Cutting fat



  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    Fat gets stored quickest in the body. Humans CAN store carbs and proteins as fat but it requires more calories to do so. Which means you're better off eating low fat.

    If you're at a calorie deficit, it doesn't matter at all. If you're at maintenance level of calories it doesn't matter at all. If you're at a surplus of calories, you're going to gain weight and put on fat either way. Fat is essential...get your google out and do some research. Monounsaturated fats like those from nuts, avocado, nut butters, olive oil, etc help combat heart disease. You can look at study after study of low fat dieting and note increased rates of heart disease. It is also essential for brain function, nervous system function, hormone regulation, etc. The '80s are over...dietary fat doesn't make you fat. Everyone should be getting about 20-30% of their diet from fat depending on how active they are.

    I am getting no mono fats according to my diary, I had steamed haddock yesterday but the diary says no fats at all? I get approx 10g sat fat. I work out 5x a week, should I increase mono fats?
  • Harder_Better_Faster_Stronger
    Ya bro 20 percent from fat IS low so I agree with you there. You lost me by saying low fat diets INCREASE heart disease LOL. I used this google thing you suggested and found this little gem. "Too much dietary fat can also contribute to overweight. (Fats contain nine calories per gram; over twice as much as the same amount of protein or carbohydrates.) Being overweight can aggravate high blood pressure, place excess strain on your heart, and make it more difficult to stay active and physically fit, thus having a negative impact on your overall cardiovascular health."
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    Charlotte I don't now why you are wanting to cut fat as you look pretty trim already, unless you're one of these anorexic girls who wants a thigh gap.

    Your diary looks pretty good, all nice healthy food, carbs and protein good too. I would just say up the cals to say 1400 and eat more fat (preferably mono) as what you are having at present is way too low. We need fat to survive and for hormone regulation. Get a good steak, salmon, avocado and some almonds inside you.

    As for your weight training add some dead lifts and bent over rows to your routine as these build your core and will tighten your stomach. Kettlebells are great too.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I also have three kids, 5, 6 and 8 :) For me personally I've found that doing 8:16 IF with a two meal format and no snacking works really well. I break my fast at 11am with my largest meal of the day and then eat a slightly smaller meal at around 6pm. Love the simplicity of this schedule! I walk 10-12 miles a week and also do a strength training program at home three days a week. I don't eat or drink anything special before or afterwards.

    I'm new to this Hun, what is 8:16?

    8:16 means an 8 hour eating window followed by a 16 hour fasting period. IF stands for intermittent fasting :) Check out leangains for more info-now that guy is cut :)

    Also, good fats are necessary for good health. Don't be afraid to eat it!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Fat gets stored quickest in the body. Humans CAN store carbs and proteins as fat but it requires more calories to do so. Which means you're better off eating low fat.

    Hahahaha, I love these sarcastic posts spouting "knowledge" from the 80s. Please though, don't play with the newbies, this one needs help getting info. Not games.
  • Harder_Better_Faster_Stronger
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Fat gets stored quickest in the body. Humans CAN store carbs and proteins as fat but it requires more calories to do so. Which means you're better off eating low fat.

    If you're at a calorie deficit, it doesn't matter at all. If you're at maintenance level of calories it doesn't matter at all. If you're at a surplus of calories, you're going to gain weight and put on fat either way. Fat is essential...get your google out and do some research. Monounsaturated fats like those from nuts, avocado, nut butters, olive oil, etc help combat heart disease. You can look at study after study of low fat dieting and note increased rates of heart disease. It is also essential for brain function, nervous system function, hormone regulation, etc. The '80s are over...dietary fat doesn't make you fat. Everyone should be getting about 20-30% of their diet from fat depending on how active they are.

    I am getting no mono fats according to my diary, I had steamed haddock yesterday but the diary says no fats at all? I get approx 10g sat fat. I work out 5x a week, should I increase mono fats?

    MUFAs (monounsaturated fats) are good. Not only heart healthy, but also seem to be known for controlling belly fat, though I'm sure are people who would say otherwise. I eat plenty of healthy fats and have not gained weight from it, but have lost. Avocados are packed full of nutrients and healthy fats. I eat about 1/2 of a medium sized one a day. Extra virgin olive oil is also good. Regardless of what other people say, it's done wonders for my waistline.
  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    Charlotte I don't now why you are wanting to cut fat as you look pretty trim already, unless you're one of these anorexic girls who wants a thigh gap.

    Your diary looks pretty good, all nice healthy food, carbs and protein good too. I would just say up the cals to say 1400 and eat more fat (preferably mono) as what you are having at present is way too low. We need fat to survive and for hormone regulation. Get a good steak, salmon, avocado and some almonds inside you.

    As for your weight training add some dead lifts and bent over rows to your routine as these build your core and will tighten your stomach. Kettlebells are great too.

