New here

Hi, my personal Trainer has recommended this site to me. I'm having trouble shedding the pounds that I'm hopeing to lose even though I Im a regular at the gym and do everything right there. My goal is 30lbs and Im determined to make it. Gained weight after pregnancy but I'm finding it alot hard to shed this time around compared to my first. My last 2 weigh in did not show any change so I'm on here looking for some motivation :) And a way to keep mu love of food in control


  • nlucas88
    Hi Tyleasha, I have just started working out again. We have started a new woman's group where we all learn how to eat healthy, exercise, accountability and support. Are you watching your calorie intake? We are doing 1200 calories a day on a 12 week program and at least 3.5 hours of exercise a week. I have lost 2 lbs. this week since I've started. Maybe some of this could help you if you aren't doing them now? Good luck.
  • Tyleasha
    Hey I would love to check out your womens group. Whats the name for it and where would I go to look for it? Im totally new to this site and have no idea where to go to look for things lol
  • tbrewer29
    Welcome Tyleasha... I'm new too and I love this site... There are so many supportive members - good luck on your weight loss!