How did you get started...

On May 28th, I started using this app. My sister had been telling me about it, she was using it for a few weeks, but I didn't really hear her out at first, because I really wanted to do weight watchers (I had done it in the past and knew it worked). I was telling her that I needed to go each week and weigh in and go to the meetings to have accountability. Well, the more she is telling me about the app, and showing me, I decide to go ahead and download it on my phone. I am now totally addicted to this app. I think I spend as much time on here as I do on facebook, lol. We decided to go to the store and buy a scale, and now we weigh ourselves every Tuesday. In that first week, I lost 3.8 pounds!
So, since we started this app, I thought about how everyone was doing a 30 day squat challenge back in April, and posted about it on facebook, and had quite a few people interested in joining. I now have about 10 friends who have also downloaded the app, and are participating in the 30 day squat challenge, as of June 1st. Even my mom and mother in law are doing it with us!
I have a lot of weight to lose, but this app helps keep me motivated, and I like how seamless it is to log on from my phone or from the computer. Using the scanning tool to scan in the food I eat has been great too! Its so easy to track, how could you not!?!
I know that since we started doing this, I have been making better choices, and have been making sure I am getting some type of physical activity in every day (even if its just my squats). I work in an office, and am sitting down all day, and then I used to go home and sit on the couch and watch tv. Now I go home and my husband and I take the kids and the dog for a walk. I love this new healthy mindset I have, and I am looking forward to hitting my goals!


  • shelbyjane2007
    shelbyjane2007 Posts: 44 Member
    Good for you! Stick with it friendb:)
  • Susan0279
    Susan0279 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello, and I am right there with you, I am always on this app. I also tried WW, but I like this app alot better. I got started because I am tired of buying bigger sizes, cried when I went to go clothes shopping and also my husband and I are planning on starting a family so I wanted to lose some weight and get healthier. I started in January at 207 my heaviest ever, fell off for a little bit, but I right back on been on for 60 days straight.

    Good Luck with your journey.
  • Thanks for your responses! Best of luck to you as well :)