lost weight weekly. The beginning is hard, but it will become much easier once you start seeing weight-loss trends and get to know your body a bit better.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Yes it's worth it, stay after it. What you are seeing on the scale could be water retention
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi all

    Just started my journey - was 252lbs on 20th May and lost 6lbs in 11 days (246lbs on 31st May). Am closely logging all food, pretty much stopped snacking entirely and am doing 45 mins of circuits every weekday and running 3.5 miles at least once a weekend. Was feeling really happy till I weighed again today (a week later) and am still at 246lbs. Why the hell haven't I lost? Is it even worth carrying on trying?

    So you're mad that you lost 6 lbs since May 20th and are already wanting to give up? O_o Yes, with that attitude you might as well throw in the towel. Sorry to sound harsh, but what did you really expect? To continue to lose weight at that rate?

    You dropped a bunch of water weight very quickly, now there is where the real work comes in. Keep at it, giving up isn't going to get you to where you want to be. Weight loss is never completely linear, and you can't compare to how fast or slow someone else loses. You might want to look at how much (or how little) you are eating. I haven't looked at your diary. The TDEE -20% method is very popular for a reason, it works. Or get some kind of device that tracks your calories burned all day so you know how much to eat and maintain a deficit. There are people in the forums that use all kinds of stuff like the Jawbone, FitBit, I use the BodyMedia LINK armband, and I think there are others.

    Bottom line - if you are going to want to give up after not seeing the scale move for just 1 week, you are in for a long and disappointing journey.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Sometimes we do everything right and gain or maintain and other weeks we might slack off and still lose. Make sure to keep an eye on the overall trend of losing and not let one week discourage you and make you feel like you are wasting your time. Be patient and good job on your loss so far!
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    I'm with you Sydney, the eating every two hours works for me. My calorie count is actually lower when I eat more often then when I used to eat twice a day. I hate when people say "hate to burst your bubble but it doesn't work". How do you know? Did you try this? Everyone truly does lose weight differently. I know people who have stopped drinking soda and they lost 10 pounds in a month with only that change. I think I've only had 10 cans the past year and a half and no change.

    Don't get discouraged OP! Just keep going. The first month is always the hardest for me because you expect everything to happen right away but it is small changes over time. Before you know it, it's been three months and you not only look a lot better, you feel better. I haven't lost that much because it's been 3 weeks, but I feel worlds better.
  • pinkly14fun2
    Weight is not linear. It comes off at different rates. Also, the weight wasn't put on in a month and unfortunately it seems to come off at a slower rate than gaining it. Keep at it, the payoff in the end will be worth it.
  • RomaBella910
    Eating healthy and being active is absolutely worth it. It's not always about weight loss. You are taking care of your body and living a healthy lifestyle, and that is the most important thing. Don't give up!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    How are your clothes fitting, have you used a tape measure and taken measurements. Sometimes those are better than the scales.
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    it is worth it - honestly! Double check the accuracy of your logging; weigh your food and consider something like a heart rate monitor to accurately record your calorie burn. The MFP estimates for burns are very often far too high. Stick with it :flowerforyou:
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    There are many reasons you could weigh the same this week. I've been sitting on the same weight for a month. When I took my measurements I had lost a total of 5.5" from various parts of my body. Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean that your body isn't changing.

    There are any number of reasons you did not lose weight and I would guess it's a combination of things. Just be patient, keep it up and don't get discouraged. No matter how much we all wish it would the excess weight doesn't just disappear as soon as we decide to do something about it. It's so much harder to lose the weight than gain it. In the end it's worth all the sweat and hard work though. Stick with it and one day people won't believe you're the same person.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    One, stop being so negative! You lose 6 pounds in under 3 weeks, that's definitely on target for the healthy 2 pound per week goal! AND you're making several wonderful changes for your health by getting active and eating better! Way to go!

    Two, as others said, it could be water weight. You didn't say how new you are to working out or working out that much... If this is fairly new to you then you're probably sore. When you're sore, your muscles are retaining water and glycogen as part of the natural healing process. 1 cup of water weighs half a pound (a gallon weighs about 8 pounds) so you can imagine how little water it takes for the scale to stop or even go up a bit when you're retaiing water.

    High sodium intake and monthly cycle can also influence water weight.

    So as others said, just be patient and keep doing what you're doing.

    When I started losing weight, it was coming off great but then totally stalled out for a couple of weeks becuase I started going to the gym. Next week I lost FOUR pounds! Not saying this is what will happen to you exactly but as others have pointed out, weight loss isn't linear. I can't tell you how many times I or my friends got all frustrated from a plateau and then all of a sudden we get a big drop in weight. You have to learn to roll with it.

    No need to be in such a rush. You got this!