    I don't want to loose inches as I said. I want to loose fat from my tummy and gain muscle. I'm not fussed about my legs, I'd rather you didn't assume I am 'one of those anorexics' thank you.i like curvs, not stick thin girls and I do try to eat fat, I'm not afraid to eat fat but I have gallbladder issues which means its painful to do so. I can how ever tolerate nuts so I will increase these in my diet.

    Thanks for the advice
  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you to all of you who have given me genuine advice. I will up my kcals so I can maintain but will increase mono fats and weights,

  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    I have uploaded some new pics so any of you that think I may have an eating disorder or want to become anorexic can see what I mean. I no way think I am fat in the slightest I just have some little tummy fat that makes my tummy stick out. This is why I was asking the best way to flatten it from this area only
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    You look great in your pictures! I would focus on weight lifting, have you looked into any weight lifting programs? I would suggest looking into stronglifts 5×5, or new rules of lifting for women. also as far as your calorie and macro goals I would suggest this bodybuilding site to calculate them
  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    You look great in your pictures! I would focus on weight lifting, have you looked into any weight lifting programs? I would suggest looking into stronglifts 5×5, or new rules of lifting for women. also as far as your calorie and macro goals I would suggest this bodybuilding site to calculate them

    There's a lot there to work out! Is there a calculator that will so it for you?
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I also think you may be eating too little. And possibly need to up/change your exercise routine to target the areas you want to fix. *that* is what the gym owners/trainers should be advising you on, not meal replacements:noway:
  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    I also think you may be eating too little. And possibly need to up/change your exercise routine to target the areas you want to fix. *that* is what the gym owners/trainers should be advising you on, not meal replacements:noway:

    From all advice given i think I can see where I am gong wrong. I don't try to eat less, I struggle to eat loads as I have a tiny appetite esp when consuming all these filling foods. I am off out today to buy some avocados, nuts and olive oil lol. They should increase my kcal intake
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I just looked at your diary for yesterday. I see two entries for chicken breast, one is 150g the other is 200g.

    Just wondering how the numbers get to be so round? When I weigh food it only comes out that way with things like cheese, and that is only when I set out to measure exactly 100 grams of cheese.
  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    I just looked at your diary for yesterday. I see two entries for chicken breast, one is 150g the other is 200g.

    Just wondering how the numbers get to be so round? When I weigh food it only comes out that way with things like cheese, and that is only when I set out to measure exactly 100 grams of cheese.

    I bought a cooked chicken breast and picked of it. They were estimates tho as I didn't weigh, they were pretty big breasts, I had 3/4 of one and a whole on of the other
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    Eating a certain amount of meals per day does not jump start your metabolism or keep it going-this is a fallacy that's been debunked. Some people prefer to eat several times a day and others prefer one or two large meals a day. But, it's a preference thing and nothing more :)

    Yes. This. This "eat 5x" a day thing is a myth. A lot more goes into your metabolism than when and how often you eat.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    A low fat diet wont mean you lose body fat, they're different things.

    Under 20% body fat for a woman is already low.

    If its shape you're unhappy with, exercise and weight lifting are what you need.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I just looked at your diary for yesterday. I see two entries for chicken breast, one is 150g the other is 200g.

    Just wondering how the numbers get to be so round? When I weigh food it only comes out that way with things like cheese, and that is only when I set out to measure exactly 100 grams of cheese.

    I bought a cooked chicken breast and picked of it. They were estimates tho as I didn't weigh, they were pretty big breasts, I had 3/4 of one and a whole on of the other

    Ok, I think I see your problem.

    I can't imagine pulling off any weight loss without a food scale. If you aren't weighing food, none of this advice you are getting is based in reality because no one actually knows how much you eat.

    Mfp needs a standard questionnaire, because I see this over and over. that's how we get ridiculous theories about eating more to lose more. The nominal deficits often go down while the actual deficits go up as users become better at measuring food. The result is false data and bad conclusions, and "eat more" is the answer given to way too many people.
  • PetiteLittleFlower
    PetiteLittleFlower Posts: 138 Member
    I just looked at your diary for yesterday. I see two entries for chicken breast, one is 150g the other is 200g.

    Just wondering how the numbers get to be so round? When I weigh food it only comes out that way with things like cheese, and that is only when I set out to measure exactly 100 grams of cheese.

    I bought a cooked chicken breast and picked of it. They were estimates tho as I didn't weigh, they were pretty big breasts, I had 3/4 of one and a whole on of the other

    Ok, I think I see your problem.

    I can't imagine pulling off any weight loss without a food scale. If you aren't weighing food, none of this advice you are getting is based in reality because no one actually knows how much you eat.

    Mfp needs a standard questionnaire, because I see this over and over. that's how we get ridiculous theories about eating more to lose more. The nominal deficits often go down while the actual deficits go up as users become better at measuring food. The result is false data and bad conclusions, and "eat more" is the answer given to way too many people.

    Ok. I have weighed/measured everything so far. I will post again once I've done a few date