Vitamins and Supplements

MericoX Posts: 199 Member
Do you take anything to help with your diet, or just for your general well-being?

I take a multivitamin, fish oil, glucosamine, b complex, vitamin c, potassium, and naproxen (naproxen I take twice a day for my knees).


  • anewg
    anewg Posts: 17 Member
    I generally eat a good diet, so I don't take many supplements - just a calcium with D and fish oil. Occasionally some extra C if I'm feeling run down or a multivitamin if my eating isn't up to par.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    AM: I take flax seed oil, probiotics, glucosamin chrond., and natural progesterone cream (my age)
    PM: calcium w/D+magnesium, flax seed oil, progesterone cream

    I try to get my nutrients from the food I eat but supplement a little. A multivitamin seems to make me nauseous. Does anyone have that happen to them? Here's to good health! :drinker:
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    I take just a multi and I have taking Acai Vitamin super chews for energy.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    If I notice that my calcium level isn't going to hit at least 80% RDI I'll take a multivitamin, but I eat a lot of fruit and veggies so I figure I'm pretty well covered.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Just a note, if you can avoid, try not to take more that 6 pills a day. Including prescription meds and supplements. Obviously, some people are unable to avoid due to health concerns, but if you can avoid, it is better for your body. OP, I don't think you need to take a mulitvitamin AND vitamin C. I'm sure the multi has several times your RDI of Vit C. I would also check the potassium level of the multi. You don't want to overdo it. Also, you can eat fruits to get your potassium, like bananas.
    Also, liquid or chewable vitamins are SO much better than pill form. There have been studies done where a multivitamin has passed completely through the system still able to read the name on the pill at the other end. So you may think you're taking your vitamins, but really....
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    I take vitamins for general health: 1 multivitamin, vitamin D, folic acid and 1 fish oil capsule. I always take them with food to increase the likelihood of absorption. Does anybody know of any vitamins that tend to help with weight loss?
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I take a prenatal vitamin, even though I'm not pregnant. It's for just in case. I also drink 1 Myoplex on a workout day for protein.
  • JillMaddox
    Well truth up front, I work for a natural food store, so I take a LOT of vitamins. I find that they help me. But others will not be willing to take that many pills everyday. I also take mostly one brand that works with formulas.

    I take a multi, magnesium, maca, a thyroid formula, an adrenal formula, B complex and an emergen-C

    to help with my weight loss I take - a GTF Chromium and a Fucozanthin product

    For menopause I take - a balance formula, Evening primrose oil, an osteo formula and a formula for hot flashes.

    (PS I am trying not to name brands....)

    I eat well, eat lots of fruits and vegs. I try to eat NON GMO and organic.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I take stuff for general well-being. I take fish oil, glucosamine, and acidolphilus (sp?). I need to add a multivitamin but they make me starved to death...not sure why.
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    I just had a boat load of lab work done as I have begun to see a weigh loss doc. I now take...1000 mg of b-12, 2000 mg of vitamin d, and 2 fish oil capsules. So much fun!
  • NinjaPrincess
    the last issue of muscle and fitness hers had a break down of supplements. I take CLA for fat loss and I think it helps. My multi also has green tea extract which is helpful for fat loss (any weight loss formula usually will have this in it) I also take an omega 3, b complex, a multi and a calcium/vit D. I have the emergn-c bt i only take it during emergencies ha ha ha.... (as in when i am feeling really run down, I actually think its the b vitamins in there that helps more than all the extra vit c). Oh well I have very expensive urine!

    My protien shakes also come with some stuff in them that helps with workout recovery and glutamine I think it is, and BCAAs but I am not sure what they do. I eat really clean so while most of my food is good I am not getting the fortified benefit of cereals which have extra iron etc. If you eat cereal its worth checking if it has extra stuff in it.

    On a similar note I got on the scale this morning and saw 148.8!!! Its the first time I have been below 150 since nursing school :) Lots of hard work at the gym and I just changed my macronutrient ratio to more fat and protien and less carbs and its amazing to get me through my plateau.
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    My wife and I have recently starting taking vitamins and suppliments..I too find that they make me nausated...don't think its the multivitamin because I used to take just that with no lately I don't like the idea of taking all the extra stuff...wish I could pinpoint which one or combos that give me headaches....
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Calcium w/vitamin D - us women gotta keep our bone density up!
  • kaytcas
    kaytcas Posts: 3
    I take one Multivitamin (Women's One-A-Day) every day. I try to remember to take it in the morning but since I need to eat prior to taking one due to the nausea I get, I usually forget to take it with breakfast. So I usually wind up taking it after dinner. =P
  • naturestlc
    naturestlc Posts: 1 Member
    as a degreed naturopath this is the worst advice i've ever seen
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    as a degreed naturopath this is the worst advice i've ever seen

    What is the worst advice you have ever seen? Please explain.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I stopped taking multis all together as they seem to do little but make me I've been using a greens powder instead. It doesn't give me the puke-ish feeling. Anywho, I supplement with the following:

    Magnesium Citrate (more easily absorbed than common magnesium oxide)
    Carlson's fish oil - 1 gelcap per meal.
    2000 IU vitamin D (summer) - 6000 IU (fall/winter/spring) - high potency gels ONLY

    Energy pudding stuff I've been eating after morning workouts:
    3 oz coconut milk
    1 tbsp heavy cream.
    Ground flax - 1 tbsp - good fiber
    1 tbsp Greens+ supplement (again, more fiber and a multitude of vitamins/minerals)
    1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa - good antioxidants
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    I take Viactiv multivitamin, Viactiv calcium chews. D3, fish oil, and a B complex every week day. I usually forget on the weekends. Osteoporosis runs in the family, I am the first one to not have a diagnosis by early 40s. The multi, calcium, and D3 are doctor ordered. The fish oil along with diet and exercise are attempts to stay away from a statin and again doctor recommended. I have until the end of the year to get the cholesterol under control before my doc wants to put me on a statin.
  • JillMaddox
    as a degreed naturopath this is the worst advice i've ever seen

    What is the worst advice you have ever seen? Please explain.

    Yeah.....I am curious
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    For those having trouble with nausea from mulit-vitamins. I found a solution for me. Try a gummy vitamin for ADULTS. They do make them, and they are wonderful. My elderly mom HATES to swallow pills, and she loves these. I like them too, because I don't have to take them with a meal.